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The AWS Certified Advanced Networking - Specialty (ANS-C01) exam is designed
for individuals who perform complex networking tasks and have at least five
years of hands-on experience in network architecture, design, and
implementation. This exam validates advanced technical skills and experience in
designing and implementing AWS and hybrid IT network architectures at scale.
The ANS-C01 exam consists of 65 multiple-choice and multiple-answer questions
and must be completed within 170 minutes. The exam is available in English,
Japanese, Korean, and Simplified Chinese and can be taken at a testing center or
via online proctoring. The cost of the exam is $300.
The exam covers a variety of topics, including designing and implementing hybrid
IT network architectures, advanced networking concepts and technologies,
automation, and security. It also covers AWS-specific topics, such as AWS
networking services, AWS Direct Connect, and Amazon VPC.
To prepare for the exam, candidates should have a strong understanding of
networking concepts and technologies, as well as experience working with AWS
networking services. AWS recommends that candidates have achieved the AWS
Certified Solutions Architect - Associate or AWS Certified Developer - Associate
certification before taking the ANS-C01 exam.
Candidates can also take advantage of AWS training courses, practice exams, and
other resources to prepare for the exam. Upon passing the ANS-C01 exam,
candidates will earn the AWS Certified Advanced Networking - Specialty
The AWS Certified Advanced Networking - Specialty (ANS-C01) exam is intended
for individuals who perform an AWS networking specialist’s role. The exam
validates a candidate’s ability to design, implement, manage, and secure AWS and
hybrid network architectures at scale.
The exam is for individuals who perform complex networking tasks, and
validates an individual’s ability to perform the following tasks:
• Design and develop hybrid and cloud-based networking solutions by using
• Implement core AWS networking services according to AWS best practices
• Operate and maintain hybrid and cloud-based network architecture for all AWS
• Use tools to deploy and automate hybrid and cloud-based AWS networking tasks
• Implement secure AWS networks using AWS native networking constructs and
Target candidate description
The target candidate possesses the knowledge, skills, experience, and
competence to design, implement, and operate complex AWS and hybrid networking
architectures. The target candidate is expected to have 5 or more years of
networking experience with 2 or more years of cloud and hybrid networking
Recommended AWS knowledge
The target candidate should have the following knowledge:
• AWS networking nuances and how they relate to the integration of AWS
• AWS security best practices
• AWS compute and storage options and their underlying consistency models
To view a detailed list of specific tools and technologies that might be covered
on the exam, as well as lists of in-scope and out-of-scope AWS services, refer
to the Appendix.
Exam content
Response types
There are two types of questions on the exam:
• Multiple choice: Has one correct response and three incorrect responses (distractors)
• Multiple response: Has two or more correct responses out of five or more
response options
Select one or more responses that best complete the statement or answer the
question. Distractors, or incorrect answers, are response options that a
candidate with incomplete knowledge or skill might choose. Distractors are
generally plausible
responses that match the content area.
Unanswered questions are scored as incorrect; there is no penalty for guessing.
The exam includes 50 questions that will affect your score.
Unscored content
The exam includes 15 unscored questions that do not affect your score. AWS
collects information about candidate performance on these unscored questions to
evaluate these questions for future use as scored questions. These unscored
questions are not identified on the exam.
Exam results
The AWS Certified Advanced Networking - Specialty (ANS-C01) exam is a pass or
fail exam. The exam is scored against a minimum standard established by AWS
professionals who follow certification industry best practices and guidelines.
Your results for the exam are reported as a scaled score of 100–1,000. The
minimum passing score is 750. Your score shows how you performed on the exam as
a whole and whether or not you passed. Scaled scoring models help equate scores
across multiple exam forms that might have slightly different difficulty levels.
Your score report may contain a table of classifications of your performance at
each section level. This information is intended to provide general feedback
about your exam performance. The exam uses a compensatory scoring model, which
means that you do not need to achieve a passing score in each section. You need
to pass only the overall exam.
Each section of the exam has a specific weighting, so some sections have more
questions than other sections have. The table contains general information that
highlights your strengths and weaknesses. Use caution when interpreting
section-level feedback.
Content outline
This exam guide includes weightings, test domains, and task statements for
the exam. It is not a comprehensive listing of the content on the exam. However,
additional context for each of the task statements is available to help guide
your preparation for the exam. The following table lists the main content
domains and their weightings. The table precedes the complete exam content
outline, which includes the additional context. The percentage in each domain
represents only scored content. Domain % of Exam
Domain 1: Network Design 30%
Domain 2: Network Implementation 26%
Domain 3: Network Management and Operation 20%
Domain 4: Network Security, Compliance, and Governance 24%
TOTAL 100%
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A company is planning to create a service that requires encryption in transit.
The traffic must not be
decrypted between the client and the backend of the service. The company will
implement the
service by using the gRPC protocol over TCP port 443. The service will scale up
to thousands of
simultaneous connections. The backend of the service will be hosted on an Amazon
Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS) duster with the Kubernetes Cluster Autoscaler
and the Horizontal
Pod Autoscaler configured. The company needs to use mutual TLS for two-way
between the client and the backend.
Which solution will meet these requirements?
A. Install the AWS Load Balancer Controller for Kubernetes. Using that
controller, configure a
Network Load Balancer with a TCP listener on port 443 to forward traffic to the
IP addresses of the
backend service Pods.
B. Install the AWS Load Balancer Controller for Kubernetes. Using that
controller, configure an
Application Load Balancer with an HTTPS listener on port 443 to forward traffic
to the IP addresses of
the backend service Pods.
C. Create a target group. Add the EKS managed node group's Auto Scaling group as
a target Create an
Application Load Balancer with an HTTPS listener on port 443 to forward traffic
to the target group.
D. Create a target group. Add the EKS managed node group’s Auto Scaling group
as a target. Create a
Network Load Balancer with a TLS listener on port 443 to forward traffic to the
target group.
Answer: B
A company is deploying a new application in the AWS Cloud. The company wants
a highly available
web server that will sit behind an Elastic Load Balancer. The load balancer will
route requests to
multiple target groups based on the URL in the request. All traffic must use
HTTPS. TLS processing
must be offloaded to the load balancer. The web server must know the user’s IP
address so that the
company can keep accurate logs for security purposes.
Which solution will meet these requirements?
A. Deploy an Application Load Balancer with an HTTPS listener. Use path-based
routing rules to
forward the traffic to the correct target group. Include the X-Forwarded-For
request header with
traffic to the targets.
B. Deploy an Application Load Balancer with an HTTPS listener for each domain.
Use host-based
routing rules to forward the traffic to the correct target group for each
domain. Include the XForwarded-
For request header with traffic to the targets.
C. Deploy a Network Load Balancer with a TLS listener. Use path-based routing
rules to forward the
traffic to the correct target group. Configure client IP address preservation
for traffic to the targets.
D. Deploy a Network Load Balancer with a TLS listener for each domain. Use
host-based routing rules
to forward the traffic to the correct target group for each domain. Configure
client IP address
preservation for traffic to the targets.
Answer: A
An Application Load Balancer (ALB) can be used to route traffic to multiple
target groups based on
the URL in the request. The ALB can be configured with an HTTPS listener to
ensure all traffic uses
HTTPS. TLS processing can be offloaded to the ALB, which reduces the load on the
web server. Pathbased
routing rules can be used to route traffic to the correct target group based on
the URL in the
request. The X-Forwarded-For request header can be included with traffic to the
targets, which will
allow the web server to know the user's IP address and keep accurate logs for
security purposes.
A company has developed an application on AWS that will track inventory levels
of vending machines
and initiate the restocking process automatically. The company plans to
integrate this application
with vending machines and deploy the vending machines in several markets around
the world. The
application resides in a VPC in the us-east-1 Region. The application consists
of an Amazon Elastic
Container Service (Amazon ECS) cluster behind an Application Load Balancer
(ALB). The
communication from the vending machines to the application happens over HTTPS.
The company is planning to use an AWS Global Accelerator accelerator and
configure static IP
addresses of the accelerator in the vending machines for application endpoint
access. The
application must be accessible only through the accelerator and not through a
direct connection over
the internet to the ALB endpoint.
Which solution will meet these requirements?
A. Configure the ALB in a private subnet of the VPC. Attach an internet gateway
without adding
routes in the subnet route tables to point to the internet gateway. Configure
the accelerator with
endpoint groups that include the ALB endpoint. Configure the ALB’s security
group to only allow
inbound traffic from the internet on the ALB listener port.
B. Configure the ALB in a private subnet of the VPC. Configure the accelerator
with endpoint groups
that include the ALB endpoint. Configure the ALB's security group to only allow
inbound traffic from
the internet on the ALB listener port.
C. Configure the ALB in a public subnet of the VPAttach an internet gateway. Add
routes in the subnet
route tables to point to the internet gateway. Configure the accelerator with
endpoint groups that
include the ALB endpoint. Configure the ALB's security group to only allow
inbound traffic from the
accelerator's IP addresses on the ALB listener port.
D. Configure the ALB in a private subnet of the VPC. Attach an internet gateway.
Add routes in the
subnet route tables to point to the internet gateway. Configure the accelerator
with endpoint groups
that include the ALB endpoint. Configure the ALB's security group to only allow
inbound traffic from
the accelerator's IP addresses on the ALB listener port.
Answer: A
A global delivery company is modernizing its fleet management system. The
company has several
business units. Each business unit designs and maintains applications that are
hosted in its own AWS
account in separate application VPCs in the same AWS Region. Each business
unit's applications are
designed to get data from a central shared services VPC.
The company wants the network connectivity architecture to provide granular
security controls. The
architecture also must be able to scale as more business units consume data from
the central shared
services VPC in the future.
Which solution will meet these requirements in the MOST secure manner?
A. Create a central transit gateway. Create a VPC attachment to each application
VPC. Provide full
mesh connectivity between all the VPCs by using the transit gateway.
B. Create VPC peering connections between the central shared services VPC and
each application
VPC in each business unit's AWS account.
C. Create VPC endpoint services powered by AWS PrivateLink in the central shared
services VPCreate
VPC endpoints in each application VPC.
D. Create a central transit VPC with a VPN appliance from AWS Marketplace.
Create a VPN
attachment from each VPC to the transit VPC. Provide full mesh connectivity
among all the VPCs.
Answer: C
A company uses a 4 Gbps AWS Direct Connect dedicated connection with a link
aggregation group
(LAG) bundle to connect to five VPCs that are deployed in the us-east-1 Region.
Each VPC serves a
different business unit and uses its own private VIF for connectivity to the
on-premises environment.
Users are reporting slowness when they access resources that are hosted on AWS.
A network engineer finds that there are sudden increases in throughput and that
the Direct Connect
connection becomes saturated at the same time for about an hour each business
day. The company
wants to know which business unit is causing the sudden increase in throughput.
The network
engineer must find out this information and implement a solution to resolve the
Which solution will meet these requirements?
I always enjoy Scott Duffy training videos. I like how this followed the skills
outline from Amazon.
It was a great course which helped me to clear ANS-C01, I had previous experience
in QnA Maker and Bot services but other major areas are very well covered by
Scott. In the practice test I scored 70% in the first attempt.. but it gave
proper understanding and logic building thrust.
This course is a great walkthrough Azure Cognitive Services, but definitely not
prep material for ANS-C01 exam.
Scott: cleard my exam in one week
Despite being recently updated this course feels out of date, for example there
are 31 minutes of videos on QnA maker, but this service does not appear on the
current study guide and its not clear from the course content how this differs
from its replacement (Azure Cognitive Service for Language).
Furthermore, 10 minutes of videos on knowledge mining feels low for an area that
makes up 15-20% of the exam
I have cleared exam today with 900!, these mock tests were very helpful to me
and highly recommended. Thank you
Successfully cleared ANS-C01 exam today with 960 marks. All the questions similar
and came from this Mock tests. Thanks a lot certkingdom.
Hillary - CANADA
Oct 26, 2022
Rating: 4.3 / 5.0
I studied and pass my exams using cerkingdom material carefully and took every
question seriously. At last, I passed the exam with high score. Prepare well and
study much more.