Exam: AD0-E559

Cisco AD0-E559 Exam
Vendor Adobe
Certification Adobe Marketo Engage
Exam Code AD0-E559
Exam Title Adobe Marketo Engage Business Practitioner Expert Exam
No. of Questions 50
Last Updated Mar 04, 2025
Product Type Q&A with Details Explanations
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Certkingdom offers AD0-E559 preparation material that is created by dedicated experts providing an integrated solution. Our study material provides a simple and excellent way to pass your certification exams on the first attempt with a guaranteed success.

Exam details:
Level: Expert (1-3 years’ experience)
Passing Score: 32/50
Time: 110 mins
Delivery: Online proctored (requires camera access) or test center proctored
Available languages: English & Japanese
Cost: $225 (global) / $150 (India)
Exam ID: AD0-E559

Minimum experience

You should have:
Approximately 18 months of experience with Marketo features and capabilities needed to create marketing campaigns and utilize customer behavior data

You should be a marketer with experience in:
Building, launching and analyzing campaigns
Working with underlying email behavior and technologies including HTML, integrations, databases, and CRM

Additionally, you should be familiar with the following tools and technologies:
Adobe Marketo Engage
Excel and CSV file format
API concepts
CRM basics
Social media platforms like Facebook and LinkedIn
Microsoft Office
Basic HTML

Intended audience:
Marketing operations manager/specialist/expert/analyst
Digital marketing manager/specialist/expert/analyst
Campaign manager/specialist/expert/analyst
Marketo Engage consultants
Digital/marketing automation manager/specialist/expert/analyst
Marketing systems manager
Demand generation manager
Email marketing manager
Revenue operations manager
Growth operations manager
Martech architect
Marketing technology manager
Integrated campaign managers
Business system analyst

Readiness self-assessment
Complete the online readiness questionnaire to see if your current experience matches the recommended minimum candidate qualification.

Exam objectives and Details

Section 1: Administration and Maintenance (12%)
Determine mapping process between Marketo and CRM
Identify what happened to an asset using the Audit Trail
Recognize differences between users and roles
Given a scenario, identify the best fit for using workspace and partitions
Identify CRM platforms with native Marketo synchronization
Given a scenario, locate where information is referenced

Section 2: Marketing Activities/Campaign Management (46%)
Demonstrate an understanding of Smart Campaigns, logic, constraints and flow steps
Given a scenario, define the next step
Identify the root cause of a problem
Interpret the relationship between programs, channels, tags and period cost
Demonstrate/apply the correct configuration to Engagement Programs
Give examples of usage for different types of tokens
Summarize the utility of Webhooks in Marketo and how they are used
Identify and apply the appropriate use of the PMCF
Explain the benefits of Global Assets and how to use them
Demonstrate the capabilities of forms
Perform and analyze an A/B test strategy
Identify where a program or asset has been referenced with ‘Used By’
Troubleshoot communication limits
Use Webinar provider information in an event program

Section 3: Lead Management (12%)
Outline the key decision points in defining the lifecycle model
Apply best practices around lead scoring
Implement the appropriate interesting moments
Interpret the lead activity log
Given a scenario, identify the creation source

Section 4: Data Management (10%)
Demonstrate how to set up a data management program
Analyze an instance’s data quality
Identify a few key pieces of Marketo’s data retention policy as it relates to smart lists
Summarize how segmentation works

Section 5: Reporting (4%)
Given an outcome of a campaign, determine how to set up a program to provide the best reporting
Given a scenario, be able to investigate and assign the appropriate acquisition program

Section 6: Best Practices (16%)
Demonstrate the relevance of lead scoring in marketing and sales collaboration
Illustrate the benefits of the folder structure and naming conventions
Apply best practices around A/B testing
Explain the process to perform a quality check on any Marketo program
Explain the process to perform a quality check on an email

Certkingdom offers a comprehensive AD0-E559 training program and certification resources designed to help you improve your skills, knowledge, and career growth. Our exam files feature hands-on tasks and real-world scenarios, allowing you to become more productive and proficient in new technology standards in just a few days. With our online resources and events, you can learn at your own pace and focus on the topics that matter most to you. We continuously update our study materials to keep up with the latest exam objectives and provide these updates free of charge to our customers. Trust us to provide you with the best AD0-E559 exam training and achieve great results with our exam files.

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A field needs to be created on the Person object that is visible in both CRM and Adobe Marketo Engage.
Which steps always need to be completed in order to accomplish this?

A. Create a field on the lead or contact objects in CRM. provide read/write access to the Adobe Marketo Engage Sync User
B. Create a field on the person object in Adobe Marketo Engage, refresh the schema in Adobe Marketo Engage
C. Create a field on the lead and contact objects in CRM, add this field to Marketing User page layout

Answer: B

Which two Sales CRM platforms are natively synchronized with Adobe Marketo Engage? (Choose two.)

A. Salesforce
B. Zoho
C. Microsoft Dynamics
D. Freshworks CRM (Formerly Freshsales)

Answer: A, C

Adobe Marketo Engage natively synchronizes with Salesforce and Microsoft Dynamics CRM
platforms. These are the only two CRM platforms that have a native integration with Adobe Marketo
Engage and do not require any third-party connectors or custom solutions

Michael manages the Adobe Marketo Engage instance for his company. In order to ensure that each
regional team can view and edit only their own programs, Michael has implemented Workspaces.
The team recently hired an intern in the Asia Pacific Japan (APJ) region who will be responsible for
cloning and preparing programs for launch, working strictly within the APJ Workspace. Custom Roles
have not been set up in their Adobe Marketo Engage instance.
What is one step Michael must take in order to limit the intern's access to work strictly to the APJ Workspace?

A. Create a Role for the intern that grants permissions only for the APJ Partition.
B. Create a Role for the intern that grants permissions only for the APJ Workspace.
C. Create a User for the intern that grants access only to the APJ Workspace.

Answer: C

To limit the interns access to work strictly to the APJ Workspace, Michael must create a User for the
intern that grants access only to the APJ Workspace. This can be done by selecting the APJ Workspace
from the Workspaces drop-down menu when creating the User. The User will then only be able to
view and edit programs and assets within that Workspace.

Ajay has joined as the Adobe Marketo Engage Administrator for ACMEWorld theme park. He would
like a comprehensive list of actions that users have taken within the Adobe Marketo Engage instance
in the last six months. Also, he wants to know who updated the Webinar registration landing page in the last month.
Where would Ajay find these details?

A. Check User Login History
B. Use Audit Trail
C. View Lead Activity

Answer: B

To find a comprehensive list of actions that users have taken within the Adobe Marketo Engage
instance in the last six months, Ajay can use Audit Trail. Audit Trail is a feature that tracks all user
activities within an Adobe Marketo Engage instance, such as creating, updating, or deleting
programs, assets, fields, users, roles, etc. Audit Trail also shows who updated the Webinar
registration landing page in the last month by filtering by user name, date range, and activity type.

A business practitioner is building a Center of Excellence' workspace in their Adobe Marketo Engage
Instance to house their best practice landing page and email templates. They would like to build and
store these assets in this workspace in the Design Studio and share them across all workspaces in the
Adobe Marketo Engage instance.
What does the business practitioner need to do in order to share these assets across all workspaces?

A. Put them inside a folder and share that folder with the other desired workspaces.
B. Clone them to the Design Studio of the other desired workspaces.
C. Approve them and they will automatically be shared with all other workspaces.

Answer: A

To share landing page and email templates across all workspaces in the Adobe Marketo Engage

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These are real testimonials.

Congratulations on passing 10 exams in just one month with the help of CertKingdom guides, Mike! We're thrilled to hear that our study materials were able to assist you in achieving your goals. Thank you for your positive feedback and support. We'll continue to strive to provide the best resources and help more individuals achieve their certification goals.

It was a great course which helped me to clear AD0-E559, I had previous experience in QnA Maker and Bot services but other major areas are very well covered by Scott. In the practice test I scored 70% in the first attempt.. but it gave proper understanding and logic building thrust.

This course is a great walkthrough Azure Cognitive Services, but definitely not prep material for AD0-E559 exam.

Scott: cleard my exam in one week
Despite being recently updated this course feels out of date, for example there are 31 minutes of videos on QnA maker, but this service does not appear on the current study guide and its not clear from the course content how this differs from its replacement (Azure Cognitive Service for Language).

Furthermore, 10 minutes of videos on knowledge mining feels low for an area that makes up 15-20% of the exam

I studied and pass my exams using cerkingdom material carefully and took every question seriously. At last, I passed the exam with high score. Prepare well and study much more.
Congratulations on passing your exam with a high score using Certkingdom's material! It's great to hear that you took every question seriously and prepared well for the exam. Keep up the good work and continue to study hard for your future endeavors. Best of luck!

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