Exam: C1000-156

IBM C1000-156 Exam
Vendor IBM
Certification IBM Certified Administrator
Exam Code C1000-156
Exam Title IBM Security QRadar SIEM V7.5 Administration Exam
No. of Questions 62
Last Updated Mar 01, 2025
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The IBM C1000-156 exam, titled "IBM Security QRadar SIEM V7.5 Administration," is designed to certify individuals in administering the IBM Security QRadar SIEM (Security Information and Event Management) solution. Here are some key details about the exam:

Exam Objectives
The exam tests your knowledge and skills in the following areas:
1. QRadar Architecture and Deployment: Understanding the components and architecture of QRadar SIEM, as well as its deployment and configuration.
2. System Configuration: Managing and configuring QRadar systems including data sources, network hierarchy, and log source configurations.
3. Event and Flow Processing: Handling event and flow data, including parsing, normalization, and correlation.
4. Offense Management: Creating and managing offenses, including offense rules and strategies for offense investigation.
5. Searches and Reporting: Conducting searches and generating reports within QRadar.
6. Administrative Tasks: Performing system maintenance, troubleshooting, and managing user roles and permissions.

Exam Format
- Number of Questions: Approximately 61 questions
- Type of Questions: Multiple-choice and multiple-response questions
- Duration: 90 minutes
- Passing Score: Varies; typically, a passing score is around 65% to 75%
- Language: English

or the most up-to-date and detailed information, including any changes to the exam structure or objectives,

The IBM C1000-156 exam, also known as the IBM Security QRadar SIEM V7.5 Administration exam, assesses a candidate's ability to implement, administer, and troubleshoot IBM QRadar SIEM solutions. Here are the main topics covered in the C1000-156 exam:

1. IBM Security QRadar SIEM Overview
- Understanding the architecture and components of QRadar SIEM.
- Knowledge of data sources and data flow within QRadar.
- QRadar deployment options and configurations.

2. Deployment and Installation
- Installing QRadar in different environments (on-premises, cloud, and hybrid).
- Configuring network and system settings.
- Managing deployment and licensing.

3. System Configuration and Management
- Administering system settings and user accounts.
- Managing QRadar system resources and tuning performance.
- Configuring data retention and storage policies.

4. Log Source Management
- Adding and managing log sources.
- Configuring log source parameters and log source groups.
- Troubleshooting log source issues.

5. Network Hierarchy and Flow Collection
- Configuring network hierarchy.
- Managing flow data and flow processors.
- Integrating flow collectors and flow processors.

6. Offenses and Rules
- Understanding offense management and the offense lifecycle.
- Creating and managing QRadar rules.
- Tuning and optimizing offense rules.

7.  Custom Properties and Content Management
- Creating and managing custom properties.
- Developing and deploying custom content such as searches, reports, and dashboards.
- Using the QRadar Content Management Tool.

 8. Searches, Filters, and Reports
- Conducting basic and advanced searches.
- Utilizing filters to refine search results.
- Creating and managing reports.

9. Integrations and Apps
- Integrating QRadar with other IBM Security products and third-party applications.
- Managing and deploying QRadar applications.
- Configuring and using the QRadar App Framework.

10. Backup and Recovery
- Performing system backups and restores.
- Configuring disaster recovery settings.
- Managing data replication and high availability.

11. Troubleshooting and Maintenance
- Identifying and resolving common issues in QRadar.
- Using diagnostic tools and logs for troubleshooting.
- Performing routine maintenance and system health checks.

12. Security and Compliance
- Ensuring QRadar is compliant with security policies and regulations.
- Managing user roles and access controls.
- Configuring encryption and secure communications.

These topics cover a wide range of skills and knowledge areas required for effectively administering and managing IBM QRadar SIEM solutions. Familiarity with these areas will help candidates prepare for the C1000-156 exam.

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When configuring a log source, which protocols are used when receiving data into the event ingress component?

B. Syslog, HTTP Receiver, SNMP
C. Syslog, FTP Receiver, SNMP
D. Syslog, HTTP Receiver, JDBC

Answer: B

When configuring a log source in IBM QRadar SIEM V7.5, the protocols used to receive data into the
event ingress component are critical for ensuring proper data collection and analysis.
The main protocols that are supported for this purpose are:
Syslog: A widely used protocol for message logging, supported by many network devices and servers.
HTTP Receiver: Allows QRadar to receive logs via HTTP POST requests, enabling integration with
various web services and applications.
SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol): Used for collecting and organizing information about
managed devices on IP networks and for modifying that information to change device behavior.
IBM QRadar SIEM documentation and product guides confirm that these are the supported protocols
for receiving data into the event ingress component. The specific details on protocol support can be
found in the QRadar SIEM administration and configuration manuals.

Which User Management option manages the QRadar functions that the user can access?

A. Security Profile
B. Admin Role
C. Security Options
D. User Role

Answer: A

In IBM QRadar SIEM V7.5, managing what functions a user can access is crucial for maintaining
security and ensuring that users have appropriate permissions. The Security Profile option is used to
manage these access controls. Here's how it works:
Security Profile: Defines the specific permissions and roles assigned to users, dictating what actions
they can perform within QRadar. This includes access to various modules, dashboards, and functionalities.
User Role: While related, user roles are more about grouping users with similar permissions rather than defining individual access.
Admin Role: Typically reserved for users with administrative privileges but does not manage the specific functions users can access.
Security Options: This is not a relevant option for managing user access to QRadar functions.
IBM QRadar SIEM V7.5 documentation details how security profiles are configured and managed,
providing comprehensive steps on assigning and modifying user access based on roles and profiles.


Which is a benefit of a lazy search?

A. Getting results that are limited to a specific range
B. Providing every result no matter the quantity of the search results
C. Finding lOCs quickly
D. Searching across domains for any configured user

Answer: A

A lazy search in IBM QRadar SIEM V7.5 is designed to optimize the performance of search queries by
limiting the amount of data retrieved and processed at any given time. This is particularly beneficial
in environments with large datasets. Here's a detailed explanation:
Limited Results: Lazy searches limit the search results to a specific range, allowing users to get
manageable chunks of data without overwhelming the system.
Performance Optimization: By reducing the amount of data processed in a single search, lazy
searches improve query performance and reduce resource usage.
Incremental Data Retrieval: Users can incrementally retrieve more data as needed, making it easier
to handle and analyze large datasets without performance degradation.
The functionality and benefits of lazy searches are detailed in the IBM QRadar SIEM V7.5 user guides,
which explain how to configure and use lazy searches for efficient data retrieval and analysis.


Which profile database does the Server Discovery function use to discover several types of servers on a network?

A. Flow profile database
B. Network profile database
C. Domain profile database
D. Asset profile database

Answer: D

The Server Discovery function in IBM QRadar SIEM V7.5 uses the Asset Profile Database to discover
various types of servers on a network. This database stores detailed information about the assets,
including server types, configurations, and roles within the network. Here's how it works:
Asset Profile Database: This is the central repository that contains all the discovered asset information.
Discovery Process: During the discovery process, QRadar scans the network to identify servers and
other devices, collecting information such as IP addresses, open ports, services, and operating systems.
Classification: The collected data is then analyzed and classified, updating the Asset Profile Database
with the types of servers discovered.
IBM QRadar SIEM documentation specifies the use of the Asset Profile Database for server discovery
functionalities and provides details on configuring and managing asset profiles.


Which command does an administrator run in QRadar to get a list of installed applications and their
App-ID values output to the screen?

A. opt/qradar/support/deployment_info.sh
B. /opt/qradar/support/recon ps
C. /opt/qradar/support/recon connect 1005
D. /opt/qradar/support/threadTop.sh

Answer: A

To get a list of installed applications and their App-ID values in IBM QRadar SIEM, the administrator
can run the following command:
Command: /opt/qradar/support/deployment_info.sh
Function: This command outputs detailed information about the current deployment, including a list
of all installed applications and their associated App-ID values.
Usage: The administrator executes this command in the terminal, and the information is displayed on the screen.

IBM QRadar SIEM V7.5 administration guides include this command as a standard tool for retrieving
deployment information, including details about installed applications and their IDs.

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Students Feedback / Reviews/ Discussion

Mahrous Mostafa Adel Amin 1 week, 2 days ago - Abuhib- United Arab Emirates
Passed the exam today, Got 98 questions in total, and 2 of them weren’t from exam topics. Rest of them was exactly the same!
upvoted 4 times

Mbongiseni Dlongolo - South Africa2 weeks, 5 days ago

Thank you so much, I passed C1000-156 today! 41 questions out of 44 are from Certkingdom
upvoted 2 times

Kenyon Stefanie 1 month, 1 week ago - USA State / Province = Virginia

Thank you so much, huge help! I passed C1000-156 IBM today! The big majority of questions were from here.
upvoted 2 times

Danny 1 month, 1 week ago - United States CUSTOMER_STATE_NAME: Costa Mesa = USA
Passed the exam today, 100% points. Got 44 questions in total, and 3 of them weren’t from exam topics. Rest of them was exactly the same!

MENESES RAUL 93% 2 week ago - USA = Texas
was from this topic! I did buy the contributor access. Thank you certkingdom!
upvoted 4 times

Zemljaric Rok 1 month, 2 weeks ago - Ljubljana Slovenia

Cleared my exam today - Over 80% questions from here, many thanks certkingdom and everyone for the meaningful discussions.
upvoted 2 times

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