Exam: D-PDD-DY-23

Dell EMC D-PDD-DY-23 Exam
Vendor Dell EMC
Certification Dell EMC PowerProtect DD Deploy
Exam Code D-PDD-DY-23
Exam Title Dell PowerProtect DD Deploy 2023 Exam
No. of Questions 91
Last Updated Mar 04, 2025
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Duration 120 minutes
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Certification Overview
This Proven Certification benefits any professional who needs to demonstrate their ability to deploy Dell PowerProtect DD systems.
Certification Requirements
To successfully complete this certification, a candidate must:
1. Have a sufficient knowledgebase/skill set through hands-on product experience and/or by consuming the recommended training.
2. Pass the Dell PowerProtect DD Deploy 2023 exam.

Note: These details reflect certification requirements as of November 10, 2023.

The Proven Professional Program periodically updates Certifications to reflect technical currency and relevance. Please check the Proven Professional website regularly for the latest information.

Exam Overview
This exam assesses the knowledge and skills required to deploy PowerProtect DD systems in a production environment and provision according to business needs. This exam also includes configuration tasks that are consistent with the ongoing management of PowerProtect DD systems and integration with other products.

Products likely to be referred to on this exam include but are not limited to:
• DDOS 7.11
• PowerProtect DD VE 7.11
• PowerProtect DD hardware models

Exam Topics
Topics likely to be covered on this exam include:

Dell PowerProtect DD Concepts and Features (12%)
• Explain the key differentiators of the Dell PowerProtect DD deduplication technology, including SISL, DIA, In-line versus Post Process deduplication, and file versus block storage
• Identify typical Dell PowerProtect DD backup and recovery solutions and describe PowerProtect DD product positioning
• Describe Dell PowerProtect DD software components and features and the functionality they enable

Dell PowerProtect DD Hardware Installation (16%)
• Prepare the Dell PowerProtect DD system for installation, including rail and rack the system hardware, and connect and cable the system to external storage
• Perform the initial configurations of the Dell PowerProtect DD system, configure the network for administrative access, and verify interoperability with connected devices

Dell Cloud Tier Implementation and Administration (12%)
• Describe Dell Cloud Tier features, benefits, architecture and use cases
• Install and configure Dell PowerProtect DD systems with Dell Cloud Tier; including system racking and cabling, configuration of the active and archive tiers, establishment of data movement policies and upgrading the system
• Configure Dell PowerProtect DD systems with the Dell Cloud Tier, including adding and expanding storage, adjusting compression settings, deleting or reusing storage units, configuring replication and disaster recovery

PowerProtect DD Implementation in Backup Environments and Integration with Application Software (24%)
• Distinguish between key backup software components
• Recognize the packet flow in a typical backup environment with and without an Dell PowerProtect DD system
• Describe key information points for a backup and recovery solution using DD Boost/OST technology
• Implement the PowerProtect DD system as a CIFS or NFS to a backup server running Symantec NetBackup and/or Backup Exec, Dell NetWorker, CommVault Simpana, and IBM Tivoli Storage Manager. Validate the backup and recovery functionalities
• Implement and validate the PowerProtect DD system as a VTL
• Implement and validate DD Boost in Symantec NetBackup and Backup Exec environments, Oracle Recovery Manager (RMAN) environments, as well as in Dell NetWorker and Dell Avamar environments
• Apply best practices and system tuning procedures for optimal performance of backup environments including integrated Dell PowerProtect DD systems

PowerProtect DD System Administration (36%)
• Implement Dell PowerProtect DD system with key protocols, including NFS/CIFS, DD Boost, VTL, and NDMP
• Implement Dell PowerProtect DD system with key technologies, including data security, link aggregation/failover, fibre channel connections, secure multi-tenancy, DDMC, smart scale, snapshots, fastcopy, retention lock, sanitization, encryption, storage migration, replication, and recovery functionalities
• Manage system access and describe and configure autosupport, Support bundle, SNMP, and Syslog
• Monitor system activity and performance and evaluate the cleaning frequency
• Verify hardware and analyze and interpret space utilization and compression graphs
• Monitor PowerProtect DD capacity and estimate storage burn rate
The percentages after each topic above reflects the approximate distribution of the total question set across the exam.

The following training is recommended for candidates preparing to take this exam.

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What is the maximum number of PowerProtect DD systems that can be used in a Smart Scale data center?

A. 64
B. 32
C. 128
D. 256

Answer: B

By enabling Smart Scale services from DDMC, the Smart Scale architecture pools together a set of DD series appliances into a group under the data center in which they are coordinated with each
other for space balancing. Smart Scale supports up to 32 systems in a system pool and four system pools in a data center.

What needs to be configured when implementing LACP on a PowerProtect DD appliance to gain access to the underlying aggregated link connection?

A. NIC Teams
B. DD Boost Interface Groups
C. Virtual network interface
D. Physical network interface

Answer: C

When implementing Link Aggregation Control Protocol (LACP) on a PowerProtect DD appliance, a virtual network interface is created to aggregate the physical interfaces into a single logical link. This
configuration is essential to enable LACP functionality, as it allows the system to balance network traffic effectively across multiple physical connections, enhancing redundancy and throughput. By
aggregating these physical interfaces, the appliance can better handle high data volumes, providing stable and efficient access to the underlying network resources.
The virtual network interface manages the logical grouping, ensuring seamless failover and load balancing between the physical links that comprise the aggregated connection.

What is the maximum number of snapshots per MTree that can be stored on a PowerProtect DD?

A. 750
B. 100
C. 32
D. 128

Answer: A

PowerProtect DD allows up to 750 snapshots per MTree, supporting efficient data protection and recovery with minimal impact on storage resources. This feature provides extensive backup
versioning options for granular data recovery.

An administrator is migrating their old cloud tier-enabled Data Domain to a new PowerProtect DD
appliance with cloud tier. During migration, the administrator recognizes that file system cleaning on the source system is not possible. What is the most likely cause of this behavior?

A. Migration will restrict all activities on both systems
B. Source system is running in restricted mode
C. Filesystem is disabled on the source system
D. Migration will restrict all activities on the source system

Answer: B

When a source system is in restricted mode, certain maintenance tasks, like file system cleaning, are unavailable.
This restriction is typically applied during migrations to prevent data inconsistencies,
ensuring a smooth transfer of data to the new system.
During the migration process from an older Data Domain system with cloud tier capabilities to a new
PowerProtect DD appliance, the source system operates in a "restricted mode." This restricted mode
limits specific functionalities, including file system cleaning. File system cleaning is a maintenance
operation that reclaims storage by deduplication and cleaning up obsolete data. However, to prevent
data inconsistency or interference during migration, this functionality is temporarily disabled on the
source system, thus ensuring data integrity until the migration process is completed.
The restricted mode ensures that all critical operations remain stable and predictable on the source
system, which is essential for a smooth migration to the new environment.

What is the maximum backup speed of PowerProtect DD Virtual Edition using DD Boost?

A. 4.2TB/h
B. 7.0TB/h
C. 9.0TB/h
D. 2.5TB/h

Answer: A

The maximum backup speed of the PowerProtect DD Virtual Edition (DDVE) when utilizing DD Boost
is 4.2TB per hour. DD Boost is a feature that enhances the speed and efficiency of data transfers
between the backup application and the Data Domain appliance by performing deduplication
operations closer to the source, thus reducing network traffic and improving throughput. DDVEs
performance capabilities are optimized for virtualized environments, and the 4.2TB/h rate represents
the upper limit under ideal conditions, maximizing data protection performance in virtual setups.

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Students Feedback / Reviews/ Discussion

Mahrous Mostafa Adel Amin 1 week, 2 days ago - Abuhib- United Arab Emirates
Passed the exam today, Got 98 questions in total, and 2 of them weren’t from exam topics. Rest of them was exactly the same!
upvoted 4 times

Mbongiseni Dlongolo - South Africa2 weeks, 5 days ago

Thank you so much, I passed D-PDD-DY-23 today! 41 questions out of 44 are from Certkingdom
upvoted 2 times

Kenyon Stefanie 1 month, 1 week ago - USA State / Province = Virginia

Thank you so much, huge help! I passed D-PDD-DY-23 Dell EMC today! The big majority of questions were from here.
upvoted 2 times

Danny 1 month, 1 week ago - United States CUSTOMER_STATE_NAME: Costa Mesa = USA
Passed the exam today, 100% points. Got 44 questions in total, and 3 of them weren’t from exam topics. Rest of them was exactly the same!

MENESES RAUL 93% 2 week ago - USA = Texas
was from this topic! I did buy the contributor access. Thank you certkingdom!
upvoted 4 times

Zemljaric Rok 1 month, 2 weeks ago - Ljubljana Slovenia

Cleared my exam today - Over 80% questions from here, many thanks certkingdom and everyone for the meaningful discussions.
upvoted 2 times

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