Exam: H13-311_V3.5

Huawei H13-311_V3.5 Exam
Vendor Huawei
Certification Huawei Certified ICT Associate
Exam Code H13-311_V3.5
Exam Title HCIA-AI V3.5
No. of Questions 60
Last Updated Mar 01, 2025
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The H13-311_V3.5 exam is part of the Huawei certification path, specifically for the Huawei Certified ICT Associate (HCIA-AI V3.5) certification. This certification is designed to help candidates develop foundational knowledge in artificial intelligence (AI) and its applications. Here's a breakdown of the exam details:

Exam Overview
- Exam Code: H13-311_V3.5
- Certification Level: Huawei Certified ICT Associate (HCIA-AI)
- Version: V3.5 (indicating this is an updated version of the exam)

Key Exam Topics
The exam typically covers the following AI-related concepts:

1. Introduction to Artificial Intelligence:
- Basic AI concepts and history.
- Key AI technologies, including machine learning, deep learning, and neural networks.

2. Machine Learning:
- Types of machine learning (supervised, unsupervised, and reinforcement learning).
- Common algorithms (e.g., decision trees, SVMs, k-NN, etc.).
- Training and validation of models.

3. Deep Learning:
- Neural networks (CNNs, RNNs, etc.).
- Key frameworks like TensorFlow and Keras.
- Model optimization and evaluation.

4. Application of AI:
- Real-world AI use cases in industries like healthcare, finance, and transportation.
- AI application development using Huawei's AI platforms.

5. AI Frameworks & Tools:
- Overview of popular AI frameworks.
- Using Huawei’s AI development platforms and tools for AI projects.

6. Ethics and AI Development:
- Ethical considerations in AI.
- Challenges and future trends in AI development.

Exam Format
- Number of Questions: Typically between 60-70 multiple-choice questions.
- Duration: 90 minutes.
- Passing Score: Huawei usually requires a passing score of around 60-70%.
- Language: The exam is available in multiple languages, including English and Chinese.

Preparation Tips
- Study Resources: Huawei offers official training materials, including courses, webinars, and documentation on its AI platforms.
- Hands-On Practice: Use Huawei’s AI development environments or other open-source AI platforms to gain practical experience.
- Mock Exams: Practicing with mock exams can help gauge your readiness and familiarize you with the exam format.

Target Audience

This certification is ideal for:

- AI enthusiasts looking to gain foundational AI knowledge.
- Professionals interested in AI solutions in industries like IT, telecommunications, and more.
- Individuals looking to work with Huawei AI technologies and platforms.

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As we understand more about machine learning, we will find that its scope is constantly changing over time.


Answer: A

Machine learning is a rapidly evolving field, and its scope indeed changes over time. With
advancements in computational power, the introduction of new algorithms, frameworks, and
techniques, and the growing availability of data, the capabilities of machine learning have expanded
significantly. Initially, machine learning was limited to simpler algorithms like linear regression,
decision trees, and k-nearest neighbors. Over time, however, more complex approaches such as
deep learning and reinforcement learning have emerged, dramatically increasing the applications
and effectiveness of machine learning solutions.
In the Huawei HCIA-AI curriculum, it is emphasized that AI, especially machine learning, has become
more powerful due to these continuous developments, allowing it to be applied to broader and
more complex problems. The framework and methodologies in machine learning have evolved,
making it possible to perform more sophisticated tasks such as real-time decision-making, image
recognition, natural language processing, and even autonomous driving.
As technology advances, the scope of machine learning will continue to shift, providing new
opportunities for innovation. This is why it is important to stay updated on recent developments to
fully leverage machine learning in various AI applications.
Reference: Huawei HCIA-AI Certification, Machine Learning Overview.

As the cornerstone of Huawei's full-stack, all-scenario AI solution, it provides modules, boards, and servers powered by the Ascend AI processor to meet customer demand for computing power in all scenarios.

A. Atlas
C. MindSpore
D. ModelArts

Answer: A

Atlas is a key part of Huawei's full-stack, all-scenario AI solution. It provides AI hardware resources in
the form of modules, boards, edge stations, and servers powered by Huawei's Ascend AI processors.
The Atlas series is designed to meet customer demands for AI computing power in a variety of
deployment scenarios, including cloud, edge, and device environments.
Huaweis full-stack AI solution aims to deliver comprehensive AI capabilities across different levels.
The Atlas series supports a wide range of industries by offering scalable AI computing resources,
which are critical for industries dealing with large volumes of data and needing high-performance computing.
Reference: Huawei HCIA-AI Certification, Introduction to Huawei AI Platforms.

Huawei's full-stack AI solution includes Ascend, MindSpore, and ModelArts. (Enter an acronym.)

D. None of the above

Answer: C

CANN (Compute Architecture for Neural Networks) is part of Huawei's full-stack AI solution, which
includes Ascend (hardware), MindSpore (AI framework), and ModelArts (AI development platform).
CANN optimizes the computing efficiency of AI models and provides basic software components for
the Ascend AI processors. This architecture supports deep learning and machine learning tasks by
enhancing computational performance and providing better neural network training efficiency.
Together, Ascend, MindSpore, and CANN form a critical infrastructure that underpins Huaweis AI
development ecosystem, allowing seamless integration from hardware to software.
Reference: Huawei HCIA-AI Certification, AI Development Framework and Platforms.

The concept of "artificial intelligence" was first proposed in the year of:

A. 1950
B. 1956
C. 1960
D. 1965

Answer: B

The concept of "artificial intelligence" was first formally introduced in 1956 during the Dartmouth
Conference, organized by John McCarthy, Marvin Minsky, Nathaniel Rochester, and Claude Shannon.
This event is widely regarded as the birth of AI as a field of study. The conference aimed to explore
the idea that human intelligence could be simulated by machines, laying the groundwork for
subsequent AI research and development.
This date is significant in the history of AI because it marked the beginning of a concentrated effort to
develop machines that could mimic cognitive functions such as learning, reasoning, and problemsolving.
Reference: Huawei HCIA-AI Certification, AI Overview.

Which of the following are subfields of AI?

A. Backpropagation algorithm
B. Expert system
C. Smart finance
D. Computer vision

Answer: B, D

Artificial intelligence is a broad field that encompasses several subfields. Two key subfields are:
Expert systems, which are computer programs that mimic the decision-making abilities of a human
expert by reasoning through bodies of knowledge. These systems are used in various domains such
as healthcare, engineering, and finance.
Computer vision, which enables machines to interpret and understand visual data from the world. It
includes tasks such as object detection, image recognition, and video analysis.
While options like backpropagation and smart finance are related to AI, they represent specific
algorithms or application areas rather than broad subfields.
Reference: Huawei HCIA-AI Certification, AI Overview and Applications.

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Students Feedback / Reviews/ Discussion

Mahrous Mostafa Adel Amin 1 week, 2 days ago - Abuhib- United Arab Emirates
Passed the exam today, Got 98 questions in total, and 2 of them weren’t from exam topics. Rest of them was exactly the same!
upvoted 4 times

Mbongiseni Dlongolo - South Africa2 weeks, 5 days ago

Thank you so much, I passed H13-311_V3.5 today! 41 questions out of 44 are from Certkingdom
upvoted 2 times

Kenyon Stefanie 1 month, 1 week ago - USA State / Province = Virginia

Thank you so much, huge help! I passed H13-311_V3.5 Huawei today! The big majority of questions were from here.
upvoted 2 times

Danny 1 month, 1 week ago - United States CUSTOMER_STATE_NAME: Costa Mesa = USA
Passed the exam today, 100% points. Got 44 questions in total, and 3 of them weren’t from exam topics. Rest of them was exactly the same!

MENESES RAUL 93% 2 week ago - USA = Texas
was from this topic! I did buy the contributor access. Thank you certkingdom!
upvoted 4 times

Zemljaric Rok 1 month, 2 weeks ago - Ljubljana Slovenia

Cleared my exam today - Over 80% questions from here, many thanks certkingdom and everyone for the meaningful discussions.
upvoted 2 times

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