Exam: JN0-252

Juniper JN0-252 Exam
Vendor Juniper
Certification Juniper Mist AI Certification
Exam Code JN0-252
Exam Title Mist AI, Associate Exam
No. of Questions 65
Last Updated Feb 01, 2025
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Exam Code JN0-252
Prerequisite Certification None
Delivered by
Exam Length 90 minutes
Exam Type 65 multiple-choice questions

Juniper certifications are valid for three years. For more information, see Recertification.

Exam Details
Exam questions are derived from the recommended training and the exam resources listed above. Pass/fail status is available immediately after taking the exam. The exam is only provided in English

The Mist AI track enables you to demonstrate a thorough understanding of WLAN technology in general and the Mist AI features and functionality. JNCIA-MistAI, the associate-level certification in this track, is designed for Wireless LAN networking professionals with introductory knowledge of wireless networking using the Mist AI. The written exam for the certification verifies your basic understanding of WLAN and Mist AI technology, features, and functionality.

This track contains three certifications:
JNCIA-MistAI: Mist AI, Associate. For details, see the sections below.
JNCIS-MistAI-Wireless: Mist AI Wireless, Specialist. For details, see JNCIS-MistAI-Wireless.
JNCIS-MistAI-Wired: Mist AI Wired, Specialist. For details, see JNCIS-MistAI-Wired.

Exam Preparation
We recommend the following resources to help you prepare for your exam. However, these resources aren't required, and using them doesn't guarantee you'll pass the exam.

Recommended Training
Introduction to Juniper Mist AI

Exam Resources
Industry/product knowledge
Juniper TechLibrary

Additional Preparation
Juniper Learning Portal
Mist Masters: Self-Paced Online Training

Exam Objectives
Here is a high-level view of the skillset required to successfully complete the JNCIA-MistAI certification exam.

Exam Objective

Juniper Mist Cloud Fundamentals
Identify fundamental concepts about the Juniper Mist cloud-native architecture, including:

AI concepts
Machine learning
Benefits of using cloud-based management
Juniper Mist cloud capabilities and use cases

Juniper Mist Configuration Basics

Identify the concepts or functionality of Juniper Mist AI accounts, including:
Creation and management of user accounts
Capabilities of different account roles
Juniper Mist Cloud user/account authentication methods

Describe the concepts or functionality of Juniper Mist AI initial configurations, including:
Factory default configurations and network connection prerequisites
Device claiming and onboarding
Creation and management of Juniper Mist organizations and sites
Template usage
Labels and policies

Identify the concepts or functionality of Juniper Mist AI advanced configurations, including:
Subscriptions (Licensing)
Certificates (Radsec, Mist)
Auto provisioning

Juniper Mist Network Operations and Management
Identify concepts or functionality of Juniper Mist wireless network management and operations features:
Benefits and features of Juniper Mist Wi-Fi Assurance

Identify concepts or functionality of Juniper Mist wired network management and operations features:
Benefits and features of Juniper Mist Wired Assurance
Benefits and features of Juniper Mist WAN Assurance

Juniper Mist Monitoring and Analytics
Identify the concepts or components of Juniper Mist AI monitoring and analytics, including:
Packet captures
Juniper Mist insights
Audit logs

Marvis™ Virtual Network Assistant AI
Identify the concepts or functionality of Marvis AI, including:
Marvis actions (org-level, site-level)
Marvis queries

Location-based Services
Identify the concepts or components of Location-based Services (LBS), including:
Juniper Mist vBLE concepts (ie. asset visibility, vBLE engagement)
Juniper Mist Cloud Operations

Identify the concepts or components of Juniper Mist APIs

Identify the options of Juniper Mist support
Support tickets
Update information

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You are asked to configure Mist lo send e-mail alerts lo your organization administrators, who all
have mailboxes that reside on the same e-mail server. Alerts are being generated and are visible in
the Mist GUI. but only some administrators are receiving the alert emails.
What Is the problem in this scenario?

A. The affected administrators have not enabled e-mail notifications in their Mist My Account settings.
B. The user e-mail addresses are not correctly formatted.
C. The organization does not have sufficient alert subscriptions.
D. Your e-mail server is blocking e-mail from Mist.

Answer: A

Identify the Problem: Alerts are being generated and visible in the Mist GUI, but only some
administrators receive the alert emails.
Possible Issues:
User email addresses not correctly formatted.
Email server blocking Mist emails.
Insufficient alert subscriptions.
Administrators not enabling email notifications.
Root Cause:
Since some administrators receive the alerts, email formatting and server blocking issues can be ruled out.
If alert subscriptions were insufficient, no administrators would receive the alerts.
The most likely cause is that the affected administrators have not enabled email notifications in their Mist My Account settings.
Ensure that all administrators have enabled email notifications in their Mist My Account settings.
Mist Documentation on Notifications: Mist Documentation

You are troubleshooting a wireless client's issue and you suspect It Is related to DHCP latency.
In this scenario, which SLE should you review in the Mist Ul?

A. Capacity
B. Time to Connect
C. Throughput
D. Coverage

Answer: B

Identify the Problem: Suspected issue related to DHCP latency while troubleshooting a wireless client.
Understanding SLEs:
Capacity: Related to the number of clients and bandwidth.
Time to Connect: Measures the time taken for clients to connect, including DHCP latency.
Throughput: Measures the data transfer rate.
Coverage: Measures the signal strength and coverage area.
Selecting the Appropriate SLE:
Time to Connect is the relevant SLE as it includes metrics on DHCP latency, which affects the connection time.
Review the SLE:
Analyze the Time to Connect SLE to identify any latency issues with DHCP.
Mist Documentation on SLEs: Mist Documentation


You have five clients on the network and 20 minutes of statistics tot each client. In this scenario, how many user minutes does this equal?

A. 100
B. 20
C. 80
D. 120

Answer: A

Identify the Scenario: Five clients on the network and 20 minutes of statistics for each client.
User Minutes = Number of Clients × Duration of Statistics.
User Minutes = 5 clients × 20 minutes per client.
User Minutes = 100.
The total user minutes in this scenario is 100.
Mist Documentation on User Minutes: Mist Documentation


Which Radio Resource Management (RRM) changes are only made once a day between 2:00 AM and 3:00 AM local time?

A. channel and power settings across a site based on long-term statistics and baselines
B. RF template changes to channel width
C. channel and power level changes triggered by SSID scheduling
D. channel and power level changes triggered by DFS events

Answer: A

Identify the Changes: Radio Resource Management (RRM) changes and their timings.
RRM Changes:
Channel and power settings based on long-term statistics.
RF template changes to channel width.
Changes triggered by SSID scheduling.
Changes triggered by DFS events.
Timing of Changes:
Long-term RRM changes to channel and power settings are typically scheduled once a day to avoid disrupting network performance.
Channel and power settings across a site based on long-term statistics and baselines are made once a
day between 2:00 AM and 3:00 AM local time.
Mist Documentation on RRM: Mist Documentation


which two statements are correct? (Choose two.)

A. You will need to log in to Mist every 60 minutes as long as you are viewing this organization.
B. You will need to tog in to Mist every 60 minutes regardless of which organization you are viewing
C. To stay logged In. you will need to perform an action in Mist every 10 minutes as long as you are viewing this organization.
D. To stay logged In. you will need to perform an action in Mist every 10 minutes regardless of which organization you are viewing.

Answer: A C

Identify the Statements:
Login frequency and actions needed to stay logged in.
Login Policies:
Users need to log in to Mist every 60 minutes if viewing a specific organization.
To stay logged in, users need to perform an action every 10 minutes within the organization.
Correct Statements:
You will need to log in to Mist every 60 minutes as long as you are viewing this organization.
To stay logged in, you will need to perform an action in Mist every 10 minutes as long as you are
viewing this organization.
The correct answers are A and C.
Mist Documentation on Login Policies: Mist Documentation


are asked to enable Mist management at an existing site with previously configured EX3400 brownfield switches,
and to add a new greenfield switch, which statement is correct in this scenario?

A. You can mix brownfield switches and greenfield switches as long as they are running a Mistsupportedversion of Junos.
B. You cannot mix greenfield and brownfield switches at the same site.
C. Brownfield switches can be adopted but not managed.
D. You can mix brownfield switches and greenfield switches at the same site, but only if they are running the same version of Junos.

Answer: A

ï‚ꞏ In the context of Mist management, "brownfield" switches refer to those that are already
configured and deployed in a network, while "greenfield" switches are new and have no pre-existing configuration.
ï‚ꞏ Mist supports the integration and management of both brownfield and greenfield switches within the same site. The crucial requirement is that all switches, regardless of their initial state, must be running a version of Junos that is supported by Mist.
ï‚ꞏ This compatibility ensures that Mist can apply policies, configurations, and monitoring uniformly across all devices, facilitating a seamless management experience.
ï‚ꞏ Reference: Juniper Networks documentation on Mist AI and Junos compatibility requirements.

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