Pegasystems PEGACPDC88V1 Exam
Vendor Pegasystems
Certification Pega Certified Decisioning Consultant
Exam Code PEGACPDC88V1
Exam Title Pegasystems Certified Pega Decisioning Consultant 8.8 Exam
No. of Questions 60
Last Updated Mar 04, 2025
Product Type Q&A with Details Explanations
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Certkingdom offers PEGACPDC88V1 preparation material that is created by dedicated experts providing an integrated solution. Our study material provides a simple and excellent way to pass your certification exams on the first attempt with a guaranteed success.

Certified Pega Decisioning Consultant

60 Questions
1 hr 30 mins
Passing Score: 70%
Exam Code: PEGACPDC88V1
Language: English
Retirement Date: N/A
Prerequisites: Decisioning Consultant

About Pegasystems
Pega is the leader in cloud software for customer engagement and operational excellence. The world’s most recognized and successful brands rely on Pega’s AI-powered software to optimize every customer interaction on any channel while ensuring their brand promises are kept. Pega’s low-code application development platform allows enterprises to quickly build and evolve apps to meet their customer and employee needs and drive digital transformation on a global scale. For more than 35 years, Pega has enabled higher customer satisfaction, lower costs, and increased customer lifetime value.

The Certified Pega Decisioning Consultant certification is for professionals participating in the design and development of a Pega Customer Decision Hub™ solution. This certification ensures you have the skills to apply design principles of Next-Best-Action Designer, 1:1 Operations Manager, Decision Strategies, and Predictive Analytics. The exam includes multiple choice, scenario, and drag/drop questions.

Next-Best-Action concepts (10%)
One-to-one customer engagement
Optimize the customer value in the contact center
Essentials of always-on outbound
Define the starting population

Actions and treatments (12%)
Define and manage customer actions
Present a single offer on the web
Define an action for outbound

Engagement policies (12%)

Define customer engagement policies
Create an engagement strategy
Customer journeys

Contact policy and volume constraints (13%)
Avoid overexposure of actions
Avoid overexposure of actions on outbound
Limit action volume on outbound

AI and Arbitration (8%)
Action arbitration
Action prioritization with AI
Prioritize actions with business levers

Channels (10%)
Real-time containers
Create a real-time container
Send offer emails
Share action details with third-party distributors

Decision strategies (25%)

Create and understand decision strategies
Create engagement strategies using customer credit score
Create eligibility rules using customer risk segments

Business agility in 1:1 customer engagement (10%)
Agility in a customer engagement project
Change management process
Building your business operations team
Life cycle of a change request
Change request types
Launching a new offer on web
Updating existing actions
Implementing business changes using Revision Manager

Certkingdom offers a comprehensive PEGACPDC88V1 training program and certification resources designed to help you improve your skills, knowledge, and career growth. Our exam files feature hands-on tasks and real-world scenarios, allowing you to become more productive and proficient in new technology standards in just a few days. With our online resources and events, you can learn at your own pace and focus on the topics that matter most to you. We continuously update our study materials to keep up with the latest exam objectives and provide these updates free of charge to our customers. Trust us to provide you with the best PEGACPDC88V1 exam training and achieve great results with our exam files.

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A volume constraint uses the Return any action that does not exceed
constraint mode. The following tables show the configuration of the volume constraints and the list
of customers in the outbound segment:
The outbound run selects customers in the following order to apply the volume constraints: CUST-01,
CUST-02, CUST-03, and CUST-05.
Based on the configuration of the volume constraints for each channel, which offer does CUST-05 receive?

A. None
B. Silver card and Diamond card
C. Diamond card
D. Silver card

Answer: C

CUST-05 receives the Diamond card offer because it is the only action that does not exceed the
volume constraint for the email channel. The Silver card offer has already reached its limit of 2 emails
per day, so it is not eligible for CUST-05. The volume constraint mode Return any action that does not
exceed means that any action that meets the eligibility and suitability criteria and does not violate
the volume constraint will be returned, even if there are other actions with higher priority or
propensity. Verified Reference: Certified Pega Decisioning Consultant | Pega Academy, Volume constraints

A financial institution has created a new policy that states the company will not send more than 500 emails per day. Which option allows you to implement the requirement?

A. Suppression rules
B. Outbound channel limits
C. Applicability rules
D. Volume constraints

Answer: D

Volume constraints allow you to limit the number of times an action is presented to customers across
one or more channels. You can use volume constraints to implement a policy that restricts the
number of emails sent per day. Outbound channel limits are used to limit the number of customers
contacted per channel per run, not per day. Suppression rules are used to exclude customers from
receiving an action based on certain conditions, such as opt-out preferences or recent purchases.
Applicability rules are used to determine whether an action is relevant for a customer based on their
profile or context, not based on the number of times the action is presented. Verified
Reference: Certified Pega Decisioning Consultant | Pega Academy, Volume constraints


Which of the following reasons explains why a customer might receive an action that they already accepted?

A. The action suitability conditions are not defined.
B. The volume constraint is not set to exclude previously accepted offers.
C. The suppression rules are not defined to exclude previously accepted actions.
D. The actions are filtered based on eligibility.

Answer: B

A customer might receive an action that they already accepted if the volume constraint for that
action is not configured to exclude previously accepted offers. This option can be enabled by
selecting the Exclude previously accepted actions checkbox in the volume constraint configuration.
The action suitability conditions are used to determine whether an action is suitable for a customer
based on their propensity, priority, or other criteria, not based on their previous responses. The
suppression rules are used to exclude customers from receiving an action based on certain
conditions, such as opt-out preferences or recent purchases, not based on their previous responses.
The actions are filtered based on eligibility before applying the volume constraints, so this option
does not explain why a customer might receive an action that they already accepted. Verified
Reference: Certified Pega Decisioning Consultant | Pega Academy, Volume constraints

An outbound run identifies 150 Standard card offers, 75 on email, and 75 on the SMS channel. If the
following volume constraint is applied, how many actions are delivered by the outbound run?

A. 150
B. 75 emails 25 SMSes
C. 75 SMSes and 25 emails
D. 100

Answer: B

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It was a great course which helped me to clear PEGACPDC88V1, I had previous experience in QnA Maker and Bot services but other major areas are very well covered by Scott. In the practice test I scored 70% in the first attempt.. but it gave proper understanding and logic building thrust.

This course is a great walkthrough Azure Cognitive Services, but definitely not prep material for PEGACPDC88V1 exam.

Scott: cleard my exam in one week
Despite being recently updated this course feels out of date, for example there are 31 minutes of videos on QnA maker, but this service does not appear on the current study guide and its not clear from the course content how this differs from its replacement (Azure Cognitive Service for Language).

Furthermore, 10 minutes of videos on knowledge mining feels low for an area that makes up 15-20% of the exam

I studied and pass my exams using cerkingdom material carefully and took every question seriously. At last, I passed the exam with high score. Prepare well and study much more.
Congratulations on passing your exam with a high score using Certkingdom's material! It's great to hear that you took every question seriously and prepared well for the exam. Keep up the good work and continue to study hard for your future endeavors. Best of luck!

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