Vendor Pegasystems
Certification Pegasystems Certified Senior System Architect
Exam Title Certified Pega Senior System Architect 23 Exam
No. of Questions 141
Last Updated Mar 03, 2025
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About Pegasystems
Pega is the leader in cloud software for customer engagement and operational excellence. The world’s most recognized and successful brands rely on Pega’s AI-powered software to optimize every customer interaction on any channel while ensuring their brand promises are kept. Pega’s low-code application development platform allows enterprises to quickly build and evolve apps to meet their customer and employee needs and drive digital transformation on a global scale. For more than 35 years, Pega has enabled higher customer satisfaction, lower costs, and increased customer lifetime value.

Certified Pega Senior System Architect
60 Questions
1 hr 30 mins
Passing Score: 70%

The Certified Pega Senior System Architect version '23 certification validates the ability to use Pega to design and build for reusability across multiple lines of business, and includes applying best practices, understanding application debugging, understanding performance tuning and system maintenance techniques, and addressing security/access requirements in an application.

Exam Code: PEGACPSSA23V1
Language: English
Retirement Date: N/A
Prerequisites : Senior System Architect

Exam topics (% of exam)

Application Development (28%)
Define the Enterprise Class Structure
Create an application with the New Application wizard
Understand the rule resolution process; adjust rule availability
Identify how circumstancing affects application behavior
Circumstance rules on a single variable or multiple variables
Differentiate between a queue processor and a job scheduler
Identify the role and elements of activities in case processing
Automate actions when a property value changes
Promote rule reuse with relevant records
Identify the role and impacts of application versioning; Use of ruleset skimming
Configure and validate application rulesets
Branch rulesets for parallel development
Migrate an application; use of product rules

Case Management (15%)

Differentiate between work groups, work queues, and organizational structures
Configure parallel processing for cases
Manage concurrent case access; locking strategies
Configure flow action pre- and post-processing
Extend service-level agreement configurations

Data and Integration (19%)
Validate data against a pattern
Identify use cases for keyed data pages
Exchange data with other applications
Manage integration settings
Address integration errors in connectors
Expose an application with a web service

User Experience (5%)
Create and customize Pega Web Mashups
Configure Pega Web Mashup authentication

Reporting (5%)
Design reports with multiple sources; associations and joins

Performance (7%)

Measure System Performance; use of performance-related tools
Debug system performance
Review log files: Distinguish system events and performance events

Security (16%)
Distinguish between role-based, attribute-based, and client-based access control
Organize and manage case attachments
Secure data with data encryption

Mobile (5%)
Differentiate between the delivery options for mobile devices
Design applications for mobile use; use of certificate sets

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The Static Assembler is used to address rules assembly issues due to which cause?

A. The server is managing a large number of rules caches.
B. Access groups contain multiple production rulesets.
C. A new application is migrated to the production system.
D. The application record lists several branch rulesets.

Answer: A

The Static Assembler is a Pega tool used to address rules assembly issues specifically when the server
is managing a large number of rules caches. By pre-assembling rules into a static content, the Static
Assembler helps in improving performance in situations where cache management becomes
complex due to the volume of rules. It creates a set of static files that represents the assembled
rules, which can reduce the overhead on the server during rule assembly and cache management.
Reference: Pega official documentation on performance tools and best practices.

Which two actions do you perform when using the Performance Analyzer (PAL) to ensure that you obtain accurate performance data? (Choose Two)

A. Run the process to completion first to perform needed rule assembly and avoid skewed results.
B. Capture PAL readings after significant changes to a process to identify any performance impact.
C. Capture a PAL reading for a process with good performance to establish a benchmark for comparison.
D. Run PAL as an end user to account for any performance differences due to the portal itself.

Answer: A, B

A: Running the process to completion before capturing PAL readings is important because it ensures
that all the necessary rule assemblies have taken place. If you measure performance without doing
this, the rule assembly might skew the results by adding additional overhead.
B: Capturing PAL readings after significant changes to a process helps in identifying any performance
impacts due to those changes. This allows you to compare the performance data before and after
changes to assess their impact. Reference: Pega official documentation on Performance Analyzer (PAL).


A user reports that an application takes five seconds to complete a step and present the next step in a process. Which tool allows you to gather and analyze performance data for the form submission?

A. Performance Profiler
B. Performance Analyzer (PAL)
C. Database Trace
D. Tracer

Answer: B

The Performance Analyzer (PAL) is the correct tool to gather and analyze performance data for the
form submission that takes a significant amount of time. PAL tracks the interaction with the Pega
Platform and provides metrics related to the performance of activities, rules, and system functions
over time, which is essential for identifying the cause of the delay during form submission.
Reference: Pega official documentation on PAL.


Which two statements about guardrails are true? (Choose Two)

A. Each rule may have multiple guardrail warnings.
B. Pega Platform performs guardrail examination when a rule is checked out.
C. Pega Platform performs guardrail examination when a rule is saved.
D. A developer receives a guardrail warning for rules checked out by other developers.

Answer: A, C

A: Each rule in Pega can indeed have multiple guardrail warnings. These warnings indicate the degree
to which the rule deviates from Pega's best practices.
C: Pega Platform performs a guardrail examination when a rule is saved. This is to ensure that
developers are immediately aware of any potential issues that may arise from the rule they are
creating or modifying. Reference: Pega official documentation on compliance score and guardrails.


Which three statements about the guardrail score are true? (Choose Three)

A. The Application Guardrails landing page counts the number of rules with severe or moderate guardrail warnings.
B. Guardrail scores do not include Pega Platform core rules.
C. The Application Guardrails landing page counts the number of rules with no warnings or cautionlevel guardrail warnings.
D. A weighted compliance score above 90 signifies that an application is ready for general distribution.
E. Rules with unjustified warnings are not counted in the compliance score.

Answer: ABC

A: The Application Guardrails landing page does count the number of rules with severe or moderate warnings, as these can have a significant impact on the application's performance and maintainability.
B: Guardrail scores exclude Pega Platform core rules since these are established by Pega and are assumed to be optimized.
C: The landing page also counts the number of rules with no warnings or caution-level warnings, which contribute positively to the overall compliance score. Reference: Pega official documentation on the Application Guardrails landing page and guardrail scores.


An assignment service-level agreement (SLA) is configured with the following details:
* Initial urgency: 20
* Assignment ready: Timed delay of 1 hour
* Goal: 5 hours and increase urgency by 10
* Deadline: 8 hours and increase urgency by 20
* Passed deadline: 2 hours, increase urgency by 20, and limit events to 5
Assuming no other urgency adjustments, what is the assignment urgency 16 hours after the case reaches the assignment?

A. 100
B. 90
C. 130
D. 70

Answer: B

Sixteen hours after the case reaches the assignment, the assignment urgency is calculated as follows:
Initial urgency (20) + Urgency after goal (10) + Urgency after deadline (20) + Urgency after passing
the deadline (2 hours passed, urgency increases by 20, and this event repeats for the limit of 5 times,
so 20x5=100). Adding these together: 20 + 10 + 20 + 100 = 150. However, since none of the options
matches this calculation, there might be an error in the given options or a misinterpretation of the
question. Based on the provided options, 90 would be the closest, indicating a possible oversight in
the question. Reference: Pega official documentation on Service Level Agreements (SLAs) and
urgency calculations.

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Students Feedback / Reviews/ Discussion

Mahrous Mostafa Adel Amin 1 week, 2 days ago - Abuhib- United Arab Emirates
Passed the exam today, Got 98 questions in total, and 2 of them weren’t from exam topics. Rest of them was exactly the same!
upvoted 4 times

Mbongiseni Dlongolo - South Africa2 weeks, 5 days ago

Thank you so much, I passed PEGACPSSA23V1 today! 41 questions out of 44 are from Certkingdom
upvoted 2 times

Kenyon Stefanie 1 month, 1 week ago - USA State / Province = Virginia

Thank you so much, huge help! I passed PEGACPSSA23V1 SAP today! The big majority of questions were from here.
upvoted 2 times

Danny 1 month, 1 week ago - United States CUSTOMER_STATE_NAME: Costa Mesa = USA
Passed the exam today, 100% points. Got 44 questions in total, and 3 of them weren’t from exam topics. Rest of them was exactly the same!

MENESES RAUL 93% 2 week ago - USA = Texas
was from this topic! I did buy the contributor access. Thank you certkingdom!
upvoted 4 times

Zemljaric Rok 1 month, 2 weeks ago - Ljubljana Slovenia

Cleared my exam today - Over 80% questions from here, many thanks certkingdom and everyone for the meaningful discussions.
upvoted 2 times

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