Exam: PK0-005

CompTIA PK0-005 Exam
Vendor CompTIA
Certification CompTIA Project+
Exam Code PK0-005
Exam Title CompTIA Project+ Certification Exam
No. of Questions 291
Last Updated Mar 04, 2025
Product Type Q&A PDF / Desktop & Android VCE Simulator / Online Testing Engine
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Certkingdom offers PK0-005 preparation material that is created by dedicated experts providing an integrated solution. Our study material provides a simple and excellent way to pass your certification exams on the first attempt with a guaranteed success.

CompTIA Project+ PK0-005
CompTIA has recently updated the content of its Project+ certification exam, PK0-005, to ensure that it reflects the latest technologies and skills required in the industry. The exam objectives have been modified to better address IT environments, Agile methodology, and risk management skills. The domains covered in the PK0-005 exam have been rearranged and updated to emphasize IT project management skills, with a focus on project management concepts, project life cycle phases, tools and documentation, and the basics of IT and governance. These changes aim to provide IT professionals with the essential baseline knowledge and skills required for project management in today's technology landscape.

The exam domains covered in CompTIA Project+ (PK0-005) reflect the IT emphasis, as IT project management skills have become very important. The exam domains have been modified and rearranged, as shown in the following table.
2.0 Project Constraints 17%

PK0-005 Exam Domains
1.0 Project Management Concepts 33%
2.0 Project Life Cycle Phases 30%
3.0 Tools and Documentation 19%
4.0 Basics of IT and Governance 18%

It's important to stay up-to-date on the latest changes and updates to certifications like CompTIA Project+. With the release of the new version (PK0-005), many professionals may have questions about what's new and what they need to know. By continuing to read and engage in conversations about the certification, individuals can ensure they are fully prepared for the exam and have the most current knowledge and skills necessary for their career.

Why Is There a New Version of CompTIA Project+?
Yes, that's correct. The update of the CompTIA Project+ certification, PK0-005, reflects the evolving needs of the industry and the latest project management techniques and technologies. The certification continues to provide a foundation of essential knowledge and skills that project management professionals need to succeed in their roles.

What's on the New CompTIA Project+ Exam?
Yes, that's correct. CompTIA Project+ (PK0-005) is designed to cover a broad range of project management concepts and techniques that are relevant to various industries and job roles. It is an entry-level certification that provides a solid foundation for IT professionals to manage small to medium-sized projects effectively. The certification covers topics such as project planning, execution, monitoring and control, project communication, project scope, risk management, and stakeholder management, among others.

In addition to topics you might traditionally associate with project management, the new version of CompTIA Project+ emphasizes the skills needed to manage smaller, less complex projects and ensures the candidate has the knowledge and skills required to:

• Manage the project lifecycle
• Coordinate small- to medium-size projects
• Establish an appropriate communication plan while managing resources and stakeholders and maintaining project documentation
• Support the completion of larger projects within an IT environment

Why Should I Choose CompTIA Project+ Over Other Certifications?

CompTIA Project+ is a vendor-neutral and performance certification.
A vendor-neutral exam means that each exam covers multiple technologies and methods, without confining the candidate to any single one. Vendor-neutrality is important because it ensures IT professionals can perform important job tasks in any environment. IT professionals with vendor-neutral certifications can consider multiple solutions in their approach to problem-solving, making them more flexible and adaptable than those with training in just one methodology.

CompTIA performance certifications validate the skills associated with a particular job or responsibility. They include simulations that require the test taker to demonstrate multi-step knowledge to complete a task.

How Much Does CompTIA Project+ Cost?
The retail price for the new CompTIA Project+ (PK0-005) is $25 USD per exam. Keep reading to learn more about bundles, which can save you money. You can also click on the ad on this page to get 10% off a voucher or training product.

Certkingdom offers a comprehensive PK0-005 training program and certification resources designed to help you improve your skills, knowledge, and career growth. Our exam files feature hands-on tasks and real-world scenarios, allowing you to become more productive and proficient in new technology standards in just a few days. With our online resources and events, you can learn at your own pace and focus on the topics that matter most to you. We continuously update our study materials to keep up with the latest exam objectives and provide these updates free of charge to our customers. Trust us to provide you with the best PK0-005 exam training and achieve great results with our exam files.

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A PM is responsible for implementing a new customer relationship management system and has
learned that the sales organization is reluctant to utilize the new system. The organization's
reluctance could jeopardize the success of the project. Which of the following steps should be taken
to understand the adoption issues and gain organizational acceptance of the initiative? (Select TWO).

A. Train users on the proper use of the system.
B. Escalate the issue to the CCB
C. Hold sessions to understand user challenges.
D. Track system usage and report user activity.
E. Log the issue in the project risk register.
F. Create a memorandum of acceptable use.

Answer: CD

The project manager should hold sessions to understand user challenges and track system usage and
report user activity. These steps will help the project manager to identify the root causes of the
adoption issues and monitor the progress of the system utilization. They will also help to
communicate with the sales organization and provide feedback and support12

Following a successful release, a project manager sent a survey to all stakeholders to gain an
understanding of opportunity areas for the team. Which of the following can use the survey results as an input?

A. Daily stand-up
B. Project momentum
C. Performance feedback
D. Meeting minutes

Answer: C

The project manager can use the survey results as an input for performance feedback for the project
team members. Performance feedback is a process of providing constructive and timely information
on the performance of individuals or teams in relation to project goals and
expectations. Performance feedback can help to motivate, improve, and recognize project team members345
The survey results can be used as an input for performance feedback. Performance feedback involves
analyzing and evaluating the performance of the project team and project management against the
project plan, including identifying areas for improvement. The survey results can help identify these
areas for improvement and provide feedback to the project team on their performance. Reference:
CompTIA Project+ Study Guide Section 4.1.1

Which of the following is an activity that should be used in the closing phase of a project to support the project triple constraint?

A. Evaluating the project
B. Releasing the resources
C. Closing the contracts
D. Reconciling the budget

Answer: A

Evaluating the project is an activity that should be used in the closing phase of a project to support
the project triple constraint. This involves reviewing the project plan, deliverables, and outcomes to
ensure they meet the project objectives and requirements. Reference: CompTIA Project+ Study
Guide Section 4.4.4

During a quality analysis review, the causes of several issues have been highlighted. Which of the
following should the project manager use to identify the MOST important causes?

A. Ishikawa diagram
B. Scatter diagram

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Congratulations on passing 10 exams in just one month with the help of CertKingdom guides, Mike! We're thrilled to hear that our study materials were able to assist you in achieving your goals. Thank you for your positive feedback and support. We'll continue to strive to provide the best resources and help more individuals achieve their certification goals.

It was a great course which helped me to clear PK0-005, I had previous experience in QnA Maker and Bot services but other major areas are very well covered by Scott. In the practice test I scored 70% in the first attempt.. but it gave proper understanding and logic building thrust.

This course is a great walkthrough Azure Cognitive Services, but definitely not prep material for PK0-005 exam.

Scott: cleard my exam in one week
Despite being recently updated this course feels out of date, for example there are 31 minutes of videos on QnA maker, but this service does not appear on the current study guide and its not clear from the course content how this differs from its replacement (Azure Cognitive Service for Language).

Furthermore, 10 minutes of videos on knowledge mining feels low for an area that makes up 15-20% of the exam

I studied and pass my exams using cerkingdom material carefully and took every question seriously. At last, I passed the exam with high score. Prepare well and study much more.
Congratulations on passing your exam with a high score using Certkingdom's material! It's great to hear that you took every question seriously and prepared well for the exam. Keep up the good work and continue to study hard for your future endeavors. Best of luck!

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