Exam: SPLK-1002

SPLK-1002 Exam
Vendor Splunk
Certification Splunk Core Certified Power User
Exam Code SPLK-1002
Exam Title Splunk Core Certified Power User Exam
No. of Questions 297
Last Updated Mar 10, 2025
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Exam Description: The Splunk Core Certified Power User exam is the final step towards completion of the Splunk Core Certified Power User certification. This next-level certification exam is a 57-minute,
60-question assessment which evaluates a candidate’s knowledge and skills of field aliases and calculated fields, creating tags and event types, using macros, creating workflow actions and data
models, and normalizing data with the CIM. Candidates can expect an additional 3 minutes to review the exam agreement, for a total seat time of 60 minutes. Candidates for this certification must complete the
lecture, hands-on labs, and quizzes that are part of the Splunk Fundamentals 2 course in order to be eligible for the certification exam. Splunk Core Certified Power User is a required prerequisite to the
Splunk Enterprise Certified Admin certification track.

This course focuses on searching and reporting commands, as well as on the creation of knowledge objects. Major topics include using transforming commands and visualizations, filtering and formatting
results, correlating events, creating knowledge objects, using field aliases and calculated fields, creating tags and event types, using macros, creating workflow actions and data models, and normalizing data
with the Common Information Model (CIM).

The following content areas are general guidelines for the content to be included on the exam:
* Transforming commands and visualizations
* Filtering and formatting results
* Correlating events
* Knowledge objects
* Fields (field aliases, field extractions, calculated fields)
* Tags and event types
* Macros
* Workflow actions
* Data models
* Splunk Common Information Model (CIM)

The following topics are general guidelines for the content likely to be included on the exam; however,
other related topics may also appear on any specific delivery of the exam. In order to better reflect the
contents of the exam and for clarity purposes, the guidelines below may change at any time without notice.

1.0 Using Transforming Commands for Visualizations 5%
1.1 Use the chart command
1.2 Use the timechart command

2.0 Filtering and Formatting Results 10%
2.1 The eval command
2.2 Use the search and where commands to filter results
2.3 The fillnull command

3.0 Correlating Events 15%

3.1 Identify transactions
3.2 Group events using fields
3.3 Group events using fields and time
3.4 Search with transactions
3.5 Report on transactions
3.6 Determine when to use transactions vs. stats

4.0 Creating and Managing Fields 10%
4.1 Perform regex field extractions using the Field Extractor (FX)
4.2 Perform delimiter field extractions using the FX

5.0 Creating Field Aliases and Calculated Fields 10%
5.1 Describe, create, and use field aliases
5.2 Describe, create, and use calculated fields

6.0 Creating Tags and Event Types 10%
6.1 Create and use tags
6.2 Describe event types and their uses
6.3 Create an event type

7.0 Creating and Using Macros 10%
7.1 Describe macros
7.2 Create and use a basic macro
7.3 Define arguments and variables for a macro
7.4 Add and use arguments with a macro

8.0 Creating and Using Workflow Actions 10%
8.1 Describe the function of GET, POST, and Search workflow actions
8.2 Create a GET workflow action
8.3 Create a POST workflow action
8.4 Create a Search workflow action

9.0 Creating Data Models 10%
9.1 Describe the relationship between data models and pivot
9.2 Identify data model attributes
9.3 Create a data model

10.0 Using the Common Information Model (CIM) Add-On 10%
10.1 Describe the Splunk CIM
10.2 List the knowledge objects included with the Splunk CIM Add-On
10.3 Use the CIM Add-On to normalize data

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Sample Question:

You want to use condition exclusion. For which of the following pricing elements can you set the condition exclusion indicator? Note: There are 2 correct answers to this question.

A. Condition record
B. Condition category
C. Condition type groups
D. Condition type

Answer: A, D

Where do you configure the default billing type to be used for delivery-related billing?

A. Copying control
B. Sales document item category
C. Sales document type
D. Delivery type

Answer: C

Which field from the material master is used in route determination in a sales order?

A. Weight group
B. Loading group
C. Transportation group
D. Material freight group

Answer: C, D

You maintain a sales order with several items and apply a freight charge. The system should automatically distribute the freight charge among the items based on the net value. What do you need to do?

A. Set up condition type groups for the freight charge.
B. Set up calculation type B (fixed amount) for the freight charge.
C. Set up the freight charge as a header condition.
D. Assign a group condition routine to the freight charge.

Answer: A

You already have a condition record for a material price that is valid for the whole year. In addition to this standard price, you now have to set up a special sales price for this material that is only valid for
the next two weeks. After this special price period, the standard price should be valid How do you maintain this requirement? Note: There are 2 correct answers to this question.

A. Use the Manage Prices - Sales app.
B. Use the Create condition with template transaction (transaction code VK14).
C. Use the Creation of Price Lists app.
D. Use the Change condition transaction (transaction code VK12).

Answer: A, D

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Students Feedback / Reviews/ Discussion

Mahrous Mostafa Adel Amin 1 week, 2 days ago - Abuhib- United Arab Emirates
Passed the exam today, Got 98 questions in total, and 2 of them weren’t from exam topics. Rest of them was exactly the same!
upvoted 4 times

Mbongiseni Dlongolo - South Africa2 weeks, 5 days ago

Thank you so much, I passed SPLK-1002 today! 41 questions out of 44 are from Certkingdom
upvoted 2 times

Kenyon Stefanie 1 month, 1 week ago - USA State / Province = Virginia

Thank you so much, huge help! I passed SPLK-1002 SAP today! The big majority of questions were from here.
upvoted 2 times

Danny 1 month, 1 week ago - United States CUSTOMER_STATE_NAME: Costa Mesa = USA
Passed the exam today, 100% points. Got 44 questions in total, and 3 of them weren’t from exam topics. Rest of them was exactly the same!

MENESES RAUL 93% 2 week ago - USA = Texas
was from this topic! I did buy the contributor access. Thank you certkingdom!
upvoted 4 times

Zemljaric Rok 1 month, 2 weeks ago - Ljubljana Slovenia

Cleared my exam today - Over 80% questions from here, many thanks certkingdom and everyone for the meaningful discussions.
upvoted 2 times

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