Exam: SnowPro-Core

SAP SnowPro-Core Exam
Vendor Snowflake
Certification SnowPro Core Certification
Exam Code SnowPro-Core
Exam Title SnowPro Core Certification Exam
No. of Questions 629
Last Updated Feb 10, 2025
Product Type Q&A PDF / Desktop & Android VCE Simulator / Online Testing Engine
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The SnowPro Core Certification is designed for individuals who would like to demonstrate their knowledge of the Snowflake AI Data Cloud.

The candidate has a thorough knowledge of:
• Data Loading and Transformation in Snowflake
• Virtual Warehouse Performance and Concurrency
• DDL and DML Queries
• Using Semi-Structured and Unstructured Data
• Cloning and Time Travel
• Data Sharing
• Snowflake Account Structure and Management

6 months + of knowledge using Snowflake

Exam Version: COF-C02
Total Number of Questions: 100
Question Types: Multiple Select, Multiple Choice
Time Limit: 115 minutes
Languages: English & Japanese & Korean
Registration fee: $175 USD
Passing Score: 750 + Scaled Scoring from 0 - 1000
Unscored Content: Exams may include unscored items to gather statistical information for future use. These items are not identified on the form and do not impact your score, and additional time is factored into account for this content.
Prerequisites: No prerequisites
Delivery Options:

This exam guide includes test domains, weightings, and objectives. It is not a comprehensive listing of all the content that will be presented on this examination. The table below lists the main content domains and their weightings.
Domain Domain Weightings on Exams

1.0 Snowflake AI Data Cloud Features & Architecture 25%
2.0 Account Access and Security 20%
3.0 Performance Concepts 15%
4.0 Data Loading and Unloading 10%
5.0 Data Transformations 20%
6.0 Data Protection and Data Sharing 10%

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The fail-safe retention period is how many days?

A. 1 day
B. 7 days
C. 45 days
D. 90 days

Answer: B

Fail-safe is a feature in Snowflake that provides an additional layer of data protection. After the Time
Travel retention period ends, Fail-safe offers a non-configurable 7-day period during which historical
data may be recoverable by Snowflake. This period is designed to protect against accidental data loss
and is not intended for customer access.
Reference: Understanding and viewing Fail-safe | Snowflake Documentation

True or False: A 4X-Large Warehouse may, at times, take longer to provision than a X-Small Warehouse.

A. True
B. False

Answer: A

Provisioning time can vary based on the size of the warehouse. A 4X-Large Warehouse typically has
more resources and may take longer to provision compared to a X-Small Warehouse, which has
fewer resources and can generally be provisioned more quickly.Reference: Understanding and
viewing Fail-safe | Snowflake Documentation

How would you determine the size of the virtual warehouse used for a task?

A. Root task may be executed concurrently (i.e. multiple instances), it is recommended to leave some margins in the execution window to avoid missing instances of execution
B. Querying (select) the size of the stream content would help determine the warehouse size. For example, if querying large stream content, use a larger warehouse size
C. If using the stored procedure to execute multiple SQL statements, it's best to test run the stored
procedure separately to size the compute resource first
D. Since task infrastructure is based on running the task body on schedule, it's recommended to
configure the virtual warehouse for automatic concurrency handling using Multi-cluster warehouse
(MCW) to match the task schedule

Answer: D

The size of the virtual warehouse for a task can be configured to handle concurrency automatically
using a Multi-cluster warehouse (MCW). This is because tasks are designed to run their body on a
schedule, and MCW allows for scaling compute resources to match the tasks execution needs
without manual intervention. Reference: [COF-C02] SnowPro Core Certification Exam Study Guide

The Information Schema and Account Usage Share provide storage information for which of the following objects? (Choose three.)

A. Users
B. Tables
C. Databases
D. Internal Stages

Answer: B, C, D

The Information Schema and Account Usage Share in Snowflake provide metadata and historical
usage data for various objects within a Snowflake account. Specifically, they offer storage information
for Tables, Databases, and Internal Stages. These schemas contain views and table functions that
allow users to query object metadata and usage metrics, such as the amount of data stored and
historical activity.
Tables: The storage information includes data on the daily average amount of data in database tables.
Databases: For databases, the storage usage is calculated based on all the data contained within the database, including tables and stages.
Internal Stages: Internal stages are locations within Snowflake for temporarily storing data, and their storage usage is also tracked.
Reference: The information is verified according to the SnowPro Core Certification Study Guide and Snowflake documentation

What is the default File Format used in the COPY command if one is not specified?

C. Parquet

Answer: A

The default file format for the COPY command in Snowflake, when not specified, is CSV (Comma-
Separated Values). This format is widely used for data exchange because it is simple, easy to read,
and supported by many data analysis tools.

True or False: Reader Accounts are able to extract data from shared data objects for use outside of Snowflake.

A. True
B. False

Answer: B

Reader accounts in Snowflake are designed to allow users to read data shared with them but do not
have the capability to extract data for use outside of Snowflake. They are intended for consuming
shared data within the Snowflake environment only.

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