Exam: H12-731_V2.0

Huawei H12-731_V2.0 Exam
Vendor Huawei
Certification Huawei Certified ICT Expert
Exam Code H12-731_V2.0
Exam Title HCIE-Security (Written) V2.0 Exam
No. of Questions 277
Last Updated Mar 04, 2025
Product Type Q & A with Explanation
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Thank you for your positive feedback about Certkingdom.com. We are happy to hear that our study materials and dedicated specialists have helped you prepare effectively for your certification exams and achieve success.

The H12-731_V2.0 exam is also known as HCIE-Security (Written) exam, and it is one of the highest-level certification exams offered by Huawei. This exam validates the candidate's advanced knowledge and skills in security technologies and solutions.

Here are some details about the exam:
Exam code: H12-731_V2.0
Exam name: HCIE-Security (Written)
Exam duration: 3 hours
Exam format: Multiple choice
Number of questions: 100
Exam language: English

The exam covers a wide range of security technologies and solutions, including network security, application security, security management, and more. Here are the exam topics:
Security Threats and Trends
Network Security
Security of Applications and Data
Security Management and Audit
Security Technologies and Solutions

To prepare for the H12-731_V2.0 exam, it is recommended to take Huawei's HCIE-Security training course, which covers the exam objectives in-depth and provides hands-on practice. Additionally, candidates can use Huawei's study materials, such as exam guides, case studies, and whitepapers, to supplement their learning. Finally, candidates should also practice with sample exam questions and take mock exams to test their knowledge and build confidence for the actual exam.

The H12-731_V2.0 HCIE-Security (Written) exam is intended for security professionals who want to demonstrate their advanced knowledge and skills in security technologies and solutions. This exam is best suited for:
Experienced security engineers
Security consultants
Security managers
Security architects
Network administrators
System administrators

To take this exam, candidates should have a strong foundation in network security, including firewalls, VPNs, IPS/IDS, and other security technologies. Additionally, candidates should have experience in security management, risk management, and compliance and audit. It is recommended that candidates also have at least three to five years of work experience in security-related roles before attempting this exam.

Certkingdom is a comprehensive solution provider that offers a range of study materials and resources for individuals looking to improve their skills, expertise, and career growth. Our training and H12-731_V2.0 Brain Dumps certification resources are designed by experienced specialists, ensuring that you receive the best quality information. Our exams files are based on hands-on tasks and real-world scenarios to provide a comprehensive understanding of the subject matter. Our online resources and events allow you to learn at your own pace, while regular updates to our study materials ensure that you always have access to the latest information. Get the best H12-731_V2.0 Brain Dumps exam training with Certkingdom and achieve your goals with ease."Best Materials Great Results"

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When personal privacy information is violated or leaked How to deal with the adoption of self-help measures?

A. Require the infringer to stop the infringement.
B. Obtain privacy information of infringers and warn them.
C. Call the police and ask the public security authorities to deal with it.
D. Filing a lawsuit in the people's court.

Answer: ACD

According to the requirements of Graded Protection 2.0, the scope of security audits should cover not only every operating system user on the server, but also which of the following

A. Database user
B. Monitor users
C. Configure the user
D. Non-admin users

Answer: A

Databases often store important information about the enterprise, and hackers try to gain profits by destroying servers and databases Therefore. Securing databases is becoming increasingly important.
Which of the following are common database political methods?
A. SQL injection
B. Privilege elevation
C. Eliminate unpatched database vulnerabilities
D. Steal backed-up (unencrypted) tapes
E. Brute force weak password or default username and password

Answer: ABCDE

JDBC is a mechanism for Java applications to talk to various different databases, and ODEC, similar to JDEC, is also an important database access technology.


Answer: B

In the Cloudabric scenario, which of the following ways is the firewall deployed?

A. One machine deployment
B. Primary/standby dual-machine images
C. Dual machine load sharing
D. Hot standby for both active and standby machines

Answer: D

Which of the following options is not included in the data theft phase of HiSec Insight?

A Ping Tunnel detection
B. DNS Turnel detection
C. Traffic base anomaly detection
D. Web anomaly detection

Answer: ABD

When Hisec Insight is linked with terminals, it is mainly linked with the EDR of third-party vendors with cooperative relationships.


Answer: A

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Jason found the certkingdom training  to be enjoyable and helpful as they followed the skills outline from Huawei.

Jason found the CertKingdom course to be great, and it helped him clear the H12-731_V2.0 exam. He appreciated how the training videos followed the skills outline from Huawei and covered all major areas. The practice tests also helped build his understanding and logic.

cleared my exam in one week Despite being recently updated, this course feels out of date. For example, there are 31 minutes of videos on QnA Maker, but this service does not appear on the current study guide and it's not clear from the course content how this differs from its replacement (Azure Cognitive Service for Language). Furthermore, 10 minutes of videos on knowledge mining feels low for an area that makes up 15-20% of the exam.

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It's great to hear that our study materials and practice tests helped our customers like Jason, Richel, David, and Hillary successfully pass their H12-731_V2.0 exams. It's always rewarding to hear about their success and we're glad that we could play a part in helping them reach their goals.

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