Exam: JN0-451

Juniper JN0-451 Exam
Vendor Juniper
Certification Juniper Mist AI Certification
Exam Code JN0-451
Exam Title Juniper Mist AI, Specialist Exam
No. of Questions 79
Last Updated Feb 11, 2025
Product Type Q & A with Explanation
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Thank you for your positive feedback about Certkingdom.com. We are happy to hear that our study materials and dedicated specialists have helped you prepare effectively for your certification exams and achieve success.

Exam Code : JN0-451
Prerequisite Certification : JNCIA-MistAI
Exam Length : 90 minutes
Exam Type : 65 multiple-choice questions
Recertification : Juniper certifications are valid for three years. For more information, see Recertification.

Exam Details
Exam questions are derived from the recommended training and the exam resources listed above. Pass/fail status is available immediately after taking the exam. The exam is only provided in English.

The Mist AI track enables you to demonstrate a thorough understanding of WLAN technology in general and the Mist AI features and functionality. JNCIS-MistAI, the specialist-level certification in this track, is designed for Wireless LAN networking professionals with intermediate knowledge of wireless networking using the Mist AI. The written exam for the certification verifies your intermediate understanding of WLAN and Mist AI technology, features, and functionality.

This track contains two certifications:
JNCIA-MistAI: Mist AI, Associate. For details, see JNCIA-MistAI.
JNCIS-MistAI: Mist AI, Specialist. For details, see the sections below.

Exam Preparation
We recommend the following resources to help you prepare for your exam. However, these resources aren't required, and using them doesn't guarantee you'll pass the exam.

Recommended Training : Juniper Mist AI Networks (MIST)

Exam Resources : Industry/product knowledge
Juniper TechLibrary : Additional Preparation
Juniper Learning Portal

Exam Objectives
Here is a high-level view of the skillset required to successfully complete the JNCIS-MistAI certification exam.

Exam Objective Description
Wi-Fi Fundamentals

Identify the concepts or functionality of basic Wi-Fi technologies:

802.11 physical layer protocols
Frequency bands
RF basics
Modulation and coding
Network arbitration and contention
WLAN association and roaming
WLAN life cycle
Juniper Mist WLAN Architecture and Deployment
Identify the concepts of the Juniper Mist Cloud architecture:

General architecture concepts
Account organization and subscriptions
Configuration objects
RESTful API concepts
Webhook concepts
Organization objects
Site objects

Demonstrate knowledge of Juniper Mist configuration:
Initial setup
Access points
Juniper Mist Edge
WLAN objects
General WLAN Concepts


Identify the concepts or functionality of WLANs:
WLAN concepts
Security concepts
Juniper Mist WLANs
Policy (WxLAN)
Guest portals
Wireless intrusion detection and prevention

Demonstrate knowledge of WLAN configuration or troubleshooting:
Multiple preshared key (PSK)
Policy (WxLAN)
Juniper Mist Network Operations


Identify the components of Juniper Mist network operations:
Service-level expectations (SLE) for Juniper Mist Wi-Fi Assurance
Events and insights
Radio resource management (RRM)

Demonstrate knowledge of wireless configuration or troubleshooting:
SLE configuration
SLE troubleshooting
Marvis AI


Identify the concepts and functionality of Marvis Virtual Network Assistant:

Reactive troubleshooting
Proactive troubleshooting
Marvis languages
Marvis actions

Demonstrate knowledge of using the Marvis Virtual Network Assistant:
Reactive troubleshooting
Proactive troubleshooting
Marvis languages
Marvis actions
Juniper Location Services, driven by Mist AI


Identify the concepts or methods of location-based services (LBS):

Wi-Fi location
Virtual Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE)
User engagement
Asset visibility
Proximity tracing

Certkingdom is a comprehensive solution provider that offers a range of study materials and resources for individuals looking to improve their skills, expertise, and career growth. Our training and JN0-451 Brain Dumps certification resources are designed by experienced specialists, ensuring that you receive the best quality information. Our exams files are based on hands-on tasks and real-world scenarios to provide a comprehensive understanding of the subject matter. Our online resources and events allow you to learn at your own pace, while regular updates to our study materials ensure that you always have access to the latest information. Get the best JN0-451 Brain Dumps exam training with Certkingdom and achieve your goals with ease."Best Materials Great Results"

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Which two statements are correct about the radio frequency rule of 10s and 3s? (Choose two.)

A. If the signal strength increases by 3 dB, the power is doubled.
B. If the signal strength decreases by 10 dB, the power decreases tenfold.
C. If the signal strength increases by 3 dB, the power is tripled.
D. If the signal strength decreases by 10 dB, the power is halved.

Answer: B, D

Referring to the exhibit, what would a guest user be able to do?

A. Use Gmail and Slack.
B. Use the Internet, except for Gmail and Slack.
C. Use the HP Printer and Internet.
D. Use only the Intranet.

Answer: B

What are basic data rates?

A. fastest data rates
B. optional data rates
C. required data rates
D. disabled data rates

Answer: C

Which two statements are correct about channel bonding? (Choose two.)

A. Bonding two channels together doubles the available bandwidth.
B. Bonding two channels together doubles the required device resources.
C. Bonding two channels together doubles the noise floor.
D. Bonding two channels together doubles the number of available channels.

Answer: A, D

You have received a Marvis Actions Missing VLAN notification.
In this scenario, where is the problem?

A. The gateway is missing the VLAN.
B. An access point is missing the VLAN.
C. A client is missing the VLAN.
D. A switch is missing the VLAN.

Answer: D

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$50 - $25 (you save $25)
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This is what our customers are saying about CertKingdom.com.
These are real testimonials.

Jason found the certkingdom training  to be enjoyable and helpful as they followed the skills outline from Juniper.

Jason found the CertKingdom course to be great, and it helped him clear the JN0-451 exam. He appreciated how the training videos followed the skills outline from Juniper and covered all major areas. The practice tests also helped build his understanding and logic.

cleared my exam in one week Despite being recently updated, this course feels out of date. For example, there are 31 minutes of videos on QnA Maker, but this service does not appear on the current study guide and it's not clear from the course content how this differs from its replacement (Azure Cognitive Service for Language). Furthermore, 10 minutes of videos on knowledge mining feels low for an area that makes up 15-20% of the exam.

David Successfully cleared JN0-451 exam today with 960 marks. All the questions similar and came from this Mock tests. Thanks a lot certkingdom.

Rating: 4.3 / 5.0
I studied and pass my exams using cerkingdom material carefully and took every question seriously. At last, I passed the exam with high score. Prepare well and study much more.

It's great to hear that our study materials and practice tests helped our customers like Jason, Richel, David, and Hillary successfully pass their JN0-451 exams. It's always rewarding to hear about their success and we're glad that we could play a part in helping them reach their goals.

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