Exam: JN0-649

Juniper JN0-649 Exam
Vendor Juniper
Certification Juniper Enterprise Routing & Switching Certification
Exam Code JN0-649
Exam Title Juniper Enterprise Routing and Switching, Professional Exam
No. of Questions 65
Last Updated Mar 05, 2025
Product Type Q & A with Explanation
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Exam Code : JN0-649
Prerequisite Certification : JNCIS-ENT
Delivered by : Pearson VUE
Exam Length : 90 minutes
Exam Type : 65 multiple-choice questions
Software Versions : Junos OS 21.2

Juniper certifications are valid for three years. For more information, see Recertification.

Exam Details
Exam questions are derived from the recommended training and the exam resources listed above. Pass/fail status is available immediately after taking the exam. The exam is only provided in English.

Exam Preparation
We recommend the following resources to help you prepare for your exam. However, these resources aren’t required, and using them doesn’t guarantee you’ll pass the exam.

Recommended Training
Advanced Junos Enterprise Routing (AJER)
Advanced Junos Enterprise Switching (AJEX)

Exam Resources
Industry/product knowledge
Juniper TechLibrary

Additional Preparation
Juniper Learning Portal

Exam Objectives
Here’s a high-level view of the skillset required to successfully complete the JNCIP-ENT certification exam.

Exam Objective Description
Interior Gateway Protocols (IGPs)

Describe the concepts, operation, or functionality of IGPs

OSPFv2 and OSPFv3
Routing Policy
Given a scenario, demonstrate knowledge of how to configure, troubleshoot, or monitor IGPs

Describe the concepts, operation, or functionality of BGP

BGP route selection process
Next hop resolution
BGP attributes: concept and operation
BGP communities
Load balancing - multipath, multihop, forwarding table
NLRI families: inet and inet6
Advanced BGP options

Given a scenario, demonstrate knowledge of how to configure, troubleshoot, or monitor BGP

Implement BGP routing policy

IP Multicast
Describe the concepts, operation, or functionality of IP multicast
Components of IP multicast, including multicast addressing IP multicast traffic flow
Any-Source Multicast (ASM) vs. Source-Specific Multicast (SSM)
RPF - concept and operation
IGMP, IGMP snooping
PIM sparse-mode
Rendezvous point (RP) - concept, operation, discovery,
Anycast RP
Routing policy and scoping

Given a scenario, demonstrate knowledge of how to configure, troubleshoot, or monitor IP multicast
IGMP, PIM-SM (including SSM)
Implement IP multicast routing policy
Ethernet Switching and Spanning Tree
Describe the concepts, operation or functionality of advanced Ethernet switching
Filter-based VLANs
Private VLANs
Dynamic VLAN registration using MVRP
Tunnel Layer 2 traffic through Ethernet networks
Layer 2 tunneling using Q-in-Q and L2PT

Given a scenario, demonstrate knowledge of how to configure, troubleshoot, or monitor advanced Ethernet switching
Filter-based VLANs
Dynamic VLAN registration using MVRP
Tunnel Layer 2 traffic through Ethernet networks
Layer 2 tunneling using Q-in-Q and L2PT

Describe the concepts, operation, or functionality of advanced spanning tree protocols, including MSTP or VSTP.

Given a scenario, demonstrate knowledge of how to configure, troubleshoot, or monitor MSTP or VSTP.
Layer 2 Authentication and Access Control Describe the operation of various Layer 2 authentication or access control features
Authentication process flow
802.1x - concepts and functionality
Captive portal
Server fail fallback
Guest VLAN
Considerations when using multiple authentication/access control methods

Given a scenario, demonstrate how to configure, troubleshoot, or monitor Layer 2 authentication or access control.
IP Telephony Features Describe the concepts, operation or functionality of features that facilitate IP telephony deployments
Power over Ethernet (PoE)
Voice VLAN

Given a scenario, demonstrate how to configure, troubleshoot, or monitor features used to support IP telephony deployments.
Class of service (CoS) Describe the concepts, operation, or functionality of Junos CoS for Layer 2/3 networks
CoS processing on Junos devices
CoS header fields
Forwarding classes
Packet loss priority
Drop profiles
Rewrite rules

Given a scenario, demonstrate knowledge of how to configure, troubleshoot, or monitor CoS for Layer 2 or 3 networks.
EVPN Describe the concepts, operation, or functionality of Junos EVPN

Route types (e.g., Type 1, 2 3)
Multi-homing (e.g., active route types)

Given a scenario, demonstrate knowledge of how to configure, troubleshoot, or monitor EVPN.
Whether you want to improve your skills, expertise or career growth, with Certkingdom's training and JN0-649 Brain Dumps certification resources help you achieve your goals. Our exams files feature hands-on tasks and real-world scenarios; in just a matter of days, you'll be more productive and embracing new technology standards. Our online resources and events enable you to focus on learning just what you want on your timeframe. You get access to every exams files and there continuously update our study materials; these exam updates are supplied free of charge to our valued customers. Get the best JN0-649 Brain Dumps exam Training; as you study from our exam-files "Best Materials Great Results"

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You are asked to establish interface level authentication for users connecting to your network. You must ensure that only corporate devices, identified by MAC addresses, are allowed to connect and authenticate. Authentication must be handled by a centralized server to increase scalability.
Which authentication method would satisfy this requirement?

B. captive portal
C. 802.1X with single-secure supplicant mode
D. 802.1X with multiple supplicant mode

Answer: A

You enable the Multiple VLAN Registration Protocol (MVRP) to automate the creation and management of virtual LANs.
Which statement is correct in this scenario?

A. The forbidden mode does not register or declare VLANs.
B. When enabled, MVRP affects all interfaces.
C. Timers dictate when link state changes are propagated.
D. MVRP works with RSTP and VSTP.

Answer: B

Which address range is used for source-specific multicast?


Answer: C

Which three configuration parameters must match on all switches within the same MSTP region? (Choose three.)

A. VLAN to instance mapping
B. revision level
C. configuration name
D. bridge priority
E. region name

Answer: B, C, E

Which two statements are correct about the deployment of EVPN-VXLAN on QFX Series devices? (Choose two.)

A. Type 1 route advertisements always have the single-active flag set to 1.
B. Junos OS supports underlay replication for BUM traffic forwarding.
C. Junos OS supports ingress replication for BUM traffic forwarding.
D. Type 1 route advertisements always have the single-active flag set to 0.

Answer: B, C

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This is what our customers are saying about CertKingdom.com.
These are real testimonials.

I always enjoy Scott Duffy training videos. I like how this followed the skills outline from Juniper.

It was a great course which helped me to clear JN0-649, I had previous experience in QnA Maker and Bot services but other major areas are very well covered by Scott. In the practice test I scored 70% in the first attempt.. but it gave proper understanding and logic building thrust.

This course is a great walkthrough Azure Cognitive Services, but definitely not prep material for JN0-649 exam.

Scott: cleard my exam in one week
Despite being recently updated this course feels out of date, for example there are 31 minutes of videos on QnA maker, but this service does not appear on the current study guide and its not clear from the course content how this differs from its replacement (Azure Cognitive Service for Language).

Furthermore, 10 minutes of videos on knowledge mining feels low for an area that makes up 15-20% of the exam

I have cleared exam today with 900!, these mock tests were very helpful to me and highly recommended. Thank you

Successfully cleared JN0-649 exam today with 960 marks. All the questions similar and came from this Mock tests. Thanks a lot certkingdom.

Hillary - CANADA

Oct 26, 2022
Rating: 4.3 / 5.0

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