Exam: Lean-Portfolio-Manager

Scrum Lean-Portfolio-Manager Exam
Vendor Scrum
Certification Scrum Certified SAFe Lean Portfolio Manager
Exam Code Lean-Portfolio-Manager
Exam Title SAFe 5.1 Lean Portfolio Manager (LPM) Exam
No. of Questions 182
Last Updated Mar 04, 2025
Product Type Q & A with Explanation
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When you launch the exam, you will be required to review and accept the Candidate Agreement before starting the exam. Exams are timed and the timer will be visible throughout the exam.
Questions are structured in multiple choice or multiple response format.

Questions will require either one answer or multiple. “Choose two” or a “Choose three” style multiple response questions indicate the number of answers required for the question. Multiple response questions require all correct answers to be selected as no partial credit is given.

Duration : 90 minutes
Number of questions : 45
Passing score : 32/45 (71%)
Competency level : Foundational difficulty; Competent, some knowledge or experience; can perform tasks with assistance
Question format : Multiple choice (one answer) or multiple select (2-3 answers)
Delivery : Web-based, closed book, no outside assistance, timed
Access : Community Platform upon completion of the course
Languages offered : English, Japanese (5.1.2), Simplified Chinese (5.1.2)
First attempt included in the course registration fee if taken within 30 days of course completion.

Exam Sections and Percentages
Introducing Lean Portfolio Management (16%)
Discuss the purpose of SAFe Lean Portfolio Management
Explain the Lean-Agile mindset and SAFe principles
Discuss the problems of project-cost accounting
Discuss the key benefits of organizing around value
Define the SAFe portfolio structure
Explain the shift to Lean Portfolio Management

Establishing strategy and investment funding (16%)
Connect the portfolio to the Enterprise strategy
Develop the Portfolio Vision
Develop the Portfolio Roadmap
Discuss how to execute the Strategic Portfolio Review

Realizing portfolio vision through Epics (13%)
Define Portfolio Epics
Estimate Epic Costs
Manage innovation through the SAFe Lean Startup Cycle

Establishing investment funding (16%)
Establish Lean Budget Guardrails
Establish Value Stream budgets

Managing portfolio flow (16%)
Establish flow with the Portfolio Kanban
Prioritize Epic implementation with WSJF

Applying Agile portfolio operations (13%)
Describe Value Stream coordination
Support program execution and foster operational excellence

Applying Lean governance (10%)
Measure Lean portfolio performance
Discuss the Portfolio Sync
Explore coordinating continuous compliance
Relate Technology Business Management to SAFe LPM
Explain Agile development software capitalization

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Question: 1
Which of the following artifacts contains the steps and the people who develop solutions used by operational value streams?

A. Operational value streams
B. Portfolio Road map
C. Development value streams
D. Portfolio Canvas
E. Strategic Themes

Answer: C

Question: 2
Which Portfolio investment Horizon usually consumes the majority of a portfolio budget?

A. Horizon 1
B. Horizon 2
C. Horizon 3
D. Horizon 0

Answer: A

Question: 3
Which of the following Events is not an LPM event? (Choose three)

A. I&A
B. Strategic Portfolio Review
C. Participatory Budgeting
D. IP Iteration
E. ART Lunch
F. Portfolio Sync

Answer: A,D,E

Question: 4
When applying WSJF technique, which of the following is considered as a good proxy for project duration

A. The Job Size
B. The Cost of Delay
C. The Time Criticality
D. The WIP limit
E. The user Business value

Answer: A

Question: 5
Which if the following roles has a key roles in lean governance? (Choose three)

A. Solution Management
B. Business Owners
C. Enterprise Architect
D. Solution Train Engineer
E. Solution Architect/Engineer
F. Agile PMO / LACE

Answer: B,C,F

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$50 - $25 (you save $25)
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I always enjoy Scott Duffy training videos. I like how this followed the skills outline from Scrum.

It was a great course which helped me to clear Lean-Portfolio-Manager, I had previous experience in QnA Maker and Bot services but other major areas are very well covered by Scott. In the practice test I scored 70% in the first attempt.. but it gave proper understanding and logic building thrust.

This course is a great walkthrough Azure Cognitive Services, but definitely not prep material for Lean-Portfolio-Manager exam.

Scott: cleard my exam in one week
Despite being recently updated this course feels out of date, for example there are 31 minutes of videos on QnA maker, but this service does not appear on the current study guide and its not clear from the course content how this differs from its replacement (Azure Cognitive Service for Language).

Furthermore, 10 minutes of videos on knowledge mining feels low for an area that makes up 15-20% of the exam

I have cleared exam today with 900!, these mock tests were very helpful to me and highly recommended. Thank you

Successfully cleared Lean-Portfolio-Manager exam today with 960 marks. All the questions similar and came from this Mock tests. Thanks a lot certkingdom.

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Rating: 4.3 / 5.0

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