Vendor Apple

Complete list of Apple certifications and exams available.
Certification Exam Title No. of Q&A Update On
Apple (ACiT)
Apple (ACiT) SVC-16A Apple Service Fundamentals 59 03/13/2025
Apple ACHDS 9L0-619 Mac OS X Deployment v10.5 Exam 91 03/25/2025
Apple ACHDS 9L0-621 Mac OS X Advanced System Administration v10.5 Exam 105 03/25/2025
Apple ACMT
Apple ACMT 9L0-010 Macintosh Service Certification Exam (9L0-010) 93 03/22/2025
Apple ACMT 9L0-314 Apple Hardware Recertification exam 124 03/22/2025
Apple ACMT 9L0-008 Macintosh Service Certification 103 03/22/2025
Apple ACMT 9L0-066 OS X Yosemite Troubleshooting Exam 65 03/17/2025
Apple ACMT MAC-16A ACMT 2016 MAC Service Certification 50 03/13/2025
Apple ACPT
Apple ACPT 9L0-060 Mac OS X 10.4 Service and Support Exam 50 03/28/2025
Apple ACPT 9L0-004 Apple Desktop Service Exam 77 03/28/2025
Apple ACPT 9L0-061 MAC OS X 10.5 Troubleshooting Exam 71 03/28/2025
Apple ACPT 9L0-009 Macintosh Service Certification Exam (9L0-009) 70 03/22/2025
Apple ACPT 9L0-062 Mac OS X v10.6 Troubleshooting Exam 124 03/25/2025
Apple ACPT 9L0-510 Mac OS X Server Essentials 10.6 200 76 03/25/2025
Apple ACPT 9L0-007 Macintosh Service Certification Exam 96 03/22/2025
Apple ACPT 9L0-006 Apple Macintosh Service Exam 91 03/22/2025
Apple ACPT 9L0-620 Mac OS X Directory Service v10.5 Exam 102 03/18/2025
Apple ACSA
Apple ACSA 9L0-607 System Administration Using Mac OS X Server v10.3 54 01/20/2025
Apple ACSA 9L0-609 Mac OS X Deployment v10.4 36 01/20/2025
Apple ACSA 9L0-610 Xsan Administration v1.1 Exam 67 01/20/2025
Apple ACSA 9L0-612 Security Best Practices for Mac OS X 73 03/28/2025
Apple ACSA 9L0-606 System Administration of Mac OS X Clients Exam 68 03/28/2025
Apple ACSA 9L0-616 Xsan Administration v10.4 Exam 146 03/22/2025
Apple ACSP
Apple ACSP 9L0-412 OS X Support Essentials 10.8 Exam 86 03/22/2025
Apple ACTC
Apple ACTC 9L0-507 Mac OS X Server Essentials v10.4 Exam 50 01/20/2025
Apple ACTC 9L0-508 Apple Certified Technical Coordinator v10.4 Update 39 01/20/2025
Apple ACTC 9L0-401 Mac OS X Help Desk Essentials Exam 65 02/28/2025
Apple ACTC 9L0-506 Apple Certified Technical Coordinator Update Exam 95 02/28/2025
Apple ACTC 9L0-505 Mac OS X Server Essentials Exam 69 03/28/2025
Apple ACTC 9L0-403 Mac OS X Support Essentials 10.6 105 03/22/2025
Apple ACTC 9L0-509 Server Essentials 10.5 91 03/22/2025
Apple ACTC 9L0-402 Mac OS X Help Desk Essentials v10.5 90 03/22/2025
Apple ACTC 9L0-517 ACTC 10.7 Recertification Exam 93 03/22/2025
Apple ACTC 9L0-511 ACTC 10.6 Recertification Exam 181 03/22/2025
Apple ACTC 9L0-518 OS X Server Essentials 10.8 Exam 116 03/22/2025
Apple ACTC 9L0-528 ACTC 10.10 Recertification 60 03/13/2025
Apple Certification
Apple Certification 9L0-003 Apple Desktop Service Exam 81 03/25/2025
Apple Certification 9L0-205 Apple Portable Service Exam 77 03/25/2025
Apple Certification 9L0-504 ACTC Mac OS X and Mac OS X Server Essentials 103 02/28/2025
Apple Certification 9L0-613 Podcast and Streamed Intemet Media Administration Exam 54 02/28/2025
Apple Certification 9L0-615 Network Account Management Exam 59 02/26/2025
Apple Certification 9L0-207 Apple Portable Service Exam 154 02/28/2025
Apple Certification 9L0-964 Final Cut Pro 6 Level 1 Exam 70 02/28/2025
Apple Certification 9L0-611 Directory Services Integration and Administration 10.4 181 02/28/2025
Apple Certification 9L0-005 Apple Desktop Service 240 02/28/2025
Apple Certification 9L0-206 Apple Portable Service 154 03/28/2025
Apple Certification 9L0-624 Mac OS X Directory Services 10.6 Exam 76 03/22/2025
Apple Certification 9L0-012 Mac Service Certification Exam 100 03/17/2025
Apple Certification 9L0-903 Pages End User Exam 60 03/13/2025
Apple Certification 9L0-904 Keynote End User Exam 49 03/13/2025
Apple Certification 9L0-905 Numbers End User Exam 60 03/13/2025
Apple Certified Associate
Apple Certified Associate 9L0-408 Mac Integration Basics 10.8 Exam 74 03/22/2025
Apple Certified Associate 9L0-409 Mac Integration Basics 10.9 45 03/21/2025
Apple Certified Associate 9L0-418 Mac Management Basics 10.9 Exam 50 03/21/2025
Apple Certified Pro
Apple Certified Pro 9L0-827 Final Cut Pro Level One Exam (FCP 7 exam 66 03/22/2025
Apple Certified Pro 9L0-837 Logic Pro 9 Level One End User Exam 63 03/22/2025
Apple Certified Support Professional
Apple Certified Support Professional Apple-Device-Support Apple Device Support Exam (SUP-2024) 141 03/03/2025
Apple iLife and iWork
Apple iLife and iWork 9L0-806 iWork Level One 60 03/22/2025
Apple Mac OS X Exams
Apple Mac OS X Exams 9L0-400 Mac OS X Help Desk Essentials Exam 73 02/26/2025
Apple Mac OS X Exams 9L0-614 Mac OS X Server Command and Line Install and Configuration 67 02/28/2025
Apple Mac OS X Exams 9L0-063 Mac OS X v10.7 Troubleshooting Exam 65 03/25/2025
Apple Mac OS X Exams 9L0-064 OS X v10.8 Troubleshooting Exam 68 03/25/2025
Apple Mac OS X Exams 9L0-623 Mac OS X Deployment 10.6 Exam 64 03/22/2025
Apple Mac OS X Exams 9L0-625 Mac OS X Security and Mobility 10.6 Exam 71 03/22/2025
Apple Mac OS X Exams 9L0-406 Mac Integration Basics Exam 45 03/25/2025
Apple Mac OS X Exams 9L0-407 Mac Integration Basics 10.7 Exam 45 03/25/2025
Apple Mac OS X Exams 9L0-410 OS X Support Essentials 10.7 Exam 122 03/25/2025
Apple Mac OS X Exams 9L0-622 Xsan 2 Administration Exam 77 03/25/2025
Apple Mac OS X Exams 9L0-353 Mac OS X V10 6 Recertification Exam 65 03/22/2025
Apple Mac OS X Exams 9L0-415 OS X Support Essentials 10.9 218 03/21/2025
Apple Mac OS X Exams 9L0-521 OS X Server Essentials 10.9 Exam 92 03/18/2025
Apple Mac OS X Exams 9L0-420 MIB v10.10 46 03/17/2025
Apple Mac OS X Exams 9L0-422 OS X Support Essentials 10.10 82 03/17/2025
AppleCare Technician Training
AppleCare Technician Training SVC-19A Apple Service Fundamentals Exam 70 03/07/2025