Exam: 300-215

Cisco 300-215 Exam
Vendor Cisco
Certification Cisco CyberOps Professional
Exam Code 300-215
Exam Title Conducting Forensic Analysis and Incident Response Using Cisco CyberOps Technologies (CBRFIR) Exam
No. of Questions 59
Last Updated Mar 05, 2025
Product Type Q & A With Explanations
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300-215 Conducting Forensic Analysis and Incident Response Using Cisco CyberOps Technologies (CBRFIR) Exam

Duration: 90 minutes
Languages: English

Associated certifications:
Cisco Certified CyberOps Professional
Cisco Certified CyberOps Specialist – CyberOps Forensic Analysis and Incident Response

Exam overview
This exam tests your knowledge and skills related to cybersecurity forensic analysis and incident response, including:

Incident response process and playbooks
Advanced incident response
Threat intelligence
Digital forensics concepts
Evidence collection and analysis
Principles of reverse engineering

Exam preparation
Official Cisco training

Conducting Forensic Analysis and Incident Response Using Cisco Technologies for CyberOps (CBRFIR)

Exam Description:
Conducting Forensic Analysis and Incident Response Using Cisco Technologies for CyberOps v1.0 (CBRFIR 300-215) is a 90-minute exam that is associated with the Cisco CyberOps Professional Certification. This exam tests a candidate's knowledge of forensic analysis and incident response fundamentals, techniques, and processes. The course Conducting Forensic Analysis and Incident Response Using Cisco Technologies for CyberOps helps candidates to prepare for this exam.
The following topics are general guidelines for the content likely to be included on the exam. However, other related topics may also appear on any specific delivery of the exam. To better reflect the contents of the exam and for clarity purposes, the guidelines below may change at any time without notice.

20% 1.0 Fundamentals
1.1 Analyze the components needed for a root cause analysis report
1.2 Describe the process of performing forensics analysis of infrastructure network devices
1.3 Describe antiforensic tactics, techniques, and procedures
1.4 Recognize encoding and obfuscation techniques (such as, base 64 and hex encoding)
1.5 Describe the use and characteristics of YARA rules (basics) for malware identification, classification, and documentation
1.6 Describe the role of:
1.6.a hex editors (HxD, Hiew, and Hexfiend) in DFIR investigations
1.6.b disassemblers and debuggers (such as, Ghidra, Radare, and Evans Debugger) to perform basic malware analysis
1.6.c deobfuscation tools (such as, XORBruteForces, xortool, and unpacker)
1.7 Describe the issues related to gathering evidence from virtualized environments (major cloud vendors)

20% 2.0 Forensics Techniques
2.1 Recognize the methods identified in the MITRE attack framework to perform fileless malware analysis
2.2 Determine the files needed and their location on the host
2.3 Evaluate output(s) to identify IOC on a host
2.3.a process analysis
2.3.b log analysis
2.4 Determine the type of code based on a provided snippet
2.5 Construct Python, PowerShell, and Bash scripts to parse and search logs or multiple data sources (such as, Cisco Umbrella, Sourcefire IPS, AMP for Endpoints, AMP for Network, and PX Grid)
2.6 Recognize purpose, use, and functionality of libraries and tools (such as, Volatility, Systernals, SIFT tools, and TCPdump)

30% 3.0 Incident Response Techniques
3.1 Interpret alert logs (such as, IDS/IPS and syslogs)
3.2 Determine data to correlate based on incident type (host-based and network-based activities)
3.3 Determine attack vectors or attack surface and recommend mitigation in a given scenario
3.4 Recommend actions based on post-incident analysis
3.5 Recommend mitigation techniques for evaluated alerts from firewalls, intrusion prevention systems (IPS), data analysis tools (such as, Cisco Umbrella Investigate, Cisco Stealthwatch, and Cisco SecureX), and other systems to responds to cyber incidents
3.6 Recommend a response to 0 day exploitations (vulnerability management)
3.7 Recommend a response based on intelligence artifacts
3.8 Recommend the Cisco security solution for detection and prevention, given a scenario
3.9 Interpret threat intelligence data to determine IOC and IOA (internal and external sources)
3.10 Evaluate artifacts from threat intelligence to determine the threat actor profile
3.11 Describe capabilities of Cisco security solutions related to threat intelligence (such as, Cisco Umbrella, Sourcefire IPS, AMP for Endpoints, and AMP for Network)

15% 4.0 Forensics Processes

4.1 Describe antiforensic techniques (such as, debugging, Geo location, and obfuscation)
4.2 Analyze logs from modern web applications and servers (Apache and NGINX)
4.3 Analyze network traffic associated with malicious activities using network monitoring tools (such as, NetFlow and display filtering in Wireshark)
4.4 Recommend next step(s) in the process of evaluating files based on distinguished characteristics of files in a given scenario
4.5 Interpret binaries using objdump and other CLI tools (such as, Linux, Python, and Bash)

15% 5.0 Incident Response Processes
5.1 Describe the goals of incident response
5.2 Evaluate elements required in an incident response playbook
5.3 Evaluate the relevant components from the ThreatGrid report
5.4 Recommend next step(s) in the process of evaluating files from endpoints and performing ad-hoc scans in a given scenario
5.5 Analyze threat intelligence provided in different formats (such as, STIX and TAXII)

Certkingdom offers a comprehensive 300-215 training program and certification resources designed to help you improve your skills, knowledge, and career growth. Our exam files feature hands-on tasks and real-world scenarios, allowing you to become more productive and proficient in new technology standards in just a few days. With our online resources and events, you can learn at your own pace and focus on the topics that matter most to you. We continuously update our study materials to keep up with the latest exam objectives and provide these updates free of charge to our customers. Trust us to provide you with the best 300-215 exam training and achieve great results with our exam files.

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A security team is discussing lessons learned and suggesting process changes after a security breach incident. During the incident, members of the security team failed to report the abnormal system activity due to
a high project workload. Additionally, when the incident was identified, the response took six hours due to management being unavailable to provide the approvals needed. Which two steps will prevent these issues
from occurring in the future? (Choose two.)

A. Introduce a priority rating for incident response workloads.
B. Provide phishing awareness training for the fill security team.
C. Conduct a risk audit of the incident response workflow.
D. Create an executive team delegation plan.
E. Automate security alert timeframes with escalation triggers.

Correct Answer: AE

An engineer is investigating a ticket from the accounting department in which a user discovered an unexpected application on their workstation. Several alerts are seen from the intrusion detection system of
unknown outgoing internet traffic from this workstation. The engineer also notices a degraded processing capability, which complicates the analysis process. Which two actions should the engineer take? (Choose two.)

A. Restore to a system recovery point.
B. Replace the faulty CPU.
C. Disconnect from the network.
D. Format the workstation drives.
E. Take an image of the workstation.

Correct Answer: AE

Refer to the exhibit. What should an engineer determine from this Wireshark capture of suspicious network traffic?

A. There are signs of SYN flood attack, and the engineer should increase the backlog and recycle the oldest half-open TCP connections.
B. There are signs of a malformed packet attack, and the engineer should limit the packet size and set a threshold of bytes as a countermeasure.
C. There are signs of a DNS attack, and the engineer should hide the BIND version and restrict zone transfers as a countermeasure.
D. There are signs of ARP spoofing, and the engineer should use Static ARP entries and IP address-to-MAC address mappings as a countermeasure.

Correct Answer: A

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Congratulations on passing 10 exams in just one month with the help of CertKingdom guides, Mike! We're thrilled to hear that our study materials were able to assist you in achieving your goals. Thank you for your positive feedback and support. We'll continue to strive to provide the best resources and help more individuals achieve their certification goals.

It was a great course which helped me to clear 300-215, I had previous experience in QnA Maker and Bot services but other major areas are very well covered by Scott. In the practice test I scored 70% in the first attempt.. but it gave proper understanding and logic building thrust.

This course is a great walkthrough Azure Cognitive Services, but definitely not prep material for 300-215 exam.

Scott: cleard my exam in one week
Despite being recently updated this course feels out of date, for example there are 31 minutes of videos on QnA maker, but this service does not appear on the current study guide and its not clear from the course content how this differs from its replacement (Azure Cognitive Service for Language).

Furthermore, 10 minutes of videos on knowledge mining feels low for an area that makes up 15-20% of the exam

I studied and pass my exams using cerkingdom material carefully and took every question seriously. At last, I passed the exam with high score. Prepare well and study much more.
Congratulations on passing your exam with a high score using Certkingdom's material! It's great to hear that you took every question seriously and prepared well for the exam. Keep up the good work and continue to study hard for your future endeavors. Best of luck!

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