Exam: 300-425

300-425 Exam
Vendor Cisco
Certification Cisco Certified Specialist - Enterprise Wireless Design
Exam Code 300-425
Exam Title Designing Cisco Enterprise Wireless Networks (300-425 ENWLSD) Exam
No. of Questions 196
Last Updated Mar 07, 2025
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300-425 Designing Cisco Enterprise Wireless Networks (300-425 ENWLSD) Exam

Designing Cisco Enterprise Wireless Networks
Duration: 90 minutes
Languages: English, Japanese
Price: $ USD, plus tax or use Cisco Learning Credits

Exam overview
This exam tests your knowledge of wireless network design, including:

Site surveys
Wired and wireless infrastructure
WLAN high availability

Exam preparation
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Designing Cisco Enterprise Wireless Networks v1.1 (ENWLSD 300-425) is a 90minute exam associated with the CCNP Enterprise Certification. This exam certifies a candidate's knowledge of wireless network design including site surveys, wired and wireless infrastructure, mobility and WLAN high availability. The course, Designing Cisco Enterprise Wireless Networks, helps candidates to prepare for this exam.

The following topics are general guidelines for the content likely to be included on the exam. However, other related topics may also appear on any specific delivery of the exam. To better reflect the contents of the exam and for clarity purposes, the guidelines below may change at any time without notice.

25% 1.0 Wireless Site Survey
1.1 Collect design requirements and evaluate constraints
1.1.a Client density
1.1.b Real time applications
1.1.c AP type
1.1.d Deployment type (data, location, voice, video)
1.1.e Security
1.2 Describe material attenuation and its effect on wireless design
1.3 Perform and analyze a Layer 1 site survey
1.4 Perform a pre-deployment site survey
1.5 Perform a post deployment site survey
1.6 Perform a predictive site survey
1.7 Utilize planning tools and evaluate key network metrics (Ekahau, AirMagnet, PI, Chanalyzer, Spectrum Analyzer)

30% 2.0 Wired and Wireless Infrastructure
2.1 Determine physical infrastructure requirements such as AP power, cabling, switch port capacity, mounting, and grounding
2.2 Determine logical infrastructure requirements such as WLC/AP licensing requirements based on the type of wireless architecture
2.3 Design radio management
2.3.a RRM
2.3.b RF profiles
2.3.c RxSOP
2.4 Apply design requirements for these types of wireless networks
2.4.a Data
2.4.b Voice and video
2.4.c Location
2.5 Design high-density wireless networks and their associated components
2.6 Design wireless bridging (mesh)
2.6.a Modes of operation
2.6.b Ethernet bridging
2.6.c WGB and roaming

25% 3.0 Mobility
3.1 Design mobility groups based on mobility roles
3.2 Optimize client roaming
3.3 Validate mobility tunneling for data and control path

20% 4.0 WLAN High Availability
4.1 Design high availability for controllers
4.1.a Network availability through LAG
4.1.b Stateful Switchover (SSO)
4.1.c Anchor controller priority and redundancy
4.2 Design high availability for APs
4.2.a AP prioritization
4.2.b Fall-back (assigning primary, secondary, and tertiary)
4.2.c Embedded Wireless Controller (EWC)

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Sample Question:

Which UDP port numbers are used for exchange mobility packets in an AireOS wireless deployment?

A. UDP 16666 for control plane, EoIP (IP protocol 97) for data plane
B. UDP 16668 for control plane, UDP 16667 for data plane
C. UDP 16667 for control plane, UDP 16666 for data plane
D. UDP 16666 for control plane, UDP 16667 for data plane

Answer: A

A customer asks an engineer to explain the concept of mobility domains and mobility groups. Which statement does the engineer respond with?

A. A mobility group does not constrain the distribution of security context of a client and also does not constrain AP fail-over between controllers when the WLC are in the same mobility domain.
B. If WLCs are in the same mobility domain, they communicate with each other but, if an anchor WLC is present it must be in the same mobility domain for communication to be possible.
C. If WLCs are in the same mobility domain, they communicate with each other. Mobility groups constrain the distribution of security context of a client and also constrain AP fail-over between controllers.
D. WLCs do not need to be in the same mobility domain to communicate with each other. Mobility groups constrain the distribution of security context of a client and also constrain AP fail-over between controllers.

Answer: C

An engineer is designing a wireless deployment for a university auditorium. Which two features can be used to help deal with the issues introduced by high AP count? (Choose two.)


Answer: C,E

A wireless engineer is designing a wireless network to support real-time applications over wireless.
Which IEEE protocol must the engineer enables on the WLC so that the number of packets that are
exchanged between an access point and client are reduced and fast roaming occurs?

A. 802.11w
B. 802.11r
C. 802.11i
D. 802.11k

Answer: D

A network administrator of a global organization is collapsing all controllers to a single cluster
located in central Europe. Which concern must addressed?

A. Some channels may not be available consistently across the organization.
B. Different RF policies per office are not available in this configuration.
C. Syslog must be configured to the time-zone of the NMS platform.
D. Centralized controllers cannot uniformly authenticate global users.

Answer: A

An engineer must ensure that the new wireless LAN deployment can support seamless roaming
between access points using a standard based on an amendment to the 802.11 protocol.
Which protocol must the engineer selects?

A. 802.11i
B. 802.11ac
C. 802.11r
D. 802.11e

Answer: C

A high-density wireless network is designed. Which Cisco WLC configuration setting must be
incorporated in the design to encourage clients to use the 5 GHz spectrum?

A. Band Select
C. Cisco Centralized Key Management
D. load balancing

Answer: A

A network engineer is preparing for an office site survey with a height of 2.5 meters. Which three components are recommended to complete the survey? (Choose three.)

A. Use a battery pack to power APs
B. Use a drawing of the office space to draw AP and client placements.
C. Use DoS attack on APs while measuring the throughput.
D. Use APs with directional antennas.
E. Use APs with external antennas.
F. Use APs with built-in antennas.

Answer: A,B,F

A wireless engineer must optimize RF performance for multiple buildings with multiple types of
construction and user density. Which two actions must be taken? (Choose two.)

A. Configure Flexconnect groups for each building.
B. Configure WMM profiles for each building.
C. Configure AP groups for each area type.
D. Configure RF profiles for each area type.
E. Enable DTPC on the network.

Answer: C,D

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Students Feedback / Reviews/ Discussion

Bandile Ndlela Voted 2 weeks ago
Hello, with the new version released at 20th september, if this update all questions?
upvoted 32 times

AGUIDI MAHAMAT Highly 4 months ago - Chad
95% of the questions are valid. Review the answers. Review discussions of why some answers are inaccurate. This will provide better study and understanding of content.
upvoted 32 times

Mahendrie Dwarika Most Recent 1 week - South Africa
More than 90% of the question on the exam were from here. Thxs Exam Topics
upvoted 5 times

valisetti ravishankar 3 weeks, 2 days ago - USA

Thank you so much for providing excellent study material. I prepared for my 350-501 exam and aced the exam with 950 marks
upvoted 7 times

Dos Santos Daniel 1 month, 1 week ago - Brazil
Passed My Exam on 19th , 91 multiple choice question , 5 new question and 86 question in here.
upvoted 23 times

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