Exam: 300-435

Cisco 300-435 Exam
Vendor Cisco
Certification Cisco Certified DevNet Professional
Exam Code 300-435
Exam Title Automating and Programming Cisco Enterprise Solutions (ENAUTO 300-435) Exam
No. of Questions 125
Last Updated Mar 07, 2025
Product Type Q & A With Explanations
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300-435 ENAUTO Automating and Programming Cisco Enterprise Solutions
Duration: 90 minutes
Languages: English and Japanese

Associated certifications:
CCNP Enteprise
Cisco Certified DevNet Professional
Cisco Certified DevNet Specialist - Enterprise Automation and Programmability
Exam overview
This exam tests your knowledge of implementing enterprise automated solutions including:
Programming concepts
Python programming
Automation tools

Exam preparation
Official Cisco training

Implementing Automation for Cisco Enterprise Solutions (ENAUI)

Exam Description:
Automating and Programming Cisco Enterprise Solutions v1.0 (ENAUTO 300-435) is a 90-minute exam associated with the CCNP Enterprise Certification and DevNet Professional Certification. This exam tests a candidate's knowledge of implementing Enterprise automated solutions, including programming concepts, Python programming, APIs, controllers and automation tools. The course, Implementing Cisco Enterprise Automation Solutions, helps candidates to prepare for this exam.

The following topics are general guidelines for the content likely to be included on the exam. However, other related topics may also appear on any specific delivery of the exam. To better reflect the contents of the exam and for clarity purposes, the guidelines below may change at any time without notice.

10% 1.0 Network Programmability Foundation
1.1 Utilize common version control operations with git (add, clone, push, commit, diff, branching, merging conflict)
1.2 Describe characteristics of API styles (REST and RPC)
1.3 Describe the challenges encountered and patterns used when consuming APIs synchronously and asynchronously
1.4 Interpret Python scripts containing data types, functions, classes, conditions, and looping
1.5 Describe the benefits of Python virtual environments
1.6 Explain the benefits of using network configuration tools such as Ansible and Puppet for automating IOS XE platforms

10% 2.0 Automate APIs and Protocols

2.1 Identify the JSON instance based on a YANG model
2.2 Identify the XML instance based on a YANG model
2.3 Interpret a YANG module tree generated per RFC8340
2.4 Compare functionality, benefits, and uses of OpenConfig, IETF, and native YANG models
2.5 Compare functionality, benefits, and uses of NETCONF and RESTCONF

20% 3.0 Network Device Programmability
3.1 Implement device management and monitoring using NetMiko
3.2 Construct a Python script using ncclient that uses NETCONF to manage and monitor an IOS XE device
3.3 Configure device using RESTCONF API utilizing Python requests library
3.4 Utilize Ansible to configure an IOS XE device
3.5 Configure a subscription for model driven telemetry on an IOS XE device (CLI, NETCONF, and RESTCONF)
3.6 Compare publication and subscription telemetry models
3.6.a Periodic / cadence
3.6.b On-change
3.7 Describe the benefits and usage of telemetry data in troubleshooting the network
3.8 Describe Day 0 provisioning methods
3.8.a iPXE
3.8.b PnP
3.8.c ZTP

20% 4.0 Cisco DNA Center

4.1 Compare traditional versus software-defined networks
4.2 Describe the features and capabilities of Cisco DNA Center
4.2.a Network assurance APIs
4.2.b Intent APIs
4.2.c Multivendor support (3rd party SDKs)
4.2.d Events and notifications
4.3 Implement Cisco DNA Center event outbound webhooks
4.4 Implement API requests for Cisco DNA Center to accomplish network management tasks
4.4.a Intent APIs
4.4.b Command Runner APIs
4.4.c Site APIs
4.5 Implement API requests for Cisco DNA Center to accomplish network management tasks using these APIs
4.5.a Network discovery and device APIs
4.5.b Template APIs (Apply a template)
4.6 Troubleshoot Cisco DNA Center automation process using Intent APIs

20% 5.0 Cisco SD-WAN

5.1 Describe features and capabilities of Cisco SD-WAN vManage Certificate Management APIs
5.2 Implement a Python script to perform API requests for Cisco SD-WAN vManage Device Inventory APIs to retrieve and display data
5.3 Construct API requests for Cisco SD-WAN vManage Administration APIs
5.4 Implement a Python script to perform API requests for Cisco SD-WAN vManage Configuration APIs to modify Cisco SD-WAN fabric configuration
5.5 Construct API requests for Cisco SD-WAN vManage Monitoring APIs (Including real-time)
5.6 Troubleshoot a Cisco SD-WAN deployment using vManage APIs

20% 6.0 Cisco Meraki

6.1 Describe features and capabilities of Cisco Meraki
6.1.a Location Scanning APIs
6.1.b MV Sense APIs
6.1.c External Captive Portal APIs
6.1.d WebHook Alert APIs
6.2 Create a network using Cisco Meraki APIs
6.3 Configure a network using Cisco Meraki APIs
6.4 Implement a Python script for Cisco Meraki Alert WebHooks

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What are two characteristics of RPC API calls? (Choose two.)

A. They can be used only on network devices.
B. They use only UDP for communications.
C. Parameters can be passed to the calls.
D. They must use SSL/TLS.
E. They call a single function or service.

Answer: CE

Which two actions do Python virtual environments allow users to perform? (Choose two.)

A. Simplify the CI/CD pipeline when checking a project into a version control system, such as Git.
B. Efficiently port code between different languages, such as JavaScript and Python.
C. Run and simulate other operating systems within a development environment.
D. Quickly create any Python environment for testing and debugging purposes.
E. Quickly create an isolated Python environment with module dependencies.

Answer: DE

What are two benefits of leveraging Ansible for automation of Cisco IOS XE Software? (Choose two.)
A. Ansible playbooks are packaged and installed on IOS XE devices for automatic execution when an IOS device reboots.
B. All IOS XE operating systems include Ansible playbooks for basic system administration tasks.
C. It is a device-independent method for automation and can be used with any type of device or operating system.
D. Ansible playbooks can be written from the IOS XE EXEC command line to configure the device itself.
E. It does not require any modules of software except SSH to be loaded on the network device.

Answer: CE

Refer to the exhibit.
The task is to create a Python script to display an alert message when a Meraki MX Security
Appliance goes down. The exhibit shows sample data that is received. Which Python snippet displays
the device name and the time at which the switch went down?

A. Option A
B. Option B
C. Option C
D. Option D

Answer: C

Refer to the exhibit.
The goal is to write a Python script to automatically send a message to an external messaging
application when a rogue AP is detected on the network. The message should include the broadcast
SSID that is in the alert. A function called -oesend_to_application- is created, and this is the declaration: send_to_application(message)
The exhibit also shows the data that is received by the application and stored in the variable return_val. Which Python code completes the task?

A. Option A
B. Option B
C. Option C
D. Option D

Answer: D

Which two features are foundations of a software-defined network instead of a traditional network?
(Choose two.)

A. control plane and data plane are tightly coupled
B. build upon a robust software stack
C. requires device by device-level configurations
D. automated through expressed intent to a software controller
E. requires significant physical hardware resources

Answer: BD

A new project called -oedevice_status- must be stored in a central Git repository called -oedevice_status-
with the first file named -oedevice_status.py- . The Git repository is created using the account python_programmer. Which set of commands inserts the project into Git?

A. Option A
B. Option B
C. Option C
D. Option D

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I always enjoy Scott Duffy training videos. I like how this followed the skills outline from Cisco.

It was a great course which helped me to clear 300-435, I had previous experience in QnA Maker and Bot services but other major areas are very well covered by Scott. In the practice test I scored 70% in the first attempt.. but it gave proper understanding and logic building thrust.

This course is a great walkthrough Azure Cognitive Services, but definitely not prep material for 300-435 exam.

Scott: cleard my exam in one week
Despite being recently updated this course feels out of date, for example there are 31 minutes of videos on QnA maker, but this service does not appear on the current study guide and its not clear from the course content how this differs from its replacement (Azure Cognitive Service for Language).

Furthermore, 10 minutes of videos on knowledge mining feels low for an area that makes up 15-20% of the exam

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