Exam: 300-915

Cisco 300-915 Exam
Vendor Cisco
Certification Cisco Certified DevNet Professional
Exam Code 300-915
Exam Title Developing Solutions Using Cisco IoT and Edge Platforms (DEVIOT) Exam
No. of Questions 60
Last Updated Feb 10, 2025
Product Type Q & A With Explanations
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Exam Description
Developing Solutions Using Cisco IoT & Edge Platforms v1.0 (DEVIOT 300-915) is a 90-minute exam that is associated with the DevNet Professional Certification. This exam tests a candidate's IoT application development knowledge as it pertains to Cisco IoT edge compute and network architecture including Cisco IOx and Cisco EFM, IoT Data Visualization, and security methods. The course, Developing Solutions using Cisco IoT & Edge Platforms, helps candidates to prepare for this exam.

Developing Solutions Using Cisco IoT and Edge Platforms (300-915)

Exam Description
Developing Solutions Using Cisco IoT & Edge Platforms v1.0 (DEVIOT 300-915) is a 90-minute exam that is associated with the DevNet Professional Certification. This exam tests a candidate's IoT application development knowledge as it pertains to Cisco IoT edge compute and network architecture including Cisco IOx and Cisco EFM, IoT Data Visualization, and security methods. The course, Developing Solutions using Cisco IoT & Edge Platforms, helps candidates to prepare for this exam.

The following topics are general guidelines for the content likely to be included on the exam. However, other related topics may also appear on any specific delivery of the exam. To better reflect the contents of the exam and for clarity purposes, the guidelines below may change at any time without notice.

1.0 Cisco Network IoT Architecture 20%
1.1 Interpret the data flow of a topology that includes:
1.1.a gateways
1.1.b access points
1.1.c firewalls (including industrial firewalls)
1.1.d routers
1.1.e switches

1.2 Describe the purpose, functionality, and use of these operational technology components:
1.2.a PLCs and operations
1.2.b embedded microcontrollers
1.2.c RTOS systems
1.2.d Cisco interfaces (serial, sensors, I2C, and USC)
1.2.e communication protocols (BLE, WiFi, Ethernet, and LoraWAN)
1.2.f communication standards (DDS, OPC UA, MT Connect, and Open PLC)

1.3 Describe IoT requirements related to networking and device configuration policies (including configuring IOS commands to enable IOx, port and protocol needs of an application, and security and prioritization of data)

1.4 Construct a workflow to connect a sensor

1.5 Troubleshoot sensor connectivity issue

2.0 Compute and Analysis 10%
2.1 Compare the characteristics, capabilities, and use of edge devices to generic compute devices
2.2 Determine the use of cloud or specific edge devices for a given application scenario
2.3 Analyze application resource usage information to determine any required changes to the application or hardware
2.4 Construct a Python script to deploy an application at the edge using FND and GMM APIs
2.5 Troubleshoot application resources usage and network connectivity issues when using FND and GMM APIs
2.6 Determine data handling procedure and action to take with edge data based on business requirements

3.0 Cisco IOx IoT Software 20%
3.1 Describe the capabilities of a Cisco IOx application
3.2 Troubleshoot a Dockerfile for Cisco IOx
3.3 Describe the process to build applications for Cisco IOx
3.4 Identify the troubleshooting approaches for a deployed application for Cisco IOx
3.5 Describe the process to deploy an Cisco IOx application into a CI/CD on platforms (such as FND, Kinetic GMM, or Directly to IOx)
3.6 Construct a Cisco IOx application to meet requirements given SDK documentation

4.0 Cisco EFM IoT Software 15%
4.1 Describe characteristics of edge data services
4.2 Analyze a DSLink (extracting data from a sensor)
4.3 Identify the process to create a data flow

5.0 Open Source IoT Software 10%
5.1 Evaluate the flow and processing of data from sensor to cloud in a given scenario
5.2 Compare characteristics and usage of MQTT and AMQP
5.3 Determine the output from given messages and subscription details
5.4 Identify broker QoS level for messages in a given scenario
5.5 Diagnose issues with broker deployment and application connection

6.0 IoT Data Visualization 10%
6.1 Describe the characteristics and capabilities of data visualization tools (such as Freeboard, Grafanna, and Kibana)
6.2 Identify the data visualization technique to meet business requirements
6.3 Interpret visualized data

7.0 Security 15%
7.1 Identify methods to implement a secure software development life cycle
7.2 Identify methods to secure an application and infrastructure during production and testing in a CI/CD pipeline
7.3 Describe risk management (including security challenges in IT and operational technology)
7.4 Describe the concepts related to confidentiality, integrity, and availability
7.5 Describe the capabilities of:
7.5.a ISE and ISE integration
7.5.b pxGRID
7.5.c AMP for Endpoints proxy
7.5.d Cisco Tetration
7.5.e StealthWatch (Enterprise and Cloud)
7.5.f Cisco Cloudlock

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A company is collecting data from several thousand machines globally. Which software component in the
overall architecture is the next destination of the dataflow after the data has been gathered and normalized on the edge data software?

A. relational database: MySQL
B. historian database: influxDB
C. message broker: Apache Kafka
D. dashboard: Node.js web app

Correct Answer: B

Which data visualization technique should be used to represent an important single metric on a dashboard?

A. heatmap
B. scatter pot
C. gauge
D. treemap

Correct Answer: C

When trying to subscribe to an MQTT broker on the internet, the MQTT client is on a private subnet and must be NATed to reach the public broker.
What is the expected outcome when this configuration is in place?

A. The client periodically reconnects to the default gateway.
B. The client connects only once using the PENDING message to the broker.
C. The client periodically reconnects to the broker over the NAT connection.
D. The client connects only once using the CONNECT massage to the broker.

Correct Answer: D

Which two states are applications expected to be seen in when they are managed on Cisco IOx? (Choose two.)


Correct Answer: BD

Which connector is southbound?

A. horizontal connector
B. cloud connector
C. device connector
D. universal connector

Correct Answer: C

When constructing a Python script for data extraction using GMM APIs on a Cisco Kinetic Cloud platform, how should the API authentication be implemented?

A. Generate the API keys once and edit the permissions as needed.
B. Generate and use the API keys for the required access level from the Kinetic Cloud application.
C. Use a complex username and password with 128-bit encryption.
D. Use a complex username with an auto-generated password from the Kinetic Cloud application.

Correct Answer: B

An IoT engineer is responsible for security at an organization. Humans and machines need to be allowed to
access services like database or compute on AWS. The engineer decides to implement dynamic secrets.
Which method helps to get this implementation accurate from a security point of view?

A. Create a central secret system for humans and machine to obtain very short-lived dynamic secrets to access any service.
B. Humans cannot be trusted, and each time they authenticate they should be issued with dynamic secrets. Machines can be trusted, and they can be issued with static credentials.
C. Maintain a different service associated to secret systems to issue access.

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These are real testimonials.

I always enjoy Scott Duffy training videos. I like how this followed the skills outline from Cisco.

It was a great course which helped me to clear 300-915, I had previous experience in QnA Maker and Bot services but other major areas are very well covered by Scott. In the practice test I scored 70% in the first attempt.. but it gave proper understanding and logic building thrust.

This course is a great walkthrough Azure Cognitive Services, but definitely not prep material for 300-915 exam.

Scott: cleard my exam in one week
Despite being recently updated this course feels out of date, for example there are 31 minutes of videos on QnA maker, but this service does not appear on the current study guide and its not clear from the course content how this differs from its replacement (Azure Cognitive Service for Language).

Furthermore, 10 minutes of videos on knowledge mining feels low for an area that makes up 15-20% of the exam

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Oct 26, 2022
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