Exam: AZ-104

AZ-104 Exam
Vendor Microsoft
Certification Microsoft Azure Administrator Associate
Exam Code AZ-104
Exam Title Microsoft Azure Administrator Exam
No. of Questions 381
Last Updated Mar 10, 2025
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Audience profile
Candidates for this exam should have subject matter expertise in implementing, managing, and monitoring an organization’s Microsoft Azure environment, including virtual networks, storage, compute, identity, security, and governance.

An Azure administrator often serves as part of a larger team dedicated to implementing an organization's cloud infrastructure. Azure administrators also coordinate with other roles to deliver Azure networking, security, database, application development, and DevOps solutions.

Candidates for this exam should be familiar with operating systems, networking, servers, and virtualization. In addition, professionals in this role should have experience using PowerShell, Azure Command-Line Interface (CLI), the Azure portal, Azure Resource Manager (ARM) templates, and Microsoft Entra ID, part of Microsoft Entra.

Skills at a glance
Manage Azure identities and governance (20-25%)
Implement and manage storage (15-20%)
Deploy and manage Azure compute resources (20-25%)
Implement and manage virtual networking (15-20%)
Monitor and maintain Azure resources (10-15%)

Manage Azure identities and governance (20-25%)
Manage Microsoft Entra users and groups
Create users and groups
Manage user and group properties
Manage licenses in Microsoft Entra ID
Manage external users
Configure self-service password reset (SSPR)
Manage access to Azure resources
Manage built-in Azure roles
Assign roles at different scopes
Interpret access assignments
Manage Azure subscriptions and governance
Implement and manage Azure Policy
Configure resource locks
Apply and manage tags on resources
Manage resource groups
Manage subscriptions
Manage costs by using alerts, budgets, and Azure Advisor recommendations
Configure management groups

Implement and manage storage (15-20%)
Configure access to storage
Configure Azure Storage firewalls and virtual networks
Create and use shared access signature (SAS) tokens
Configure stored access policies
Manage access keys
Configure identity-based access for Azure Files
Configure and manage storage accounts
Create and configure storage accounts
Configure Azure Storage redundancy
Configure object replication
Configure storage account encryption
Manage data by using Azure Storage Explorer and AzCopy
Configure Azure Files and Azure Blob Storage
Create and configure a file share in Azure Storage
Create and configure a container in Blob Storage
Configure storage tiers
Configure snapshots and soft delete for Azure Files
Configure blob lifecycle management
Configure blob versioning

Deploy and manage Azure compute resources (20-25%)
Automate deployment of resources by using Azure Resource Manager (ARM) templates or Bicep files
Interpret an ARM template or a Bicep file
Modify an existing ARM template
Modify an existing Bicep file
Deploy resources by using an ARM template or a Bicep file
Export a deployment as an ARM template or compile a deployment as a Bicep file
Create and configure virtual machines
Create a virtual machine
Configure Azure Disk Encryption
Move a virtual machine to another resource group, subscription, or region
Manage virtual machine sizes
Manage virtual machine disks
Deploy virtual machines to availability zones and availability sets
Deploy and configure an Azure Virtual Machine Scale Sets
Provision and manage containers in the Azure portal
Create and manage an Azure container registry
Provision a container by using Azure Container Instances
Provision a container by using Azure Container Apps
Manage sizing and scaling for containers, including Azure Container Instances and Azure Container Apps
Create and configure Azure App Service
Provision an App Service plan
Configure scaling for an App Service plan
Create an App Service
Configure certificates and TLS for an App Service
Map an existing custom DNS name to an App Service
Configure backup for an App Service
Configure networking settings for an App Service
Configure deployment slots for an App Service

Implement and manage virtual networking (15-20%)
Configure and manage virtual networks in Azure
Create and configure virtual networks and subnets
Create and configure virtual network peering
Configure public IP addresses
Configure user-defined network routes
Troubleshoot network connectivity
Configure secure access to virtual networks
Create and configure network security groups (NSGs) and application security groups
Evaluate effective security rules in NSGs
Implement Azure Bastion
Configure service endpoints for Azure platform as a service (PaaS)
Configure private endpoints for Azure PaaS
Configure name resolution and load balancing
Configure Azure DNS
Configure an internal or public load balancer
Troubleshoot load balancing

Monitor and maintain Azure resources (10-15%)
Monitor resources in Azure
Interpret metrics in Azure Monitor
Configure log settings in Azure Monitor
Query and analyze logs in Azure Monitor
Set up alert rules, action groups, and alert processing rules in Azure Monitor
Configure and interpret monitoring of virtual machines, storage accounts, and networks by using Azure Monitor Insights
Use Azure Network Watcher and Connection Monitor
Implement backup and recovery
Create a Recovery Services vault
Create an Azure Backup vault
Create and configure a backup policy
Perform backup and restore operations by using Azure Backup
Configure Azure Site Recovery for Azure resources
Perform a failover to a secondary region by using Site Recovery
Configure and interpret reports and alerts for backups

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Sample Question:

You discover that VM3 does NOT meet the technical requirements.
You need to verify whether the issue relates to the NSGs.
What should you use?

A. Diagram in VNet1
B. the security recommendations in Azure Advisor
C. Diagnostic settings in Azure Monitor
D. Diagnose and solve problems in Traffic Manager Profiles
E. IP flow verify in Azure Network Watcher

Answer: E

You need to meet the technical requirement for VM4.
What should you create and configure?

A. an Azure Notification Hub
B. an Azure Event Hub
C. an Azure Logic App
D. an Azure services Bus

Answer: B

You need to recommend a solution to automate the configuration for the finance department users.
The solution must meet the technical requirements.
What should you include in the recommended?

A. Azure AP B2C
B. Azure AD Identity Protection
C. an Azure logic app and the Microsoft Identity Management (MIM) client
D. dynamic groups and conditional access policies

Answer: D

You need to ensure that VM1 can communicate with VM4. The solution must minimize administrative effort.
What should you do?

A. Create 2 user-defined route from VNET1 to VNET3.
B. Assign VM4 an IP address of
C. Establish peering between VNET1 and VNET3.
D. Create an NSG and associate the NSG to VMI and VM4.

Answer: B

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Students Feedback / Reviews/ Discussion

José Antonio Vigo Carrillo 2 weeks, 2 days ago - Spain
Thanks ET, passed today - 900/1000. Prepared using only these dumps. 80-90% questions were from here. Some of them updated (e.g. Microsoft Azure Administrator Exam).
upvoted 2 times

Musa Uthman 2 weeks, 2 days ago - USA - Texas
As of today, I passed and all the questions came from here. Thank you ET
upvoted 1 times

jborg0102 2 weeks, 2 days ago
Passed today with 763/1000. I used this tool with Contributor Access and the Microsoft Learn practice exam. Most of the questions were from here. Learn all of them, learn to look out for the little things and you'll make it. Discussions are important because many answers when revealed are wrong. Use MS Learn to further enhance your knowledge.
upvoted 1 times

EMARI WILLIAMS 2 weeks, 4 days ago - United States
Passed on 10/27/2023 - Thanks [ET]
upvoted 2 times

Daniel Charles II 3 weeks, 5 days ago - United States - New Jersey
Just passed the exam today with 826/1000 marks. 93% questions were from here. Thanks team!!
upvoted 3 times

Cameron Carnevale4 weeks, 1 day ago - United States - Ohio
Passed the exam only with this dumps... I had 49 questions and only 1 of them it wasnt' in Cert kingdom. (14/10/2023)
upvoted 6 times

Verma Yashwant 1 month ago - Australia
Just passed the exam today with 836/1000 marks. 95% questions were from here. Thanks et!!
upvoted 6 times

Mashigo Moloantoa 1 month ago - South Africa
Passed exam today just about with 727, a few new questions especially Yes/No
upvoted 3 times

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