Exam: HPE0-P27

HPE HPE0-P27 Exam
Vendor HP
Certification HPE Product Certified
Exam Code HPE0-P27
Exam Title Configuring HPE GreenLake Solutions Exam
No. of Questions 157
Last Updated Mar 03, 2025
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Exam ID : HPE0-P27
Exam type : Proctored
Exam duration : 1 hour 30 minutes
Exam length : 50 questions
Passing score : 72%
Delivery languages : Latin American Spanish, Japanese, Brazilian Portuguese, English

This exam tests the candidate's ability to display competency in the use of HPE GreenLake, including designing and proposing HPE GreenLake solutions.

Ideal candidate
This credential is targeted to channel partner solution architects who have experience designing and implementing a complex solution and want to validate their skills to design and propose HPE GreenLake solutions. Candidates typically define business needs, propose, and may deploy the solution.

Exam contents
This exam has 50 questions.
Here are types of questions to expect:
Multiple choice (multiple responses), scenario basedMultiple choice (single response), scenario basedMultiple choice (multiple responses)Multiple choice (single response)
Advice to help you take this exam

Complete the training and review all course materials and documents before you take the exam.
Exam items are based on expected knowledge acquired from job experience, an expected level of industry standard knowledge, or other prerequisites (events, supplemental materials, etc.).
Successful completion of the course or study materials alone, does not ensure you will pass the exam.

Read the entire question and consider all options before you answer. If the question includes an exhibit, study the exhibit and read the question again. Select the answer that fully responds to the question. If the question asks for more than one answer, select all correct answers. There is no partial credit.

Exam policies : Click here to view exam security and retake policies.

15% - 1.0 Validate the opportunity and qualify customers for HPE GreenLake solutions. - optional content
Demonstrate understanding of the HPE GreenLake portfolio
Identify customer's business objectives that would qualify a customer for HPE GreenLake solutions
Articulate the HPE GreenLake value proposition (customer and/or partner).
Given a customer scenario, describe in detail the existing environment.

25% - 2.0 Identify and describe the options for HPE GreenLake solutions
Identify deviations in the HPE GreenLake sales process based on region/role.
Position key service offerings that meet the customer's unique business and technical needs.
Articulate the solution offering for GLQQ, Swift, custom, or cloud services
Given a customer scenario, describe best practices for partnering with HPE and HPEFS to fulfill customer goals and objectives.

40% - 3.0 Design HPE GreenLake Solutions.
Identify and describe key building blocks for the solution.
Identify current and future infrastructure requirements to accommodate the customer's changing needs and help them stay current with technology.
Determine the correct sales process and HPE tools (GLQQ, Swift, custom, or cloud services) for customer's unique business and technical needs
Describe the process for partners designing GLQQ solutions
Describe the process for partners designing SWIFT solutions
Describe the process for partners creating BOMs for custom solutions
Describe the process for partners designing HPE GreenLake Cloud Services
Determine how to use HPE GreenLake Specific tools

20%  - 4.0 Propose HPE GreenLake Solutions.
List and describe what happens in the steps of the SOW and pricing template process.
Identify customers' financial services requirements.
Articulate and build the business case.
Describe the partner role in setting expectations for the post sales process

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Sample Question:

Does this business goal align with the value of an HPE GreenLake solution? Solution: preserve capital with a different consumption model.

A. Yes
B. No

Answer: A

You are designing a custom HPE GreenLake solution for a customer who needs a virtual desktop infrastructure (VDI) platform.
Is this a guideline you should follow to determine the solution components to include? Solution:
Avoid mixing different families of HPE products, such as Synergy and Primera.

A. Yes
B. No

Answer: B

Is this solution component included in all HPE GreenLake deals?
Solution: Monitoring through Adaptive Management Services.

A. Yes
B. No

Answer: A

Is this a true statement about Excel Business Case tool outputs?
Solution: HPE GreenLake calculations are based on averages from large enterprise customers.

A. Yes
B. No

Answer: B

Is this how you should approach a customer who makes purchasing decisions using total cost of ownership (TCO)?
Solution: Calculate ROI without NPV because this customer does not care about present value.

A. Yes
B. No

Answer: B

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Students Feedback / Reviews/ Discussion

Le Danny 1 months ago - USA California
The all Questions are valid!
upvoted 4 times

Juanias Edwin 1 months ago - Colombia - Spanish
Still valid, 3-4 new questions.
upvoted 1 times

RODNY 10 months ago - USA Miami
It is still valid. But some answers are wrong, check it first.
upvoted 1 times

JALAL 2 months ago - jAPAN
Congratulations for passing your exam
upvoted 1 times

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