Exam: HPE6-A84

HPE HPE6-A84 Exam
Vendor HP
Certification HP Aruba
Exam Code HPE6-A84
Exam Title Aruba Certified Network Security Expert Written Exam
No. of Questions 60
Last Updated Mar 03, 2025
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Exam ID : HPE6-A84
Exam type : Proctored
Exam duration : 2 hours
Exam length : 60 questions
Passing score : 66%
Delivery languages : English

This exam tests the candidate's ability to design, deploy, integrate, and articulate a PKI solution (when to use, what to recommend), architect an enterprise-class network design that aligns with security policies, design role-based access control scheme using ClearPass/AOS/AOS-CX, architect a solution that integrates ecosystem partners (identity partners, MDM, firewall, endpoint security), architect an enterprise-wide endpoint classification policy, design, and deploy proactive remediation, and use ClearPass Device Insight.

No reference material is allowed at the testing site. This exam may contain beta test items for experimental purposes.

During the exam, you can make comments about the exam items. We welcome these comments as part of our continuous improvement process.

Ideal candidate
The candidate has worked four to five years in networking with two-three years in security-focused fields.

The candidate is a network architect responsible for auditing and/or remediating network vulnerabilities. Successful candidates should have experience designing and troubleshooting enterprise-level network solutions. Candidate should articulate key technical concepts associated with network security e.g. RBAC, APT, endpoint classification, DOS, DDOS, and policy enforcement. The candidate can compare and recommend Aruba security solutions.

Exam contents
This exam has 60 questions.
Here are types of questions to expect:
Multiple choice (multiple responses), scenario basedMultiple choice (single response), scenario basedMultiple choice (multiple responses)Multiple choice (single response)Scenarios with multiple questions
Advice to help you take this exam

Complete the training and review all course materials and documents before you take the exam.
Exam items are based on expected knowledge acquired from job experience, an expected level of industry-standard knowledge, or other prerequisites (events, supplemental materials, etc.).
Successful completion of the course or study materials alone does not ensure you will pass the exam.

This exam validates that you have competence in each and every objective below.

25% Protect and Defend
Task: Define security terminology

Explain and implement forensic techniques
Articulate the Aruba Zero Trust Security Strategy
Integrate Aruba solutions with ecosystem partner solutions
Explain how Aruba solutions map to local compliance
Define PKI best practices and implement certificate-based authentication
Explain the role of device profiling and risk scoring in a company's security efforts
Describe threat hunting
Explain and implement role-based access control

25% Protect and Defend

Task: Secure Unified Infrastructure
Design a detection strategy for rogue wireless devices and other wireless threats utilizing Aruba WIPS features
Implement Aruba Zero Trust Security for the unified infrastructure using ClearPass Policy Manager (CPPM) and other ClearPass solutions
Design enterprise-wide firewall policies (appRF, PEF, WIPS, WCC) for clients in a variety of wired and wireless architectures
Architect complex ACLs per wired interface and VLAN
Design and implement network analytic engine solutions for anomaly detection, correlation, auditing, and alerting
Design and implement Dynamic Segmentation
Describe Aruba CloudAuth capabilities and explain how to migrate to an Aruba CloudAuth-based solution

8% Protect and Defend

Task: Secure the WAN
Design and deploy secure client-to-site access using Aruba Central and Aruba gateways
Design and deploy Gateway IDS/IPS

38% Analyze

Task: Threat detection
Analyze logs, alerts, and other features at an expert level to detect threats
Remediate the security risk
Tune alerts
Design a workflow for Network Analytic Engine (NAE) script development
Implement endpoint classification and device profiling with CPDI (including profiling capabilities within Central Network Operations)
Interpret and respond to endpoint classification data, as well as use it to tune policies

4% Investigate
Perform a comprehensive analysis in a set timeframe

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Sample Question:

You are designing an Aruba ClearPass Policy Manager (CPPM) solution for a customer. You learn that
the customer has a Palo Alto firewall that filters traffic between clients in the campus and the data center.
Which integration can you suggest?

A. Sending Syslogs from the firewall to CPPM to signal CPPM to change the authentication status for misbehaving clients
B. Importing clients' MAC addresses to configure known clients for MAC authentication more quickly
C. Establishing a double layer of authentication at both the campus edge and the data center DMZ
D. Importing the firewall's rules to program downloadable user roles for AOS-CX switches more quickly

Answer: A

A company has Aruba gateways and wants to start implementing gateway IDS/IPS. The customer has selected Block for the Fail Strategy.
What might you recommend to help minimize unexpected outages caused by using this particular fall strategy?

A. Configuring a relatively high threshold for the gateway threat count alerts
B. Making sure that the gateways have formed a cluster and operate in default gateway mode
C. Setting the IDS or IPS policy to the least restrictive option, Lenient
D. Enabling alerts and email notifications for events related to gateway IPS engine utilization and errors

Answer: D

A company has Aruba gateways that are Implementing gateway IDS/IPS in IDS mode.
The customer complains that admins are receiving too frequent of repeat email notifications for the same threat.
The threat itself might be one that the admins should investigate, but the customer does not want
the email notification to repeat as often.
Which setting should you adjust in Aruba Central?

A. Report scheduling settings
B. Alert duration and threshold settings
C. The IDS policy setting (strict, medium, or lenient)
D. The allowlist settings in the IDS policy

Answer: B

Refer to the scenario.
A customer is migrating from on-prem AD to Azure AD as its sole domain solution. The customer also
manages both wired and wireless devices with Microsoft Endpoint Manager (Intune).
The customer wants to improve security for the network edge. You are helping the customer design a
ClearPass deployment for this purpose. Aruba network devices will authenticate wireless and wired
clients to an Aruba ClearPass Policy Manager (CPPM) cluster (which uses version 6.10).
The customer has several requirements for authentication. The clients should only pass EAP-TLS
authentication if a query to Azure AD shows that they have accounts in Azure AD. To further refine
the clients privileges, ClearPass also should use information collected by Intune to make access control decisions.
Assume that the Azure AD deployment has the proper prerequisites established.
You are planning the CPPM authentication source that you will reference as the authentication
source in 802.1X services.
How should you set up this authentication source?

A. As Kerberos type
B. As Active Directory type
C. As HTTP type, referencing the Intune extension
D. AS HTTP type, referencing Azure AD's FODN

Answer: D

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Students Feedback / Reviews/ Discussion

Lorato Khula 1 month ago - South Africa
I have taken the real exam and about 80% of the exam questions can be found in this question sets
upvoted 7 times

Raja B 1 month ago - India
I have also taken this exam, and only 70% of questions were from this question set.
upvoted 7 times

Sakib MD Shahjahan 3 months ago - Bangladesh
Just took it recently, this is still valid and if you go over this dump thoroughly you should pass.
upvoted 7 times

Carvajal Pineda 2 weeks, 6 days ago - Colombia
Took the exam, passed with 82,4%. 100% of the questions were in this dump, with minor corrections in the questions.
upvoted 1 times

Christoph Spirig 3 months, 2 weeks ago - Switzerland
took the exam today and all the questions were from the dumps, passed.
upvoted 1 times

Mama Brien 1 week ago - Singapore
Took a exam today, passed 84.1%. Only used this dump.
upvoted 2 times

Christoph Spirig 7 months, 1 week ago - Russia
I passed my exam today 77,8 percent ...
upvoted 1 times

Term Moxa 1 months ago -USA
taken exam 1st Mar 2023 except for 2 to 3 questions, everything came from this dump.
upvoted 4 times

Omkar Harsoo 1 week ago - South Africa

Are right answers also all right on the real exam?
upvoted 1 times

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