Exam: HPE7-A01

HPE HPE7-A01 Exam
Vendor HP
Certification HP Aruba
Exam Code HPE7-A01
Exam Title Aruba Certified Campus Access Professional Exam
No. of Questions 125
Last Updated Mar 03, 2025
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This exam validates the candidate’s intermediate knowledge and implementation of wired and wireless networks, including routing/switching, RF applications, security, connectivity, and troubleshooting.

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No reference material is allowed at the testing site. This exam may contain beta test items for experimental purposes.

During the exam, you can make comments about the exam items. We welcome these comments as part of our continuous improvement process.

Exam ID : HPE7-A01
Exam type : Proctored
Exam duration : 2 hours
Exam length : 75 questions
Passing score : 68%
Delivery languages : English, Japanese, Latin American Spanish
Additional study materials : Aruba Certified Professional - Campus Access Study Guide

Ideal candidate:
The typical candidate for this exam is NOC Level 2/3, network analyst, or network engineer, and has 2-5 years of experience with Aruba portfolio and an understanding of the implications of their actions on the network, impact, and risk of change management. They have an understanding of protocols across vendors, performance optimization across networks, and a basic understanding of API calls and configuration. They can identify and fix configuration issues.
Exam contents

This exam has 75 questions.
Advice to help you take this exam
Complete the training and review all course materials and documents before you take the exam.
Exam items are based on expected knowledge acquired from job experience, an expected level of industry-standard knowledge, or other prerequisites (events, supplemental materials, etc.).
Successful completion of the course or study materials alone does not ensure you will pass the exam.

Exam policies
Click here to view exam security and retake policies.

This exam validates that you can: Percentage of Exam
4% Network Stack
Describe and differentiate between 802.11, 802.1, and 802.3 technologies

8% Connectivity
Implement foundational networking architectures and technologies.
Deploy devices

8% Network Resiliency and device virtualization
Implement mechanisms for resiliency, redundancy, and fault tolerance

14% Switching
Implement and validate Layer 2/3 technologies

17% WLAN
Implement RF attributes and wireless functions
Build a configuration based on customer requirements

13% Routing
Implement routing topologies and functions

9% Security
Implement security standards and concepts
Integrate wireless SSID with EAP-TLS

8% Authentication/Authorization
Implement wired AAA configurations based on customer requirements

6% Managing and Monitoring
Implement and Analyze the output from common network monitoring tools
Configure Port Mirroring to collect PCAPs
Configure NAE agents
Configuring UXI sensors for internal and external tests
Describe how APIs can be used to configure, manage, monitor, and troubleshoot your network

6% Troubleshooting
Define and perform troubleshooting on wired and wireless networks

7% Performance Optimization
Describe QoS
Implement QoS
Optimize Wireless Performance

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Sample Question:

Which feature supported by SNMPv3 provides an advantage over SNMPv2c?

A. Transport mapping
B. Community strings
C. GetBulk
D. Encryption

Answer: D

You are doing tests in your lab and with the following equipment specifications

AP1 has a radio that generates a 10 dBm signal
AP2 has a radio that generates a 11 dBm signal
AP1 has an antenna with a gain of 9 dBi
AP2 has an antenna with a gain of 12 dBi.
The antenna cable for AP1 has a 2 dB loss
The antenna cable for AP2 has a 3 dB loss
What would be the calculated Equivalent Isotropic Radiated Power (EIRP) for APT?

A. 26 dBm
B. 30 dBm
C. 17 dBm
D. -12 dBm

Answer: C

The calculated Equivalent Isotropic Radiated Power (EIRP) for AP1 is 17 dBm.
EIRP is the measured radiated power of an antenna in a specific direction. It is equal to the input
power to the antenna multiplied by the gain of the antenna. It can also take into account the losses
in transmission line, connectors, and other components. The formula for EIRP is:
EIRP = P + G - L
where P is the output power of the radio, G is the gain of the antenna, and L is the loss of the cable
and connectors.
For AP1, we have:
P = 10 dBm G = 9 dBi L = 2 dB
EIRP = 10 + 9 - 2 EIRP = 17 dBm

With Aruba CX 6300. how do you configure ip address 10 10 10 1 for the interface in default state for interface 1?

A. int 1. switching, ip address 10 10 10 1
B. int 1. no switching, ip address 10 10 10.1
C. int 1. ip address
D. int 1. routing, ip address 10.10.10 1

Answer: B

To configure an IP address for an interface in default state for interface 1 on Aruba CX 6300
switch, you need to disable switching on the interface first with the command no switching. Then you
can assign an IP address with the command ip address. The other options are incorrect because they
either do not disable switching or use invalid keywords such as switching or routing. Reference:

Your Director of Security asks you to assign AOS-CX switch management roles to new employees
based on their specific job requirements After the configuration was complete, it was noted that a
user assigned with the administrators role did not have the appropriate level of access on the switch.
The user was not limited to viewing nonsensitive configuration information and a level of 1 was not
assigned to their role Which default management role should have been assigned for the user?

A. sysadmin
B. operators
C. helpdesk
D. config

Answer: B

The default management role that should have been assigned for the user is B. operators.
The operators user role is a predefined role that allows users to view nonsensitive configuration
information on the switch, such as interfaces, VLANs, routing protocols, statistics, and more. The
operators user role has a privilege level of 1, which is the lowest level of access on the switch1.
The administrators user role is a predefined role that has full access to all switch configuration
information and all REST API methods. This role is more than what the Director of Security requires1.

A new network design is being considered to minimize client latency in a high-density environment.
The design needs to do this by eliminating contention overhead by dedicating subcarriers to clients.
Which technology is the best match for this use case?

D. Channel Bonding

Answer: A

OFDMA (Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiple Access) is a technology that can minimize client
latency in a high-density environment by eliminating contention overhead by dedicating subcarriers
to clients. OFDMA allows multiple clients to transmit simultaneously on different subcarriers within
the same channel, reducing contention and increasing efficiency. MU-MIMO (Multi-User Multiple
Input Multiple Output) is a technology that allows multiple clients to transmit simultaneously on
different spatial streams within the same channel, but it does not eliminate contention overhead.
QWMM (Quality of Service Wireless Multimedia) is a technology that prioritizes traffic based on four
access categories, but it does not eliminate contention overhead. Channel Bonding is a technology
that combines two adjacent channels into one wider channel, increasing bandwidth but not
eliminating contention overhead. Reference:

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Students Feedback / Reviews/ Discussion

Tichaona Jeche 1 months ago -United Kingdom
Passed 402/500
upvoted 1 times

Stefan Fischer 2 months, 2 weeks ago - Switzerland
Passed on 15 AUG  - 479/500, thank you!!
upvoted 2 times

Rashid Ssentongo 3 months ago - Uganda
Yesterday, Passed 500/500
upvoted 1 times

Sanwoola Lateef 1 months, 1 weeks ago - USA
It's legit guys, only one question in my exam wasn't here but it was quite easy, passed with 479/500.
upvoted 2 times

Ratthanan Taphankaew 4 months ago - Thailand
Legit! The questions are the sane
upvoted 1 times

Medina Francisco 1 months ago - Chile
Just sat the exam, 30 Jun 2023.. 458/500. 90+% of the questions were here. Read the comments section. Thanks!!
upvoted 1 times

Orkhan Hasani 6 months ago - Azerbaijan
Passed on 2 May 2023 - 468/500, thank you!!
upvoted 3 times

Chandiwana Casper 6 months, 2 weeks ago - South Africa
Passed. Got a 500 score. All questions is from here, Read the comment section carefully for correct answers.
upvoted 2 times

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