Exam: SC-200

SC-200 Exam
Vendor Microsoft
Certification Microsoft Certified: Security Operations Analyst Associate
Exam Code SC-200
Exam Title Microsoft Security Operations Analyst Exam
No. of Questions 322
Last Updated Mar 10, 2025
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  • 70-620

    TS: Configuring Microsoft Windows Vista Client

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    Configuring Exchange Server 2007

  • 70-270

    Installing, Configuring, and Administering Microsoft Windows XP Professional

  • 70-431

    Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Implementation & Maintenance

  • 70-647

    PRO: Windows Server 2008,Enterprise Administrator

  • 70-649

    TS: Upgrading Your MCSE on Windows Server 2003 to Windows Server 2008, Technology Specialist

  • 70-089

    Planning, Deploying, and Managing Microsoft Systems Management Server 2003

  • 70-121

    Designing and Providing Microsoft Volume License Solutions to Small and Medium Organizations

  • 70-122

    Designing and Providing Microsoft Volume License Solutions to Large Organizations

  • 70-123

    Planning, Implementing, and Maintaining a Software Asset Management (SAM) Program

  • 70-228

    Installing, Configuring and Administering Microsoft SQL Server 2000, Enterprise Edition

  • 70-229

    Designing and Implementing Databases with Microsoft SQL Server 2000, Enterprise Edition

  • 70-235

    Developing Business Process and Integration Solutions Using BizTalk Server 2006

  • 70-237

    Designing Messaging Solutions with MS Exchange Server 2007

  • 70-238

    Deploying Messaging Solutions w/MS Exchange Server 2007

  • 70-297

    Designing a Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Active Directory and Network Infrastructure

  • 70-298

    Designing Security for a MS Windows Server 2003 Network

  • 70-300

    Analyzing Requirements and Defining Microsoft .NET Solution Architectures

  • 70-305

    Developing and Implementing Web Applications with Microsoft Visual Basic.NET

  • 70-306

    Developing and Implementing Windows-based Applications with Microsoft Visual Basic .NET

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    Implementing, Managing, and Maintaining a Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Network Infrastructure

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    Planning and Maintaining a Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Network Infrastructure

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    Planning, Implementing, and Maintaining a Microsoft Windows Server 2003 AD Infrastructure

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    XML Web Services and Server Components with Visual Basic.NET

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    Developing and Implementing Windows-based Applications with Microsoft Visual C# .NET

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    XML Web Services and Server Components with C#.NET

  • 70-350

    Implementing Microsoft Internet Security and Acceleration (ISA) Server 2004

  • 70-441

    PRO: Designing Database Solutions by using Microsoft SQL Server 2005

  • 70-442

    Designing and Optimizing Data Access by Using Microsoft SQL Server 2005


Updates to the exam
Our exams are updated periodically to reflect skills that are required to perform a role. We have included two versions of the Skills Measured objectives depending on when you are taking the exam.

We always update the English language version of the exam first. Some exams are localized into other languages, and those are updated approximately eight weeks after the English version is updated. While Microsoft makes every effort to update localized versions as noted, there may be times when the localized versions of an exam are not updated on this schedule. Other available languages are listed in the Schedule Exam section of the Exam Details webpage. If the exam isn't available in your preferred language, you can request an additional 30 minutes to complete the exam.

The bullets that follow each of the skills measured are intended to illustrate how we are assessing that skill. Related topics may be covered in the exam.

Most questions cover features that are general availability (GA). The exam may contain questions on Preview features if those features are commonly used.

Audience profile
As a Microsoft security operations analyst, you reduce organizational risk by:
Rapidly remediating active attacks in the environment.
Advising on improvements to threat protection practices.
Referring violations of organizational policies to appropriate stakeholders.
You perform:
Incident response.
Vulnerability management.
Threat hunting.
Cyber threat intelligence analysis.
As a Microsoft security operations analyst, you monitor, identify, investigate, and respond to threats in multicloud environments by using:
Microsoft Sentinel
Microsoft Defender for Cloud
Microsoft 365 Defender
Third-party security solutions
In this role, you collaborate with business stakeholders, architects, identity administrators, Azure administrators, and endpoint administrators to secure IT systems for the organization.
As a candidate, you should be familiar with:

Microsoft 365
Azure cloud services
Windows and Linux operating systems
Skills at a glance

Mitigate threats by using Microsoft 365 Defender (25–30%)
Mitigate threats by using Defender for Cloud (15–20%)
Mitigate threats by using Microsoft Sentinel (50–55%)

Mitigate threats by using Microsoft 365 Defender (25–30%)
Mitigate threats to the Microsoft 365 environment by using Microsoft 365 Defender
Investigate, respond, and remediate threats to Microsoft Teams, SharePoint Online, and OneDrive
Investigate, respond, and remediate threats to email by using Microsoft Defender for Office 365
Investigate and respond to alerts generated by data loss prevention (DLP) policies
Investigate and respond to alerts generated by insider risk policies
Discover and manage apps by using Microsoft Defender for Cloud Apps
Identify, investigate, and remediate security risks by using Defender for Cloud Apps
Mitigate endpoint threats by using Microsoft Defender for Endpoint
Manage data retention, alert notification, and advanced features
Recommend attack surface reduction (ASR) for devices
Respond to incidents and alerts
Configure and manage device groups
Identify devices at risk by using the Microsoft Defender Vulnerability Management
Manage endpoint threat indicators
Identify unmanaged devices by using device discovery
Mitigate identity threats
Mitigate security risks related to events for Microsoft Entra ID
Mitigate security risks related to Microsoft Entra ID Protection events
Mitigate security risks related to Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS) by using Microsoft Defender for Identity
Manage extended detection and response (XDR) in Microsoft 365 Defender
Manage incidents and automated investigations in the Microsoft 365 Defender portal
Manage actions and submissions in the Microsoft 365 Defender portal
Identify threats by using Kusto Query Language (KQL)
Identify and remediate security risks by using Microsoft Secure Score
Analyze threat analytics in the Microsoft 365 Defender portal
Configure and manage custom detections and alerts
Investigate threats by using audit features in Microsoft 365 Defender and Microsoft Purview
Perform threat hunting by using unified audit log
Perform threat hunting by using Content Search

Mitigate threats by using Defender for Cloud (15–20%)
Implement and maintain cloud security posture management
Assign and manage regulatory compliance policies, including Microsoft cloud security benchmark (MCSB)
Improve the Microsoft Defender for Cloud secure score by applying recommended remediations
Configure plans and agents for Microsoft Defender for Servers
Configure and manage Microsoft Defender for DevOps
Configure and manage Microsoft Defender External Attack Surface Management (EASM)
Configure environment settings in Microsoft Defender for Cloud
Plan and configure Microsoft Defender for Cloud settings, including selecting target subscriptions and workspaces
Configure Microsoft Defender for Cloud roles
Assess and recommend cloud workload protection
Enable plans for Microsoft Defender for Cloud
Configure automated onboarding of Azure resources
Connect compute resources by using Azure Arc
Connect multi-cloud resources by using Environment settings
Respond to alerts and incidents in Microsoft Defender for Cloud
Set up email notifications
Create and manage alert suppression rules
Design and configure workflow automation in Microsoft Defender for Cloud
Remediate alerts and incidents by using Microsoft Defender for Cloud recommendations
Manage security alerts and incidents
Analyze Microsoft Defender for Cloud threat intelligence reports

Mitigate threats by using Microsoft Sentinel (50–55%)
Design and configure a Microsoft Sentinel workspace
Plan a Microsoft Sentinel workspace
Configure Microsoft Sentinel roles
Design and configure Microsoft Sentinel data storage, including log types and log retention
Plan and implement the use of data connectors for ingestion of data sources in Microsoft Sentinel
Identify data sources to be ingested for Microsoft Sentinel
Configure and use Microsoft Sentinel connectors for Azure resources, including Azure Policy and diagnostic settings
Configure Microsoft Sentinel connectors for Microsoft 365 Defender and Defender for Cloud
Design and configure Syslog and Common Event Format (CEF) event collections
Design and configure Windows security event collections
Configure threat intelligence connectors
Create custom log tables in the workspace to store ingested data
Manage Microsoft Sentinel analytics rules
Configure the Fusion rule
Configure Microsoft security analytics rules
Configure built-in scheduled query rules
Configure custom scheduled query rules
Configure near-real-time (NRT) analytics rules
Manage analytics rules from Content hub
Manage and use watchlists
Manage and use threat indicators
Perform data classification and normalization
Classify and analyze data by using entities
Query Microsoft Sentinel data by using Advanced Security Information Model (ASIM) parsers
Develop and manage ASIM parsers
Configure security orchestration automated response (SOAR) in Microsoft Sentinel
Create and configure automation rules
Create and configure Microsoft Sentinel playbooks
Configure analytic rules to trigger automation rules
Trigger playbooks from alerts and incidents
Manage Microsoft Sentinel incidents
Configure an incident generation
Triage incidents in Microsoft Sentinel
Investigate incidents in Microsoft Sentinel
Respond to incidents in Microsoft Sentinel
Investigate multi-workspace incidents
Use Microsoft Sentinel workbooks to analyze and interpret data
Activate and customize Microsoft Sentinel workbook templates
Create custom workbooks
Configure advanced visualizations
Hunt for threats by using Microsoft Sentinel
Analyze attack vector coverage by using MITRE ATT&CK in Microsoft Sentinel
Customize content gallery hunting queries
Create custom hunting queries
Use hunting bookmarks for data investigations
Monitor hunting queries by using Livestream
Retrieve and manage archived log data
Create and manage search jobs
Manage threats by using User and Entity Behavior Analytics
Configure User and Entity Behavior Analytics settings
Investigate threats by using entity pages
Configure anomaly detection analytics rules

Change log
Key to understanding the table: The topic groups (also known as functional groups) are in bold typeface followed by the objectives within each group. The table is a comparison between the two versions of the exam skills measured and the third column describes the extent of the changes.

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Sample Question:

Sample Question and Answers

The issue for which team can be resolved by using Microsoft Defender for Endpoint?

A. executive
B. sales
C. marketing

Answer: B

The issue for which team can be resolved by using Microsoft Defender for Office 365?

A. executive
B. marketing
C. security
D. sales

Answer: B

You need to recommend a solution to meet the technical requirements for the Azure virtual machines. What should you include in the recommendation?

A. just-in-time (JIT) access
B. Azure Defender
C. Azure Firewall
D. Azure Application Gateway

Answer: B

You need to remediate active attacks to meet the technical requirements.
What should you include in the solution?

A. Azure Automation runbooks
B. Azure Logic Apps
C. Azure Functions
D Azure Sentinel livestreams

Answer: B

You need to complete the query for failed sign-ins to meet the technical requirements.
Where can you find the column name to complete the where clause?

A. Security alerts in Azure Security Center
B. Activity log in Azure
C. Azure Advisor
D. the query windows of the Log Analytics workspace

Answer: D

You need to implement the Azure Information Protection requirements. What should you configure first?

A. Device health and compliance reports settings in Microsoft Defender Security Center
B. scanner clusters in Azure Information Protection from the Azure portal
C. content scan jobs in Azure Information Protection from the Azure portal
D. Advanced features from Settings in Microsoft Defender Security Center

Answer: D

You need to modify the anomaly detection policy settings to meet the Cloud App Security requirements. Which policy should you modify?

A. Activity from suspicious IP addresses
B. Activity from anonymous IP addresses
C. Impossible travel
D. Risky sign-in

Answer: C

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Students Feedback / Reviews/ Discussion

Jose Lindo Meza 7 months, 3 weeks ago - Peru
Took my exam today and passed with score 866.
My exam had 48 questions, of which about 15 were not here (most of them were from the case study, which was totally different). I have contributor access
upvoted 5 times

Hari P 8 months, 1 week ago - India
Exam score 788. Only 4 new question
upvoted 3 times

manissin 8 months, 2 weeks ago - japan
TRUST ME..I have passed my 2 certification by this website. Great work TEAM...
upvoted 5 times

ABDULLAH BAHKALI 1 months, 2 weeks ago - Saudi Arabia
I took my exam with 788. Case study was exactly the same. 2-3 new questions
upvoted 5 times

ROSE IBEMBU 3 months, 3 weeks ago - Angola
I passed exam yesterday with 922 points. All questions were from here perhaps 1-2 question were different. I have contributor access.
upvoted 7 times

Michael D 4 months, 3 weeks ago - Germany
Cleared my exam yesterday with 800
out of total 49 questions , almost 15 were new but examtopics questions are great help. Thank you
upvoted 3 times

Patrick Brazier 5 months, 3 weeks ago - Australia
Passed 800 there were 48 questions and 15 new questions.
upvoted 2 times

Richard Bain 9 months, 4 weeks ago - United States
dump still valid, I passed exam on yesterday.
upvoted 2 times

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