Exam: HPE2-K45

HPE HPE2-K45 Exam
Vendor HP
Certification HPE Product Certified
Exam Code HPE2-K45
Exam Title HP Using HPE SimpliVity Exam
No. of Questions 40
Last Updated Mar 04, 2025
Product Type Q & A with Explanation
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Exam ID : HPE2-K45
Exam type : Web based
Exam duration : 1 hour
Exam length : 40 questions
Passing score : 70%
Delivery languages : Korean, Japanese, English
Supporting resources : Using HPE SimpliVity Solutions, Rev. 20.31

Exam Details
Ideal candidateHPE customers, partners, and employees who configure, implement, support, and use HPE SimpliVity solutions. The minimally qualified candidate will have basic industry standard storage knowledge and skills. They will have some familiarity with the HPE product portfolio.

Exam contents
This exam has 40 questions.
Advice to help you take this exam

Complete the training and review all course materials and documents before you take the exam.
Use HPE Press study guides and additional reference materials; study guides, practice tests, and HPE books.
Exam items are based on expected knowledge acquired from job experience, an expected level of industry standard knowledge, or other prerequisites (events, supplemental materials, etc.).
Successful completion of the course or study materials alone, does not ensure you will pass the exam.

Exam policies
Click here to view exam security and retake policies.
This exam validates that you can:

6% Describe HPE SimpliVity value proposition
Describe the HPE SimpliVity benefits, integration points, and HyuperGuarantees program
Explain top use cases (VDI, ROBO, Datacenter Consolidation, Datacenter Protection)
Describe the benefits of HPE Reference ARchitectures
Describe HPE SimpliVity TCO impact

15% Describe HPE SimpliVity Architecture
Explain HPE SimpliVity data efficiency technologies
Explain HPE SimpliVity architecture and components
Explain how HPE SimpliVity provides a resilient platform peak and predictable performance
Explain HPE SimpliVity Stretched Cluster implementation

24% Describe the HPE SimpliVity portfolio
Describe the HPE SimpliVity portfolio
Explain HPE StoreOnce integration
Describe HPE InfoSight integration

21% Design an HPE SimpliVity Solution
Identify and describe HPE SimpliVity sizing and configuration tools
Explain sizing guidelines and limitations

24% Explain Managing HPE SimpliVity
Describe available user interfaces
Describe HPE SimpliVity functionalities
Explain how HPE SimpliVity RapidDR works

10% Describe Installation, Maintenance, and Troubleshooting for HPE SimpliVity solutions
Explain HPE SimpliVity deployment methods and upgrade procedures
Describe HPE SimpliVity support, security, and troubleshooting options

Sample questions are provided only as examples of question style, format and complexity/difficulty. They do not represent all question types and do not reflect all topic areas. These sample questions do not represent a practice test.

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Sample questions

Which functionality does HPE InfoSight for HPE SimpliVity provide?

A. balance workloads across HPE SimpllVity nodes based on utilization
B. recommendation for guest operating system settings optimization
C. automated firmware and software upgrades for registered customers
D. monitoring of virtual machine latency

Answer: A

How is each datastore presented to HPE SimpliVity nodes?

A. as a part of vSAN
B. as a VMFS datastore
C. as an NFS datastore
D. as a vVol

Answer: A

In an HPE SimpliVity 10-node cluster, a simultaneous increase of 10 requests across several VM caused a surge in 10 traffic in a single node.
 Which HPE SimpliVity feature can evenly distribute the 10s across the cluster?

A. Resource Balancer
B. Management Virtual Appliance
C. Arbiter
D. Intelligent Workload optimizer

Answer: C

You are designing an HPE SimpliVity solution with HPE Storence.
Which design aspects will you evaluate to optimize replication performance?

A. Performance optimization features provided by VMFS datastores comapred to NFS datastores
B. Number of the HPE SimpliVlty clusters and Catalyst stores used
C. Intelligent Workload optimizer settings
D. HPE SimpliVity model used

Answer: B

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