Exam: HPE2-N68

HPE HPE2-N68 Exam
Vendor HP
Certification HP Product Certified
Exam Code HPE2-N68
Exam Title Using HPE Containers Exam
No. of Questions 40
Last Updated Mar 04, 2025
Product Type Q & A with Explanation
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Exam ID : HPE2-N68
Exam type : Web based
Exam duration : 1 hour 30 minutes
Exam length : 40 questions
Passing score : 70%
Delivery languages : English, Japanese, Korean
Supporting resources :  Using HPE Containers, Rev. 21.41
Additional study materials : Using HPE Containers Study Guide

Ideal candidateTypical candidates for this certification are HPE customers, partners, and employees who configure, implement, support, and use HPE Ezmeral Runtime Enterprise solutions.
The minimally qualified candidate will have basic industry standard knowledge and skills related to containers. They will have some familiarity with the HPE product portfolio.

Exam contents
This exam has 40 questions.
Advice to help you take this exam

Complete the training and review all course materials and documents before you take the exam.
Use HPE Press study guides and additional reference materials; study guides, practice tests, and HPE books.
Exam items are based on expected knowledge acquired from job experience, an expected level of industry standard knowledge, or other prerequisites (events, supplemental materials, etc.).
Successful completion of the course or study materials alone, does not ensure you will pass the exam.

Read the entire question and consider all options before you answer. If the question includes an exhibit, study the exhibit and read the question again. Select the answer that fully responds to the question. If the question asks for more than one answer, select all correct answers. There is no partial credit.

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This exam validates that you can describe, recommend, demonstrate, and configure HPE Ezmeral Runtime Enterprise

15% Explain foundational concepts necessary for understanding how the HPE Ezmeral Runtime Enterprise Platform works
1.1 Explain container and container orchestration technologies
1.2 Explain big data technologies
1.3 Explain basic artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) concepts

33% Explain the HPE Ezmeral Runtime Enterprise model, features, and functions
2.1 Explain the benefits of the HPE Ezmeral Runtime Enterprise Platform
2.2 Identify use cases and deployment options for the HPE Ezmeral Runtime Enterprise Platform
2.3 Describe the HPE Ezmeral Runtime Enterprise Platform architecture and key features

21% Perform installation and setup processes
3.1 Plan for a successful installation
3.2 Perform the installation
3.3 Perform key setup tasks
3.4 Set up high availability

31% Configure various environments and demonstrate key capabilities
4.1 Create Kubernetes clusters and demonstrate deploying applications on them
4.2 Create EPIC clusters and demonstrate creating projects and running jobs on them
4.3 Monitoring and Alerting

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What is one way that HPE Ezmeral ML Ops can help companies overcome their AI/ML challenges?

A. It enforces isolation between notebook environments and training environments.
B. It provides acceleration for machine learning algorithms to eliminate the need for CPUs.
C. It provides notebook and training environments with many AI/ML libraries and frameworks.
D. It provides a custom HPE Ezmeral library for deep learning and neural network algorithms.

Answer: B

A company wants to use Ezmeral Data Fabric to provide storage to Kubernetes Tenants on HPE
Ezmeral Container Platform. What deployment option should you choose?

A. Enable the embedded Data Fabric during the controller install. Create hybrid Kubernetes clusters that use Data Fabric and non-Data Fabric nodes.
B. Enable the embedded Data Fabric during the controller install. Also create a dedicated Data Fabric Kubernetes cluster.
C. Disable the embedded Data Fabric during the controller install. Create a dedicated Data Fabric Kubernetes cluster.
D. Disable the embedded Data Fabric during the controller install. Create hybrid Kubernetes clusters that use Data Fabric and non-Data Fabric nodes.

Answer: B

What Is a correct consideration for creating a Kubernetes Tenant on Ezmeral Container Platform?

A. When you select that the Tenant owns the Kubernetes namespace, Tenant Admins are given elevated access to the Kubernetes cluster.
B. When you set a quota for a resource, containers running on the Tenant are not allowed to request or use resources beyond that level.
C. You must manually create a namespace for the Tenant on the Kubernetes cluster before you create the Tenant.
D. When you set a quota for a resource, containers running on the Tenant are guaranteed up to that level.

Answer: A

What is one requirement tor setting up Platform High Availability (HA)?

A. Gateway HA must be configured before you enable Platform HA.
B. The controller and the shadow controller must be on different subnets.
C. The controller and the gateway must be on the same subnet.
D. Any virtual clusters that have been created on EPIC workers must be deleted.

Answer: B

For which use case should you enable Istlo on a Kubernetes cluster?

A. Connecting a KubeDirector cluster to external Kubernetes components such as secrets and config maps
B. Converting stateful applications such as Spark into a form that can run on Kubernetes
C. Training ML algorithms to perform complex tasks such as clustering andimage recognition
D. Creating more sophisticated routing rules for services running on the cluster

Answer: B

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 "I recently took the HPE2-N68 exam and passed thanks to the study materials and practice tests provided on your website. The resources were extremely helpful in preparing me for the exam and I highly recommend it to anyone looking to validate their knowledge of HPE Ezmeral Runtime Enterprise solutions."

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"I have been working in the field of container orchestration for several years and I found your website to be an invaluable resource for staying current on industry trends and best practices. The HPE2-N68 exam was no exception and I passed with flying colors thanks to your comprehensive study materials and practice tests."

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