Exam: 1Z0-1067-24

Oracle 1Z0-1067-24 Exam
Vendor Oracle
Certification Oracle Cloud Solutions
Exam Code 1Z0-1067-24
Exam Title Oracle Cloud Infrastructure 2024 Cloud Operations Professional Exam
No. of Questions 93
Last Updated Mar 01, 2025
Product Type Q&A PDF / Desktop & Android VCE Simulator / Online Testing Engine
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  • 1Z0-001

    Introduction to Oracle: SQL and PL/SQL

  • 1Z0-007

    Introduction to Oracle9i: SQL

  • 1Z0-020

    Oracle8i: New Features for Administrators

  • 1Z0-023

    Architecture and Administration

  • 1Z0-024

    Performance Tuning

  • 1Z0-025

    Backup and Recovery

  • 1Z0-026

    Network Administration

  • 1Z0-031

    Oracle9i:Database Fundamentals I

  • 1Z0-032

    Oracle9i:Database Fundamentals II

  • 1Z0-036

    Managing Oracle 9i on Linux

  • 1Z0-048

    Oracle Database 10g R2: Administering RAC

  • 1Z0-050

    Oracle Database 11g: New Features for Administrators

  • 1Z0-101

    Develop PL/SQL Program Units

  • 1Z0-131

    Oracle9i, Build Internet Applications I

  • 1Z0-132

    Oracle9i, Build Internet Applications II

  • 1Z0-140

    Oracle9i Forms Developer: New Features

  • 1Z0-141

    Oracle9i Forms Developer: Build Internet Applications

  • 1Z0-147

    Oracle 9i: Program with PL/SQL

  • 1Z0-200

    Oracle 11i E-Business Essentials

  • 1Z0-211

    Oracle 11i General Ledger

  • 1Z0-212

    Oracle Payables 11i Fudamentals

  • 1Z0-213

    Oracle Receivables 11i Fundamentals

  • 1Z0-221

    Oracle 11i Inventory Management Fundamentals

  • 1Z0-222

    Oracle Purchasing 11i Fundamentals

  • 1Z0-223

    Oracle Order Management 11i Fundamentals

  • 1Z0-232

    Oracle 11i Systems Administrator

  • 1Z0-233

    11i Install Patch and Maintain Oracle Applications

  • 1Z0-301

    Oracle9iAS: Basic Administrations

  • 1Z0-311

    Oracle Application Server 10g: Administration I

  • 1z0-207

    Oracle Communications Billing and Revenue Management: Pricing


Earn associated certifications
Passing this exam is required to earn these certifications. Select each certification title below to view full requirements.

Oracle Cloud Infrastructure 2024 Certified Cloud Operations Professional
Format: Hands-on Performance Based
Duration: 90 Minutes
Exam Price: Rs.63,883
Number of Questions: Not Applicable
Passing Score: 65%
Validation: This exam has been validated against Oracle Cloud Infrastructure 2024
Policy: Cloud Recertification

Prepare to pass exam: 1Z0-1067-24
The Oracle Cloud Infrastructure 2024 Cloud Operations Professional certification is a Hands-on Performance Exam (HPE) that combines hands-on challenges and multiple-choice questions.

This certification validates the candidate's ability to deploy core resources in OCI using various methods, including the OCI Command Line Interface (CLI) and Infrastructure as Code (IaC). Additionally, it encompasses configuring compute instances, optimizing cost and performance, implementing reliability and business continuity best practices, administering identity and access management policies, and effectively utilizing OCI's observability platform. Current training and substantial hands-on experience are strongly recommended.

Take recommended training
Complete one of the courses below to prepare for your exam (optional):

Become An OCI Cloud Operations Professional (2024)
Additional Preparation and Information

A combination of Oracle training and hands-on experience (attained via labs and/or field experience), in the learning subscription, provides the best preparation for passing the exam.

Review exam topics

Deploying and Managing Resources
Deploy core services manually
Utilize the OCI CLI to query, provision, and destroy resources
Utilize infrastructure as code to deploy replicable stacks

Utilizing Configuration Management Tools
Utilize configuration management tools to configure resources
Utilize cloud-init to initialize compute instances

Optimizing Cost and Performance
Implement cost optimization strategies
Implement performance optimization strategies
Implement budgets and compartment quotas to limit usage

Implementing Reliability and Business Continuity
Implement scalability and elasticity
Implement automated failover
Implement data retention strategies

Managing Identity and Security
Implement tenancy security posture
Manage secrets and encryption keys
Implement least-privilege access control policies

Implementing Observability
Implement Metric Query Language (MQL)
Implement alarms and notifications
Implement health checks

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You have created several block volumes in the us-phoenix-1 region in a specific compart-ment. The
compartment can be identified by the following Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) unique identifier,
or ocid1.compartment.oc1.phx..exampleuniquelD Your manager has asked you to leverage the OCI
monitoring service and write a metric query showing all read IOPS at a one-minute interval, filtered
to this compartment and aggregated for the maximum. Which metric query will you create?

A. IopsRead[lm]{compartmentId = 'odd1.compartment.ocl.phx..exampleuniquelD'}.grouping().mean()
B. IopsRead[lm]{compartmentId='ocldl.compartment.ocl.phx..exampleuniquelD'}.max()
C. Iop-sWrite[lm]{compartmentId=Hocidl.compartment.ocl.phx..exampleuniquelD'}.mean()
D. Iop-sRead[lm{compartmentId='ocidl.compartment.ocl.phx..exampleuniquelD'}.grouplng().max()

Answer: D

The general syntax for an IAM policy is: Allow <identity_domain_name>/<subject> to <verb>
<resource-type> in <location> where <conditions> Which two are valid values for <lo-cation>?

A. tenancy
B. availability-domain aBCD:us-phoenix-1
C. compartment MyCompartment
D. security-zone MyZone
E. region us-phoenix-1

Answer: A, C

All the developers in a DevOps team are using the same compartment called 'devops'. There are two
IAM groups: 'group-devs' and 'group-ops'. Which of the following IAM policy will give users in both
these groups access to manage all resources in the compartment?

A. Allow group group-dev, group-ops to manage all resources in compartment devops.
B. Allow group /group*/ to manage all resources in compartment devops.
C. Allow any-user to manage all resources in compartment devops where any {request.
D. Allow any-user to manage all resources in compartment devops where request.group= /group*/.

Answer: A

You have a group of developers who launch multiple VM.Standard3.Flex compute in-stances every
day into the compartment Dev. As a result, your Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) tenancy quickly
hits the service limit for this shape, and other groups can no longer create new instances using the
VM.Standard3.Flex shape. Therefore, your company issues a new mandate that the Dev
compartment must include a quota that allows the use of only 20 VM.Standard3.Flex OCPUs per
availability domain, without affecting any other compartment in the tenancy. Which quota statement
would you use to implement this new requirement?

A. set compute-core quota standard3-core-count to 20 in compartment dev where re-quest.region = us-phoenix-1
B. zero compute-core quotas in tenancy set compute-core quota standard3-core-count to 20 in tenancy dev
C. zero compute-core quotas in tenancy set compute-core quota standard3-core-count to 20 in compartment dev
D. set compute-core quota standard3-core-count to 20 in compartment dev

Answer: D

An insurance company has contracted you to help automate their application business continuity
plan. They have the application running in eu-frankfurt-1 as the primary site and uk-london-1 as a
disaster recovery site. Normally they have a DNS A record associated with the IP address of the
primary endpoint in eu- frankfurt-1. In the event of a disaster, they use OCI DNS Zone Management
to update the A record and replace it with the IP address of the end-point in uk- londond-1. How can
you automate the failover process? (Choose the best answer.)

A. Create a Health Check that evaluates both regional endpoints. Create a Traffic Management
Steering policy with Failover type and associate it with the Health Check.
B. Provision a Load Balancer in Frankfurt and associate it with the A record in DNS. Create a backend
set with backend servers from both eu-frankfurt-1 and uk- london-1 regions.
C. Create a Traffic Management Steering policy with Load Balancer type and add both eu-frankfurt-1
and uk-london-1 endpoints. Attach the Traffic Management Steering policy to the A record.
D. Create a Traffic Management Steering policy and attach it to a backend servers from both eufrankfurt-
1 and uk-london-1 regions.

Answer: A

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Certainly, here's a rewritten version of your text:

Packiam Vijendran 1 months ago - Malaysia
Passed the exam yesterday, 95% of the question were from this site. Note: Pay more attention to all the community discussions on each question, instead of the answers provided by the examtopics and I strongly suggest to get the contributor access.
upvoted 4 times

Javier Cardaba Enjuto 2 months, 1 week ago - Spain
Excellent pre-exam session tool
upvoted 2 times

Palanisamy Arulmohan 1 months, 1 week ago - USA

I passed today, 94 questions asked and 99% of them were in this dump.
3 labs: BGP (as-override), HSRP, OSPF (without network statement)
upvoted 4 times

peppinauz 3 months, 2 weeks ago
I pass my exam, dump is valid about 90-95%. review the community answers!!
upvoted 6 times

Oberoi Ankit3 months, 3 weeks ago - USA Texas
Passed exam today dump still accurate. almost all the questions are here, some are overcomplicated or incomplete on the site,
upvoted 4 times

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