Exam: 1Z0-1111-25

Oracle 1Z0-1111-25 Exam
Vendor Oracle
Certification Oracle Cloud Solutions
Exam Code 1Z0-1111-25
Exam Title Oracle Cloud Infrastructure 2025 Observability Professional Exam
No. of Questions 61
Last Updated Mar 25, 2025
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Format: Multiple Choice
Duration: 90 minutes
Exam Price: $25
Number of Questions: 50
Passing Score: 68%
Validation: This Exam has been validated against Oracle Cloud Infrastructure 2025
Policy: Cloud Recertification

Earn associated certifications
Passing this exam is required to earn these certifications. Select each certification title below to view full requirements.
Oracle Cloud Infrastructure 2025 Certified Observability Professional

Prepare to pass exam: 1Z0-1111-25
The Oracle Cloud Infrastructure 2025 Observability Professional Certification is designed for Site Reliability Engineers, Cloud Operations, Application Developers, Cloud Administrators, and roles involved in monitoring and troubleshooting OCI environments. The target candidate should be familiar with core OCI services such as Compute, Storage and Networking. The exam validates the following topics:

• Distinguish the purpose of OCI Observability and Management platform
• Demonstrate OCI Monitoring service with metrics and alarms
• Illustrate how to respond to cloud resource changes in real-time using OCI Events
• Describe centralized management of log data with OCI Logging
• Create visualizations and identify log data patterns with OCI Logging Analytics
• Explore methods to monitor applications with deep visibility using OCI Application Performance Monitoring
• Explain monitoring of distributed components in an application stack with OCI Stack Monitoring

Take recommended training
Complete one of the courses below to prepare for your exam (optional):

Become an OCI Observability Professional (2025)
Additional Preparation and Information

A combination of Oracle training and hands-on experience (attained via labs and/or field experience), in the learning subscription, provides the best preparation for passing the exam.

Review exam topics
The following table lists the exam objectives and their weightings.

Objectives % of Exam

Define the pillars of Observability 7%
Monitor cloud environments with metrics and alarms 18%
Respond to cloud resource changes in real-time 10%
Centrally manage and visualize log data 16%
Identify log data patterns and create visualizations for advanced analytics 22%
Monitor applications with deep visibility into end-user experience 20%
Monitor distributed components of an application stack 7%

Define the pillars of Observability
Summarize on OCI Observability and Management Services

Monitor cloud environments with metrics and alarms
Explain the key concepts of Monitoring Service
Discuss on enabling Metrics for monitoring OCI resources
Configure Alarm Definitions using best practices

Respond to cloud resource changes in real-time
Analyze the key concepts of Events Service
Determine Event Structure, Event Types and Rules
Respond to Events and integration with OCI services

Centrally manage and visualize log data
Distinguish log categories and enabling log collection from sources
Explore managing and searching logs from entire log estate
Create Connectors for Log Transitions

Identify log data patterns and create visualizations for advanced analytics
Distinguish the key concepts of Logging Analytics
Explore log ingestion methods for Logging Analytics
Analyze on search, filter and visualize logs
Present advanced analytics and features for troubleshooting

Monitor applications with deep visibility into end-user experience
Explore the key concepts of Application Performance Monitoring (APM)
Instrument applications for data collection
Examine visualizing and analyzing performance data

Monitor distributed components of an application stack
Identify the key concepts of Stack Monitoring
Analyze on discovering resources and monitoring with metrics

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You are working on a project to automate the deployment of Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI)
compute instances that are pre-configured with web services. As part of the deployment workflow,
you also need to create a corresponding OCI object storage bucket bearing the same name as that of
the compute instance. Which of these two options can help you achieve this requirement? (Choose two.)

A. Cloud Agent Plugin for the compute instance
B. Service Connector Hub
C. Oracle Functions
D. OCI CLI command, oci os bucket create auto
E. Events Service

Answer: B, C

To automate the creation of an OCI Object Storage bucket with the same name as a compute
instance during deployment, you need a mechanism to detect the instance creation event and trigger
an action to create the bucket. Two OCI services that can achieve this are Service Connector Hub and
Oracle Functions, used in conjunction with the Events Service.
Service Connector Hub (B): This service acts as a cloud message bus that facilitates data movement
between OCI services. You can configure a service connector with the Events Service as the source
(to detect compute instance creation events, e.g., com.oraclecloud.computeapi.launchinstance.end)
and Oracle Functions as the target. The service connector filters and routes the event to trigger a function.
Oracle Functions (C): This is a serverless platform that allows you to write and execute code in
response to events. You can create a function that retrieves the compute instance name from the
event payload and uses the OCI SDK or API to create an Object Storage bucket with the same name.
Why not A, D, or E alone?
Cloud Agent Plugin (A): This is used for monitoring and managing compute instances but does not
directly support bucket creation automation.
OCI CLI command (D): The command oci os bucket create auto is not a valid OCI CLI command (oci os
bucket create is valid but requires manual invocation or scripting, not event-driven automation).
Events Service (E): While critical for detecting instance creation, it alone cannot execute the logic to
create a bucket”it needs a target like Functions or Notifications.
This solution leverages the event-driven architecture of OCI, combining Events Service (implicitly
used with Service Connector Hub) and Oracle Functions for execution.
Reference: OCI Events Service, Service Connector Hub, Oracle Functions


What happens in Stack Monitoring after Management Agents are set up and resources are discovered?

A. Metric data is immediately collected
B. Alarm rules will trigger when resources are down or performance thresholds are crossed
C. Management Agents discover resources that are running locally on the instance
D. OCI Notifications send email notifications

Answer: A

In OCI Stack Monitoring, once Management Agents are deployed and resources (e.g., databases,
applications) are discovered, the immediate next step is the collection of metric data.
Metric data is immediately collected (A): Management Agents are lightweight processes that
continuously collect performance and health metrics from discovered resources (e.g., CPU usage,
memory utilization) and send them to OCI services like Monitoring or Stack Monitoring. This data
becomes available for visualization and analysis right after discovery.
Why not B, C, or D?
Alarm rules (B): Alarms are configured separately in the OCI Monitoring service and only trigger after
metric data is collected and thresholds are breached”not an immediate post-discovery action.
Resource discovery (C): Discovery happens before this stage, as the question assumes resources are
already discovered. Agents dont rediscover resources post-setup.
Notifications (D): Notifications require separate configuration (e.g., via the Notifications service) and
are not an automatic outcome of agent setup and discovery.
This aligns with Stack Monitorings purpose of providing real-time visibility into resource performance.
Reference: Stack Monitoring Overview, Management Agent

What are the two items required to create a rule for the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) Events Service? (Choose two.)

A. Management Agent Cloud Service
B. Actions
C. Rule Conditions
D. Install Key
E. Service Connector

Answer: B, C

To create a rule in the OCI Events Service, you need to define what triggers the rule and what
happens when its triggered. The two required components are:
Actions (B): These specify the tasks to perform when an event matches the rule (e.g., invoking a
function, sending a notification, or streaming to a service). Without an action, the rule has no effect.
Rule Conditions (C): These define the criteria for matching events (e.g., event type like
com.oraclecloud.computeapi.launchinstance.end or resource attributes). Conditions filter which
events trigger the rule.
Why not A, D, or E?
Management Agent Cloud Service (A): This is unrelated to Events Service rules; its for monitoring resources.
Install Key (D): This is used for agent installation, not event rules.
Service Connector (E): While it can work with Events Service, its a separate service and not a
required component of an event rule itself.
These two elements form the core of an OCI Events Service rule, enabling event-driven automation.
Reference: OCI Events Service Rules

Choose two FluentD scenarios that apply when using continuous log collection with client-side processing. (Choose two.)

A. Managing apps/services which push logs to Object Storage
B. Comprehensive monitoring for OKE/Kubernetes
C. Monitoring systems that are not currently supported by Management Agent
D. Log Source

Answer: A, B

FluentD is an open-source data collector used for continuous log collection with client-side
processing in OCI Logging. Two applicable scenarios are:
Managing apps/services which push logs to Object Storage (A): FluentD can be configured to collect
logs from applications or services (e.g., Oracle Functions) that write logs to Object Storage buckets. It
processes these logs client-side and forwards them to OCI Logging or Logging Analytics.
Comprehensive monitoring for OKE/Kubernetes (B): FluentD is widely used in Kubernetes
environments like Oracle Container Engine for Kubernetes (OKE) to collect logs from pods,
containers, and nodes. It processes these logs locally before sending them to OCI services for analysis.
Why not C or D?
Monitoring unsupported systems (C): While possible, this is not a primary FluentD scenario in OCI”
its more about extending Management Agent capabilities.
Log Source (D): This is a component of Logging Analytics, not a FluentD scenario.
FluentDs flexibility makes it ideal for these use cases in OCIs observability ecosystem.
Reference: FluentD with OCI Logging, OKE Logging


Which of the following is not a key interaction element in the Log Explorer UI of Logging Analytics?

A. Fields Panel
B. Time Picker
C. Scope Filter
D. Dashboard

Answer: D

The Log Explorer UI in OCI Logging Analytics includes four key interaction elements: Fields Panel,
Time Picker, Scope Filter, and Results Panel. These allow users to search, filter, and analyze logs
Dashboard (D): This is not part of the Log Explorer UI. Dashboards are separate visualizations in
Logging Analytics for summarizing data, not an interactive element of the Log Explorer.
Why A, B, and C are key elements:
Fields Panel (A): Displays log fields for filtering and analysis.
Time Picker (B): Sets the time range for log queries.
Scope Filter (C): Defines the scope (e.g., compartments, log groups) of the log search.
Reference: Log Explorer UI

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Certainly, here's a rewritten version of your text:

Packiam Vijendran 1 months ago - Malaysia
Passed the exam yesterday, 95% of the question were from this site. Note: Pay more attention to all the community discussions on each question, instead of the answers provided by the examtopics and I strongly suggest to get the contributor access.
upvoted 4 times

Javier Cardaba Enjuto 2 months, 1 week ago - Spain
Excellent pre-exam session tool
upvoted 2 times

Palanisamy Arulmohan 1 months, 1 week ago - USA

I passed today, 94 questions asked and 99% of them were in this dump.
3 labs: BGP (as-override), HSRP, OSPF (without network statement)
upvoted 4 times

peppinauz 3 months, 2 weeks ago
I pass my exam, dump is valid about 90-95%. review the community answers!!
upvoted 6 times

Oberoi Ankit3 months, 3 weeks ago - USA Texas
Passed exam today dump still accurate. almost all the questions are here, some are overcomplicated or incomplete on the site,
upvoted 4 times

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