Exam: 1Z0-1125-2

Oracle 1Z0-1125-2 Exam
Vendor Oracle
Certification Oracle Foundation Certifications
Exam Code 1Z0-1125-2
Exam Title Oracle SCM Business Process Foundations Associate Rel 2 Exam
No. of Questions 52
Last Updated Mar 04, 2025
Product Type Q&A PDF / Desktop & Andorid VCE Simulator / Online Testing Engine
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  • 1Z0-023

    Architecture and Administration

  • 1Z0-024

    Performance Tuning

  • 1Z0-025

    Backup and Recovery

  • 1Z0-026

    Network Administration

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    Oracle9i Forms Developer: Build Internet Applications

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Oracle SCM Business Process Foundations Associate | Build confidence and work towards success

Mock Exam: 1Z0-1125-2 Oracle SCM Business Process Foundations Associate Rel 2

The Oracle SCM Business Process Foundations Associate exam will validate your understanding of all major aspects of the Oracle SCM Cloud and the business processes that are associated with it. You will be tested on the five key financial business processes lifecycles

Supply Chain Planning Life Cycle
Procurement Life Cycle
Manufacturing Life Cycle
Inventory Management Life Cycle
Order Management Life Cycle

The certification validates a candidate’s ability to effectively exhibit their knowledge and proficiency in key supply chain best practices in areas such as supply chain planning, manufacturing, inventory management, and order management as well as their understanding of supply chain process flows.

This is a mock exam bundle of 3 mock exams and have the similar approach in line with actual exam

Question type : Multiple choice or Multi select.

Number of Questions: 40 questions (Total 120 question - 3 mock exams).

Duration : 90 minutes.
Passing score : 60%.
The topic of the test will be on the following:

The Demand to Management Lifecycle
Demand for Management Lifecycle
Initiate Generate Forecasts
Administer Review Product Mix
Process Plan Demand
Shape Planning Outcomes
Initiate Management Approval

The Demand Forecast to Supply Plan Lifecycle

The Demand Forecast to Supply Plan Lifecycle
Initiate Plan Supply
Identify & Address Supply Issues
Define Align Financial Goals
Initiate Release Orders
Demonstrate Monitor Plan Performance

The Production Order to Cost Update the Lifecycle
The Production Order to Cost Update the Lifecycle
Manage Manufacturing Master Data
Manage Work Orders
Process Issue Material
Administer Perform Work Operations
Complete Work Order
Administer Record Material Consumption
Initiate Update & Analyze Cost

Tthe Contract Manufacturing Request to Delivery Lifecycle
The Contract Manufacturing Request to Delivery Lifecycle
Process Contract Manufacturing Production Request
Process Issue Material (optional)
Complete Production
Initiate Deliver Finished Goods

The Manage Inventory to Replenishment Lifecycle
The Manage Inventory to Replenishment Lifecycle
Review Inventory Balances
Review Usage Data
Establish Replenishment Policies
Identify Replenishment Sources
Initiate and Execute Inventory Plans
Manage Inventory Transactions
ABC Classification
Administer Create & Perform Cycle Counting
Administer Perform Physical Inventory

The Material Request to Delivery Lifecycle
The Material Request to Delivery Lifecycle
Manage Material Requests
Process Material Requests
Initiate Ship Material
Demonstrate Generate Trading Documents
Manage Record Delivery
The Quote to Order Lifecycle
Present, Negotiate, and Monitor Quote Status
Initiate Approve Pricing
Confirm Order

The Multichannel Order to Promise Lifecycle
The Multichannel Order to Promise Lifecycle
Integrate Order Channels
Initiate Validate Orders
Configure Products & Services
Administer Price Orders
Manage Screen for Compliance
Calculate Availability
Initiate Approve Sales Order

The Fulfillment Orchestration to Invoice Lifecycle
The Fulfillment Orchestration to Invoice Lifecycle
Schedule Orders
Orchestrate Fulfillment & Monitor Performance
Manage Shipments
Administer Generate Invoices

The Order to Dropship Lifecycle
The Order to Dropship Lifecycle
Multichannel Order Capture
Initiate Schedule Orders
Manage to Notify Suppliers
Monitor Performance/ Insight-Driven Exception Handling
Initiate Record Shipments

The Customer Invoice to Receipt Lifecycle
The Customer Invoice to Receipt Lifecycle
Create and Manage Transactions
Send Invoices & Address Billing Issues
Process Receipts ( Customer Payments)
Manage Adjustments
Post Receivables Activity
Schedule Receivables Close

Note : This a mock test package, it does not contain any video course topic

Best Wishes for you certifications!!

Who this course is for:
SCM consultant preparation for Oracle SCM Business process Foundation certification
Oracle SCM Functional consultants
Oracle ERP implmentation consultants
IT Analysts in Oracle cloud SCM

Acquiring the 1Z0-1125-2 certification can open up new doors for your professional growth and career advancement. By preparing for this exam with Certkingdom's training resources, you can feel confident in your ability to pass the exam and attain this coveted credential. Their hands-on tasks and real-world scenarios help you develop the practical skills and knowledge necessary to succeed on the exam. With flexible online resources and events, you can learn at your own pace and on your own schedule. And with the constantly updated study materials, you can stay current with the latest technology standards. By using Certkingdom's 1Z0-1125-2 Brain Dumps exam training materials, you can be sure that you're receiving the best education and preparation for the exam. Get ready to take your skills and expertise to the next level with Certkingdom's 1Z0-1125-2 exam resources.

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What are the two Job Roles required to define the Manufacturing Master Data?

A. Manufacturing Engineer?
B. Production Operator
C. Production Supervisor
D. Cost Accountant

Answer: A, C

According to the Oracle SCM Business Process Certified Foundations Associate Rel 2 document1, the Manufacturing Engineer and Production Supervisor are the two job roles required to define the
Manufacturing Master Data. The Manufacturing Engineer is responsible for creating and maintaining the manufacturing master data, such as items, bills of materials, routings, and work definitions. The
Production Supervisor is responsible for creating and maintaining the production resources, such as work areas, work centers, and resources.

In sales and operations planning, a planner compares the operating plan with the business plan and financial budgets and performs the action using four infotiles from the seeded financial review summary Which four infotiles should the planner be using?

A. Revenue & Gross Margin Percentage
B. Cost Comparison
C. Inventory Turn
D. Plan Versus Forecast
E. Unmet Revenue

Answer: A, B, D, E

According to the Business Process Training and Certification - Oracle University document2, in sales and operations planning, a planner compares the operating plan with the business plan and financial
budgets and performs the action using four infotiles from the seeded financial review summary. The four infotiles are Revenue & Gross Margin Percentage, Cost Comparison, Plan Versus Forecast, and Unmet Revenue. These infotiles show the key financial metrics and indicators that help the planner evaluate the performance of the operating plan against the business plan and financial budgets.

What will you use to see item attributes and organization attributes?

A. Levels and Attributes
B. Measure catalogs
C. Segment group
D. Dimension catalogs

Answer: A

According to the Mock Exams: Oracle SCM Business Process Foundation Associate document3, levels and attributes are used to see item attributes and organization attributes. Levels and attributes are
part of the dimension catalogs that define how data is organized and aggregated in Oracle SCM Cloud. Item attributes are characteristics of items that describe them, such as item name,
description, category, cost, price, etc. Organization attributes are characteristics of organizations that describe them, such as organization name, type, location, currency, etc.

Which supply type enables a Production Supervisor to manually issue material to a work order?

A. Assembly Pull
B. Push
C. Bulk
D. Operation Pull

Answer: B

According to the Oracle SCM Business Process Certified Foundations Associate Rel 2 document1, push is the supply type that enables a Production Supervisor to manually issue material to a work
order. Push supply type means that material is issued to a work order before it is consumed by an operation. The Production Supervisor can use the Issue Material page or a mobile device to issue
material to a work order.

What is the difference between input and output costs treated as?

A. Variance Cost
B. Actual Cost
C. Scrap Cost
D. Transfer Cost

Answer: A

According to the Business Process Training and Certification - Oracle University document2, variance cost is the difference between input and output costs treated as. Variance cost is calculated by
subtracting the output cost from the input cost for each work order operation. Variance cost reflects the efficiency or inefficiency of the production process. It can be positive or negative depending on whether the input cost is higher or lower than the output cost.

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$50 - $25 (you save $25)
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This is what our customers are saying about CertKingdom.com.
These are real testimonials.

I always enjoy Scott Duffy training videos. I like how this followed the skills outline from Oracle.

It was a great course which helped me to clear 1Z0-1125-2, I had previous experience in QnA Maker and Bot services but other major areas are very well covered by Scott. In the practice test I scored 70% in the first attempt.. but it gave proper understanding and logic building thrust.

This course is a great walkthrough Oracle Foundation Certificationss, but definitely not prep material for 1Z0-1125-2 exam.

Scott: cleard my exam in one week
Despite being recently updated this course feels out of date, for example there are 31 minutes of videos on QnA maker, but this service does not appear on the current study guide and its not clear from the course content how this differs from its replacement (Oracle Foundation Certifications for Language).

Furthermore, 10 minutes of videos on knowledge mining feels low for an area that makes up 15-20% of the exam

I have cleared exam today with 900!, these mock tests were very helpful to me and highly recommended. Thank you

Successfully cleared 1Z0-1125-2 exam today with 960 marks. All the questions similar and came from this Mock tests. Thanks a lot certkingdom.

Hillary - CANADA

Oct 26, 2022
Rating: 4.3 / 5.0

I studied and pass my exams using cerkingdom material carefully and took every question seriously. At last, I passed the exam with high score. Prepare well and study much more.

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