Exam: 1Z0-1162-1

Oracle 1Z0-1162-1 Exam
Vendor Oracle
Certification Oracle Cloud Solutions
Exam Code 1Z0-1162-1
Exam Title Oracle Fusion Cloud Applications HCM Foundations Associate - Rel 1 Exam
No. of Questions 25
Last Updated Mar 05, 2025
Product Type Q&A PDF / Desktop & Android VCE Simulator / Online Testing Engine
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Format: Multiple Choice
Duration: 60 Minutes
Exam Price: Free
Number of Questions: 25
Passing Score: 65%
Validation: Not Applicable

Prepare to pass exam: 1Z0-1162-1
The Oracle Fusion Cloud Applications HCM Foundations Associate certification exam is designed for individuals who are new to Oracle Fusion Cloud Applications or experienced implementation professionals looking to build their skills on Oracle Modern Best Practice (OMBP). This credential certifies the candidate understands how data and process flows integrate within and across the various business process modules of Oracle Fusion Cloud applications, as well as key metrics associated with the HCM OMBPs. Individuals who earn this certification also recognize the capability of Oracle Cloud Success Navigator and Oracle Cloud Quality Standards in optimizing cloud transformation.

Take recommended training
Complete one of the courses below to prepare for your exam (optional):

Become an Oracle Fusion Cloud Applications HCM Foundations Associate

Additional Preparation and Information
A combination of Oracle training and hands-on experience (attained via labs and/or field experience), in the learning subscription, provides the best preparation for passing the exam.

Review exam topics

Oracle Cloud Applications and Oracle Modern Best Practice (OMBP)
Explain the offerings and capabilities in Oracle Cloud Applications
Outline the key features of the Oracle HCM suite
Explain data flow and the integrations points in the HCM OMBPs

OMBPs for Talent Acquisition and Talent Management
Explain the business process flow from recruit to onboard in Talent Management
Describe the key design considerations and takeaways of the recruit to onboard OMBPs
Explain the key metrics to identify team skills and candidates in the recruit to onboard OMBPs

OMBPs for HR and Payroll
Explain the business process flow for workforce strategies within HR and Payroll
Describe the key design considerations and takeaways of the HR and Payroll OMBPs
Explain the key metrics to measure workforce trends in the HR and Payroll OMBPs

OMBPs for Workforce Management and Rewards
Explain the business process flow within Workforce Management
Describe the key design considerations and takeaways of the Workforce Management OMBPs
Explain the key metrics to maintain compliance in the Workforce Management OMBPs

Oracle Cloud Success Navigator and Oracle Cloud Quality Standards
Explain the importance of Cloud Success Navigator and Cloud Quality Standards for cloud optimization

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Which metric helps understand the correlation between data points and is useful in mitigating the risk of resentment and burnout?

A. Absence and Time - Weekly Trend that monitors short-term absence and time-off patterns.
B. Monthly Overtime Hours that indicates potential overwork.
C. Weekly Absences and Overtime Trend that compares weekly absence and overtime patterns.
D. Total Sickness and Vacation Trend that provides a holistic view of sick and vacation leave.

Answer: C

Comprehensive and Detailed

The Weekly Absences and Overtime Trend metric provides a comparative view of both absence
patterns and overtime trends on a weekly basis. This helps organizations identify potential burnout
risks by analyzing the correlation between excessive overtime and increased absenteeism.
Mitigating Burnout: Employees who frequently work overtime without adequate rest may
experience stress, fatigue, and reduced productivity. Tracking weekly trends helps HR teams take
proactive measures, such as workload redistribution and wellness initiatives.
Resentment Prevention: If some employees are consistently required to work overtime while others
are frequently absent, it can lead to resentment in the workplace. This metric ensures fair workload distribution.
Data-Driven Decision Making: Managers can analyze trends and take corrective actions, such as
implementing flexible work policies or ensuring fair shift distribution.
Reference: Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM - Absence Management and Workforce Trends Analytics Guide.

What is the key benefit of embedding OMBPs in a Starter Configuration?

A. Provides a platform for customers to access third-party Oracle Fusion Applications configurations.
B. Provides a fully customized setup of Oracle Fusion Applications implementations.
C. Provides a standard configuration that supports solution-led implementation of Oracle Fusion Applications.

Answer: C

Comprehensive and Detailed

Oracle Objective Measurement and Benchmarking Practices (OMBPs) in Starter Configuration serve
as predefined, industry-standard configurations. These configurations enable organizations to
streamline the setup process and adopt best practices without needing extensive customization.
Accelerated Implementation: By leveraging predefined configurations, organizations can reduce the
time required for deployment and minimize setup errors.
Solution-Led Approach: Provides organizations with a ready-to-use framework that aligns with best
practices in enterprise resource planning (ERP) and human capital management (HCM).
Scalability and Flexibility: While the starter configuration provides a foundation, organizations can
still customize settings to meet specific business needs.
Reference: Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Implementation Guide - Starter Configurations and Embedded OMBPs.

Which metric associated with the Workforce Plan to Budget OMBP is utilized in talent and financial planning?

A. Position Actual to Budget, for analyzing position cost variances, helping organizations identify how resources are allocated.
B. Time to Fill, for evaluating the efficiency of the Recruitment process, measuring the time it takes to fill open positions.
C. Benefits Cost per Employee, for assessing the efficiency of employee benefits programs and its impact on overall compensation costs.

Answer: A

Comprehensive and Detailed
The Position Actual to Budget metric is essential in both talent management and financial planning
as it helps HR and finance teams analyze cost variances between budgeted and actual workforce expenses.
Cost Control & Resource Allocation: Organizations can use this metric to track workforce
expenditures and compare them with planned budgets, helping in financial decision-making.
Workforce Planning: Helps identify where budget constraints impact hiring or if additional resources need to be allocated.
Strategic Adjustments: If significant variances are detected, organizations can reevaluate hiring
strategies, adjust budgets, or optimize workforce distribution.
Reference: Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM - Workforce Planning and Budgeting Guide.

Which two metrics effectively evaluate the Benefits to Coverage OMBP in Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM?

A. Time to Process Claims, tracks the duration taken to process and approve benefits claims.
B. Deduction Accuracy Rate, assesses the precision of payroll deductions for benefits, ensuring correct calculations.
C. Provider Network Size, analyzes the variety of benefits providers available to employees.
D. Benefits Enrollment Ratio, measures the proportion of eligible employees enrolling in benefits plans.

Answer: A, B

Comprehensive and Detailed

The Benefits to Coverage Objective Measurement and Benchmarking Practice (OMBPs) in Oracle
Fusion Cloud HCM help organizations assess the efficiency and effectiveness of their benefits
administration processes. The two most crucial metrics are:
Time to Process Claims: Measures the average time taken for processing benefits claims. A shorter
processing time indicates an efficient benefits system that ensures employee satisfaction.
Deduction Accuracy Rate: Evaluates payroll deductions' precision for employee benefits. Inaccuracies
can lead to compliance issues, employee dissatisfaction, and payroll errors.
Reference: Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM - Benefits Administration and Payroll Integration Guide.

How does payroll integration within the Absence Tracking to Compliant Absence Management OMBP help ensure compliance with labor regulations?

A. Managers can define rules for leave accrual and carry-over, tailored to specific employee groups.
B. Regulatory reporting generates reports on leave usage and compliance, helping organizations meet legal reporting requirements.
C. System calculates and updates leave balances based on attendance, reducing manual errors.
D. Absence records are automatically updated in the payroll system, ensuring accurate leave calculations for compensation.

Answer: D

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Certainly, here's a rewritten version of your text:

Packiam Vijendran 1 months ago - Malaysia
Passed the exam yesterday, 95% of the question were from this site. Note: Pay more attention to all the community discussions on each question, instead of the answers provided by the examtopics and I strongly suggest to get the contributor access.
upvoted 4 times

Javier Cardaba Enjuto 2 months, 1 week ago - Spain
Excellent pre-exam session tool
upvoted 2 times

Palanisamy Arulmohan 1 months, 1 week ago - USA

I passed today, 94 questions asked and 99% of them were in this dump.
3 labs: BGP (as-override), HSRP, OSPF (without network statement)
upvoted 4 times

peppinauz 3 months, 2 weeks ago
I pass my exam, dump is valid about 90-95%. review the community answers!!
upvoted 6 times

Oberoi Ankit3 months, 3 weeks ago - USA Texas
Passed exam today dump still accurate. almost all the questions are here, some are overcomplicated or incomplete on the site,
upvoted 4 times

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