Exam: 1Z0-931-23

Oracle 1Z0-931-23 Exam
Vendor Oracle
Certification Oracle Cloud Solutions
Exam Code 1Z0-931-23
Exam Title Oracle Autonomous Database Cloud 2023 Professional Exam
No. of Questions 181
Last Updated Mar 03, 2025
Product Type Q&A PDF / Desktop & Andorid VCE Simulator / Online Testing Engine
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  • 1Z0-001

    Introduction to Oracle: SQL and PL/SQL

  • 1Z0-007

    Introduction to Oracle9i: SQL

  • 1Z0-020

    Oracle8i: New Features for Administrators

  • 1Z0-023

    Architecture and Administration

  • 1Z0-024

    Performance Tuning

  • 1Z0-025

    Backup and Recovery

  • 1Z0-026

    Network Administration

  • 1Z0-031

    Oracle9i:Database Fundamentals I

  • 1Z0-032

    Oracle9i:Database Fundamentals II

  • 1Z0-036

    Managing Oracle 9i on Linux

  • 1Z0-048

    Oracle Database 10g R2: Administering RAC

  • 1Z0-050

    Oracle Database 11g: New Features for Administrators

  • 1Z0-101

    Develop PL/SQL Program Units

  • 1Z0-131

    Oracle9i, Build Internet Applications I

  • 1Z0-132

    Oracle9i, Build Internet Applications II

  • 1Z0-140

    Oracle9i Forms Developer: New Features

  • 1Z0-141

    Oracle9i Forms Developer: Build Internet Applications

  • 1Z0-147

    Oracle 9i: Program with PL/SQL

  • 1Z0-200

    Oracle 11i E-Business Essentials

  • 1Z0-211

    Oracle 11i General Ledger

  • 1Z0-212

    Oracle Payables 11i Fudamentals

  • 1Z0-213

    Oracle Receivables 11i Fundamentals

  • 1Z0-221

    Oracle 11i Inventory Management Fundamentals

  • 1Z0-222

    Oracle Purchasing 11i Fundamentals

  • 1Z0-223

    Oracle Order Management 11i Fundamentals

  • 1Z0-232

    Oracle 11i Systems Administrator

  • 1Z0-233

    11i Install Patch and Maintain Oracle Applications

  • 1Z0-301

    Oracle9iAS: Basic Administrations

  • 1Z0-311

    Oracle Application Server 10g: Administration I

  • 1z0-207

    Oracle Communications Billing and Revenue Management: Pricing


Format: Multiple Choice
Duration: 90 Minutes
Exam Price: $
Number of Questions: 60
Passing Score: 65%
Validation: This exam has been validated against Oracle Cloud Infrastructure 2023
Policy: Cloud Recertification

Earn associated certifications
Passing this exam is required to earn these certifications. Select each certification title below to view full requirements.
Oracle Autonomous Database Cloud 2023 Certified Professional

Prepare to pass exam: 1Z0-931-23

An Oracle Autonomous Database 2023 Certified Professional has demonstrated the knowledge required to provision, manage, monitor, and migrate workloads to Autonomous Database, both on shared and dedicated Exadata infrastructure.

Individuals who earn this certification understand and successfully use the features, workflows, and architecture of an Autonomous Database. In addition, they are capable of using Autonomous Database tools to develop an Autonomous Database.

Up-to-date training and hands-on experience or practice in Autonomous Database is highly recommended.

This certification is available to all candidates, including on-premise DBAs, Cloud data management professionals, and consultants.

Take recommended training
Complete one of the courses below to prepare for your exam (optional):

Become an Oracle Autonomous Database Cloud Professional (2023)

Additional Preparation and Information

A combination of Oracle training and hands-on experience (attained via labs and/or field experience), in the learning subscription, provides the best preparation for passing the exam.

Review exam topics

Autonomous Database Technical Overview
Describe Autonomous Database architecture, integrations, and license types
Articulate the key features of Autonomous Database
Understand the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure
Describe the Different Autonomous Database offerings

Autonomous Database (ADB) Shared
Create Autonomous Database Shared Instances - provisioning, scaling OCPU and storage, start, stop, and cloning and moving refreshable clones
Manage users
Monitor Autonomous Database Shared instances - events and alarms
Manage Autonomous Database Shared Backups and Restores

Autonomous Database Dedicated & Autonomous Database Cloud @ Customer
Describe ADB Dedicated and ADB Cloud@Customer resources, workflows, and functionality
Provision Dedicated ADB (ADB, Exadata, Container DB, VM Cluster for Cloud @ Customer)
Monitor Dedicated Infrastructure
Manage maintenance scheduling (patching)
Manage encryption keys

Managing and Maintaining Autonomous Database
Manage Autonomous Database instances: REST APIs, OCI CLI, moving resources
Use Access Control Llist (ACL) and Private End Points
Monitor ADB performance and set up service notifications
Monitor ADB auto-scaling
Use services in ADB: auto-indexing, data safe, compartment quotas
Use ADB connectivity: Wallets, service handles
Use Marketplace Developer image to connect to ADB, use ADW with third-party tools
Configure Disaster Recovery (Data Guard) - both Shared and Dedicated

Autonomous Database Tools
Describe Autonomous Database Tools
Use Autonomous Database with Oracle Machine Learning, APEX, and SQL Developer Web (Database actions)
Use Data Load and Data Transforms
Create Business Models
Apply Data Insights
Explore Catalog

Developing an Autonomous Database
Use Autonomous JSON Database
Use Oracle Text
Use Oracle Spatial
Use Graph Studio
Integrate Object Storage data

Migrating to Autonomous Database
Describe the options and considerations for migrating to Autonomous Database
Migrate to Autonomous Database using Data Pump

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You are the admin user of an Autonomous Database (ADB) instance. A new business analyst has
joined the team and would like to explore ADB tables using SQL Developer Web.
What steps do you need to take?

A. Create a database user (with connect, resource, object privileges), enable the schema to use SQL Developer and provide the user with the user-specific modified URL.
B. Create a database user with the default privileges.
C. Create a database user with connect, resource, and object privileges.
D. Create an IDCS user. Create a database user with connect, resource, and object privileges.

Answer: A

What is the correct way to list all files in the default data pump directory?

A. By executing select * from DBMS_CLOUD.LIST_FILES('DATA_PUMP_DIR');
B. You cannot list files in the default data pump directory from Autonomous Data Warehouse (ADW).
C. Log onto ADW server and issue is -al on the command line.
D. By executing select * from utl_file . list ( "?DATA_PUMP_DIR ' ) ;

Answer: A

To list all files in the default data pump directory, you can use the DBMS_CLOUD.LIST_FILES
procedure with the directory name as the parameter. See Listing Files in a Directory for more details.

What REST verb is used to create an Autonomous Database service using REST APIs?

A. An "INSERT" REST call
B. A "GET" REST call
C. A "POST" REST call
D. A "PUT" REST call

Answer: C

To create an Autonomous Database service using REST APIs, you need to use a POST method with the
appropriate request body. See Create Autonomous Database for more details.

When using Data Pump to migrate your Oracle database to Autonomous Database, which two objects are imported?

A. Data
B. Schemas
C. Tablespaces
D. Reports

Answer: AB

When using Data Pump to migrate your Oracle database to Autonomous Database, you can import
data and schemas from Data Pump files. You cannot import tablespaces or reports. See Export Your
Existing Oracle Database to Import into Autonomous Database for more details.

What are two differentiators of Oracle Autonomous Database Dedicated Infrastructure?

A. Users have OS access to the database machine.
B. Users can customize the maintenance schedule.
C. It offers greater control and isolation starting at the Exadata cloud infrastructure level.
D. Users have SYS privileges in the database.
E. Users can customize the OS stack and add additional packages

Answer: BC


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